Rob Honeycutt

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Rob Honeycutt

As long as Elon’s not here, I’m good.
Timbuk2 founder, climate advocate, patent holder, GA pilot, art lover, mushroom forager
Funny how the liberty of the woman is conveniently omitted.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Honeycutt
Worth noting the EPA's brief correctly uses "nitrogen oxide" 7 times, and the EPA submitted a declaration from an official who used it twice. But nobody involved in the majority opinion, Justices and clerks, bothered to take the EPA's brief seriously, and so none of them noticed the error.
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis!
I don’t think Gaetz or MTG have that many friends on the R side, either.
BLOCKED! (not really) 😁
And Elon wants to send a million people to this gloriously sucky place to live by 2050. Yay.
I thought the same thing about the sun.
Here’s a photo of Curiosity. Notice anything?
Hang on… This is a Parliamentary trick, isn’t it?
My fave… Tyrion/Jon Snow “being a bastard” scene.
Most of them are like TV financial analysts. They’re mostly just noise intended to excite or scare you. I think the people to listen to are the ones doing focus group work bc they’re actually talking to voters. And people like hating on Van Jones, but he gets out there and engages with voters.
It’s surprising the MAGA set hasn’t come up with a clever new salute for their dear leader.
You sure about that? A candidate pre-convention generally doesn’t have a running mate. Is an incumbent candidate’s funds encumbered in a manner different than other candidates? Not that this has come up before but seems odd.
I think I’m probably the problem. Lynne doesn’t like hearing my opinions, so I just went ahead a blocked her. Maybe that will solve the problem.
But that’s my point. From what I’ve heard black dems aren’t highly committed to Harris. In fact, the Biden/Harris ticket has softening support with both black and latino voters.
So, what would happen to all the campaign and superPAC money if a candidate passed away or pulled out of the race? Could that not be reallocated to another candidate?
I don’t think either of us is an expert on election law. The idea of an alternative candidate is still out there being discussed by people who are experts. That implies to me there are strategies for overcoming the barriers.
I’ve heard that said before, but I’m not sure I agree. However this plays out, everyone is going to have to put their egos away and work toward the best possible pathway to defeating Trump. If that’s Biden. Okay. If it’s Harris, fine. Someone else, great. It just needs to be the best possible path.
Wow. The New Yorker’s food writer and editor has elevated opinions on the election. Go figure.
That’s an interesting one, though. Apparently Harris doesn’t actually poll as well with Black voters as one might think. She’s got some baggage as a prosecutor.
Wait. Isn’t an upside down French flag just the other side of the flag?
I’ve always imagined that to be primarily based on a direct polling question, as in, “Are you likely to vote in the coming election?” But maybe qualified further based on whether they voted in previous elections.
What I’m suggesting is, there’s a substantial portion of Trump voters who are not fully committed to him this round. You can hear that in focus groups.
I don’t think that’s accurate. There’s about 30% of the electorate that’s fully committed to Trump no matter what. There are lots of “double haters” out there who have voted for Trump and/or Biden but are still unsure about this election.
There’s a “mute thread” option, but the person complaining has to do that for themselves.
I imagine they also ask about how the person voted in previous elections and such, and then weighting for those and other factors. But it’s such a weird subset on the population that the actual figures could be wildly different one way or another.