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@eephusasher and @urban_asher combined into one great taste. Hiding here as the world crumbles around us.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
anecdotally i can say the “republicans are fucking weirdos” message is resonating with offline normies
Someone tried to make me feel sympathy for Reese McGuire after Cal Quantrill said…what he said to him yesterday. And I mean, they weren’t wrong, but also it’s the hardest I’ve laughed all season.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
JD Vance looks like a SimCity 2000 advisor for the bureau of killing dogs
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Protest against the war and Netanyahu's visit to the US. Tel Aviv tonight
I would quite trade my car getting flipped over for my team winning the World Series any day of the week
In retrospect not casting Diesel as Ben Franklin in Adams was a real missed opportunity
Gonna come dressed as a staircase
Reposted byAvatar Asher
goddamn elon abandoned trump even faster than he ditched his kids
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Again this is about power. How power is used. The right uses power to punish. Midwest Dems use even the narrowest majority to enact wins. None of the Aaron Sorkin West Wing unity, good Republicans, punch left bullshit. Wield power to get results. It improves lives and makes people like you.
Tim Walz I owe you an apology, I wasn't really familiar with your game
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Cars ruin cities
what's the shortest sentence you can think of to piss off the most people with the least effort? I'll go first: writing is easy.
I consider myself pretty far left, but honestly the most insufferable part of the next four months is probably going to be lefties screaming at us about all the ways Harris is odious like we don’t already fucking know in minute detail.
Brb betting my mortgage on them shooting someone
Reposted byAvatar Asher
We may not be able to stop Congress from inviting mass murders to speak at the Capitol, but at least we can make it clear that they don't speak for all of us. My amazing spouse is somewhere in that crowd.
His puzzled “wtf are these guys talking about??” look really sells the message.
Obama’s presidency has aged really poorly, in no small part because of the progress Biden made on issues that are big with Dem constituencies that were just stalled in the Obama years.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
kids fuckin rule
I found out the local middle schoolers have a group chat so they can alert each other to cybertruck truck sightings -- in order to post mocking selfies and make fun of the truck in person.
In a vacuum I think Whitmer would be the strongest candidate, but we don’t live in that world. I urge them to try existing in this context.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
I heard there was a secret tree that you fell out of suddenly but you don't really care for context, do ya
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Prior to 10/7, Biden's single worst issue was border policy, cruel in a way that was out of sync with the party & did nothing to win over the right. After 10/7, Biden's personal commitment to a memory of Israel that was not the present reality has facilitated horror after horror. Stepping aside good
Not so eager to be unburdened by all that came before I guess
Reposted byAvatar Asher
do i watch gay porn? yeah it’s called the MLB
Reposted byAvatar Asher
You can’t hurt me, I survived waiting for dial up internet just to sext on MSN messenger.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
Wherever you are on Biden v. Harris v. Some Third Thing, it's extremely concerning that this is being litigated between rich donors and clueless pundits on the basis of extremely problematic polling data.
Yes. I’ve leaned Biden should go the last couple of weeks but it completely gives me the willies that normie Dems are the ones pushing it.
I love how enthusiastic Odo is about explaining this
Yeah. Like I basically think he should drop out, but the push coming hardest from the normie Dems gives me the willies.
Reposted byAvatar Asher
My son is also named Cranz Smelcer
And the best of the undrafted players: Rustan Rigdon Burke-Lee Mabeus Alex Christmas August Souza Bino Watters Bradke Lohry Brando Leroux Cael Frost Cal Elvis Colton Wombles Cortlan Castle Cranz Smelcer Cregg Scherer Cross Jumper Dax Dathe Duke Brotherton Easton Hawk England Bryan Hailama Swartman