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Absurd / Purveyor of jokes / Voted most likely to be voted into a "most likely to be voted" list / Will brake for cheese / Nobody can outrun a grizzly bear. NOBODY. No, YOUR [sic] handle is invalid. Free Palestine.🌵🎨 🇵🇸
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
When a Jewish person suggests that it's a bad idea to compare Jewish people to vampires and lizards, that is not an invitation to brainstorm in their mentions about other ways in which you might indicate that you consider that person to be inhuman or subhuman.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
There's just no reason to compare a jew to any kind of animal or monster when he has given plenty of fodder for specific things he can be criticized for.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
Author of the post blocked me even though I was just doing a teachable moment and was being very polite to them so here's the post so we can all continue to learn.
Head's up, this is a really common refrain for Stephen Miller. Remember, comparing Jews to lizard people/reptiles is an antisemitic trope. (The idea that Jews are secretly inhuman lizard people secretly infiltrating humanity to take control.) There are lots of other ways we can criticize his evil.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
Stephen Miller is back in the news and folks love to compare him to vampires and lizards/lizard people and just a reminder those are both really insidious, long standing antisemitic tropes. That man is extremely evil there are lots of other ways we can criticize him without doing antisemitism.
Hey so just FYI, there's an antisemitic connection between Jews and vampires (that invokes blood libel - the idea that Jews drink the blood of babies) and even though Miller is a disgusting evil piece of shit it's best to refrain from saying a jew is a vampire.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
Head's up, this is a really common refrain for Stephen Miller. Remember, comparing Jews to lizard people/reptiles is an antisemitic trope. (The idea that Jews are secretly inhuman lizard people secretly infiltrating humanity to take control.) There are lots of other ways we can criticize his evil.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
"Great men are almost always bad men" is a phrase that goes through my head a LOT (along with an appropriately gender-neutral-ized version when applicable)
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.” -Lord Acton, 1887
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
What this article leaves out is that if you hand your unlocked phone to a police officer, they can legally search it. Unless companies develop a method that allows you to show officers insurance cards and driver license without unlocking the rest of your phone, don't. www.zdnet.com/article/digi...
This state is introducing digital driver's licenses. Here's what you need to knowwww.zdnet.com Your physical wallet is being replaced piece by piece. Here's what you need to know about using digital IDs.
I put my pants on, just like everybody else; one arm at a time.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
the episode had a bevy of spots which scream "WATCH US ON CINEMAX NEXT SUMMER!"
Got a mid-December 1984 Friday Night Videos ep with a TV spot for Dune in one of the commercial breaks.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
I normally don't argue or insult people who disagree with me online, but the way Americans always try to dogpile and gaslight me whenever I talk about American xenophobia is a HUGE problem and I don't know how many see it
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
Legitimately struggling to imagine calling the W. Bush administration, which passed the Homeland Security Act, formed the DHS, and *literally created ICE* “better on immigration” than *checks notes* just about anyone else.
I don't know, I'd probably just buy a Klondike bar. It seems weird you have to perform some strange ritual in order to receive a Klondike bar. Too many conditionals already.
Can't be any worse than my english teacher. She didn't teach me shit.
“English teachers say AI tools can help them grade papers faster, get students more feedback, and improve their learning experience. But guidelines are vague and adoption by teachers and districts is spotty.”
California Teachers are Using AI to Grade Papers. Who’s Grading the AI?www.the74million.org California schools are using more chatbots, and teachers are using them to grade papers and give students feedback.
I don't want to watch the video to give that guy any more views, but I'm genuninely curious if the houses this "influencer" built were all in the same neighborhood… If so, is there an hoa? is it -his-hoa? fuck yeah I question that guy's motives!
It's not my responsibility to convince my right-winged family to do anything. It's their own thoughts and ideologies that got them where they are. I'm not responsible for anyone, especially those who are incapable of self-reflection. I also do not seek their company.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
like what are you even doing, man? lying to children or people who were paying even less attention than you when we were all living under Bush isn’t actually cool, it doesn’t make you awesome to bullshit people about a past you lived through
people the same age as me, to kids, lying: yeah i was around for George W. Bush and let me tell you, he at least arguably didn’t have worse policies or attitudes toward LGBT people than Joe Biden does right now, nor was he worse than Biden on oil or war in the middle east
My biggest frustration is not being heard. Both by voice or being mentally ignored. it happens too often.
Marky Mark Chevrolet (He hates "marky mark", but I hate him so fuck Marky Mark)
Perfect. No notes
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
bill gates is one of my favorite examples. white billionaire uses the continent as a testing ground, creating charity projects to "help" Africans. then he sells what he learns and then uses that money to undermine policy that'd help native Africans long term
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
113F multiple days in a row. fun
111F is too hot.
I was told if I broke the 4th wall again, I'd have to pay for all 4 damaged walls… *Looks directly into the camera* 🤷‍♂️
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
i don’t think “it’s so easy to find the clit” jokes are funny. i recognize that in most cases the clit is findable without much effort, don’t get me wrong. i just know that that sort of shame around anatomical/sexual knowledge deficiencies prevents folks who may have genuine questions from asking.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
Do not listen to white people right now. Do not listen to white liberals right now. Listen to people of color right now. Whiteness is perdition. They have no answers.
Bluesky rn "Every liberal thinks they will be put in camps under fascism but all evidence suggests they’d be the ones running the camps" x.com/katewillett/...
my whole day is thrown off and i hate it
I feel like Apple intentionally blocks Raybans from working with Apple products for FaceID. Rayban has a deal with Meta for their smart-glasses, It's not a stretch to imagine an Apple-Rayban deal falling thru and Apple just baking their vengence into their products. I have no way of proving it.
Reposted byAvatar Darrel
I used to think that living on a farm commune would be pretty cool but I've not heard of a successful commune that does not devolve quickly into a cult. Unless you're in a commune for business, in which case, you're already deep in the cult, my friend.