Nick Phillips

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Nick Phillips

Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
When the government talks about getting tough on gangs I think about the lives so many of them have led. When has the government been anything but tough on them? What actual fucking chance did they have. Shame on the government and all those who went before them
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Lessons I've learned from the LLM era (list to be expanded, probably): 1. Sufficiently advanced autocomplete is indistinguishable from an impossibly well-read toddler on peyote. 2. Almost any decision has the potential to be a life-or-death decision, if you're bad enough at it.
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Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
"I don't think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you might nudge the world a little or make a poem that children will speak for you when you are dead" Happy birthday to TOM STOPPARD, born Tomáš Straussler this day (July 3) in 1937
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Lol. Facts: Government forced to boost pharmac funding after sustained outcry from the public and appalling optics that they believed damaged their expensively wrought facade. They’re wrong, there is no facade we know they’re venal, self-serving incompetent economic managers and bad for NZ.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
I saw the pizza oven I was going to buy described as the Tesla of pizza ovens but I figured in that case it is supposed to catch fire
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
I know it's a controversial take, especially because so much effort went into stealing him, but if world events keep escalating I think we should return Timothee Chalamet to the Fae. They're obviously still super angry
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Kids (0 to 9 age) have not seen the same reduction in risk from hospitalisation due to covid as older age groups, because there are a constant supply of infants added to this cohort who are meeting covid for the first time with untrained immune systems.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Smells like corruption, should have an independent investigation into why a Minister is having off the books meetings with anyone. Especially the Minister parading himself around as the free pass to fast track approvals #nzpol
Shane Jones defends links to industry and diary Resources Minister Shane Jones says accusations that he may be too close to industry executives are minor details and political games.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
i think i speak for everyone around the world when i say FINALLY
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
This is true. Around 1300 BCE
TIL an ancient Egyptian pregnancy test was pissing in a sack of wheat and seeing if it sprouted and apparently 1) it’s about 70-85% accurate and 2) it tests for the exact same hormones that ClearBlue is testing for
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
I’ll just leave this here again. #nzpol New ferries “The two new ferries would have meant double the passenger and vehicle capacity and triple rail capacity, while reducing the carbon footprint by about 40 percent.”
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
The Cambridgeshire branch of the Ever Given Reenactment Society is at it again.
Cargo ship has grounded in the River Nene,
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Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Dearest NZ Labour. Please for the love of queer Winnie the Pooh do not take a centrist line. You lost the last election because your centrist bullshit broke your MPs. There were own goals, but effectively you lost the public’s trust. Fight for workers and start drafting an omnibus repeal bill!
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
a ruthless predator, alligators will sometimes use jazz hands to lure musical theatre people to their deaths
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
I dunno but a govt that spent 100 days cancelling the previous govt’s legislation & initiatives, and is pushing through a bill that will allow fast track private enterprise projects with little public scrutiny has got a nerve being “incredibly disappointed” with anyone else’s “asset management”.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Over 22 years of a career in social media T&S I have seen every single possible attempted abuse of a "parental authority" doctrine possible, even without it being enshrined into law. Some highlights, or should that be lowlights:
For the supposed "party of business", National are fucking shit at understanding business, economics, investment etc etc.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Back in 2017, when Maggie Barry was the conservation minister, DOC launched its Threatened Species Strategy which listed 150 "priority threatened and at-risk species. They also published the code (in R, I think) that they used to determine the critters that made the list of 150 species 1/n
See thread...
Next up: "Women getting too uppity", says Minister for Women
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Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
no other comments are available at this time
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Just to be clear: The ACT Party’s decision to bully a university on social media for having a dedicated space on campus for Māori and Pacifica students, resulted in those students and staff receiving death threats.
Auckland Uni staff faced death threats after segregation Auckland University stands by its decision to support diversity on campus.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Agencies can consult Ministers before deciding an OIA request. But the responsibility remains with the agency. DOC let Ministers take control to delay release and frustrate public participation in Fast-track Bill consultation. It was unlawful.
Fast-track legislation: DOC's OIA refusal was unlawful - The Ombudsman found the Department of Conservation was both unlawful and unreasonable in its refusal to provide copies of its advice to ministers regarding the proposed Fast-track Approvals Bill.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
8/ Stafford Beer, in The Heart of Enterprise, tells a story about a British factory where all the shop foremen would have tea together every Tuesday and compare notes and decide how best to use shared resources. Management found out and barred them from having tea together and talking business.
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Reposted byAvatar Nick Phillips
Here's a stat to share with traffic engineers who claim there's no tradeoff btw vehicle speed and safety: In Wales, car insurance claims fell 20% following the introduction of 20 mph speed limits across urban areas.
Vehicle damage claims in Wales fall 20% since speed limit cut to 20mph, says Campaigners say lower speeds reduce casualties but scheme has since been amended to give people more choice to rescind limits