Beth Unkraut

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Beth Unkraut

Mom, wife, and Illinois alumna. Hand-spanked, corn-fed gal whose competence makes up for her personality.
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Honestly, if you really love Trump, you'd just cut off your whole ear. But, I guess if you're going to be a pussy about it.
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I’m going to be 49 next week, and in my lifetime I’ve killed 3 spider plants. So don’t let anyone tell you something is impossible.
Simone Biles. What an athlete.
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If you’re mad about the Supreme Court rulings today (and you really, really should be) remember that there’s a 100% chance Alito and Thomas will retire in the next four years if Trump wins, and they will be replaced by conservatives several decades younger.
Me: being alive is reason enough to celebrate Also me: are you fucking serious?
This is the most first world of problems, but over the weekend building management cut down all the shrubbery and trees outside my office window. What a hard core bummer on a Monday.
At some point, you realize every day you’re alive is a celebration
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The Sandy Hook parents should get whatever punishment they want from Alex Jones, period. If one of my kids had been massacred in kindergarten and some braying jackass in the media not only called it all fake but made millions off doing so, I wouldn’t stop punching his face until they tased me
me: it’s weird there are so many stoners in high school now. the whole time I was in high school, I never even saw a beer, and no one did drugs my children: me: my children: mom, we don’t know how to tell you this, but they did, you were just a nerd and they didn’t tell you
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you've been hit by you've been struck by
The upside down flag profile pics have sure simplified the blocking process
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I would never, never be able to find this much grace in myself.
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Nope, sorry. You don't repost
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You KNOW you're Gen X if you: - drank from the hose - called your friend's house on a landline to talk about drinking from the hose - consumed liquids from a flexible tube in the yard - had a big-ass book of CDs with sounds of ppl drinking from the hose - played Hose Drinkin' on NES - are depressed
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FB just showed me this so now you have to see it, too. Also, please, please "boys," please pick the tree. We don't want to listen to your whiny bullshit. The tree doesn't either, but it's a tree, so....
A photo of you that could be an album cover
A photo of you that could be an album cover
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Honestly, letting private equity work its destructive magic on an NFL team might be the best way to show the country how malevolent it is
lmao it's over
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Marveling at the extent to which politics is, for many Americans, the art of completely ignoring what the candidates say and do while hypothesizing an ideal candidate who does not exist and then convincing themselves that the person they're imagining is Donald Trump.
One of my favorite things about a long relationship is the shorthand. “Where are you sitting?” “Behind the guy who announced at confirmation that his kids don’t love him”
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Anyway, good morning from this evergreen quote from a guy we teach the kids is a great American hero
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I probably should have better things to do.
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The best part about l'affaire de Noem is that there's gonna be weeks of Harkonnen looking dudes going on TV to explain that normal Americans love shooting their dogs and dumping them in a gravel pit, in fact it's the state sport of whatever Dakota she's from
Guess I’ve found my weird old lady hobby
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This is also the view the students had out the windows of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde.
A hell of a photo by Lily Kepner of the Austin American-Statesman