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Reposted byAvatar Scott
i know this election is likely to be decided on the margins and 40,000 people across three states decided the last one but also try to imagine an entire nba arena filled with people who switched to trump because he got shot in the ear
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Reposted byAvatar Scott
have been confused for days by the take that getting shot in the ear leads directly to landslide victory, would have been even more confused if data suggested that it actually did
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
Reposted byAvatar Scott
... and that REALLY bugged me. Because what the *actual* answer needs to be is "there are trans strippers who are great parents, being a sex worker does not mean you are incapable of being around children." The second you concede that sex work is dirty or bad you have lost.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Here's a horror nerd one. Blair Witch is the most profitable indie film of all time netting 250 million worldwide and the actors were 1) financially screwed 2) STILL are fighting to have their images and real names not used by production companies looking to cash in on Blair Witch 25 years later.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Reposted byAvatar Scott
The Cloud is just someone else's computer and storage, and they don't really care about your data unless you pay them enough to. Don't put things up there without a local backup.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
this skeet from weeks ago is still going around, which I admit is gratifying, and it really is important to oppose porn bans because their proponents mean to use them to drive queer and trans people out of public life; but also because porn is legitimate expression which adults have a right to.
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I don't want to be mistaken for doing a "we shouldn't be anti-immigrant because immigrants Do Productive Jobs Here" type of thing, is all. These bans would be bad even if they weren't trojan horses, but also, they are.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
If anyone wants to share with alt text:
Pass it on with alt text
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
When people say "they should just make a decision!" they're referring to a "they" that doesn't exist. There's a power struggle happening. The way it ends is with one side winning and the other side losing, and that hasn't happened yet.
gosh, big corporations sure are eager to comply in advance with the fascist regime they believe will soon be installed. a cynical person might even suspect they were never sincere about all those social justice initiatives in the first place!
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Recent experience tells me people will be annoyed with me if I say something about a topic, or say nothing about a topic, or say an amount they find disagreeable, so I might as well keep my own counsel about what to say and when. If other people don't like it, that's fine, and also their problem.
"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
Reposted byAvatar Scott
anyway the "leftists" in my life over time have often hated women as much as the libertarians/far right, they're just quieter about it examine yourselves please
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Feeling like "is there any cogent theory of change here?" has become an increasingly valid test for a lot of grievances, cause célèbres, etc. I mean, it doesn't even have to be highly cogent in many cases
Reposted byAvatar Scott
idk i feel like expecting everyone to have an opinion on every horrible thing happening is how we get into a very big mess of people who cannot possibly have all the info saying wrong things very loudly and influencing more people to be loud and wrong
Reposted byAvatar Scott
im probably the strongest crab in this bucket
I also really don't think I need to know what Jonathan Chait has to say on the topic of "Democrats have lost their minds"
Reposted byAvatar Scott
it's easy to get desensitized to the level of antifeminist backlash we're currently living through but fuck's sake, it's disheartening how comfortable self-described liberal men have gotten not only using misogynist slurs but baselessly—yet approvingly!—imputing their use to prominent women
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Imagine the looks you’d get if you told someone in 2003 that Donald Trump would break up Tenacious D
Reposted byAvatar Scott
finally an answer to the eternal question "does a possum have Buddha-nature" [image is a possum sniffing at a small Buddha statuette which appears to be white ceramic accented with gold]
Reposted byAvatar Scott
The populist, working man ticket will be led by a Manhattan real estate mogul who owns a bunch of exclusive country clubs, and a Yale grad, ex-venture capitalist whose rise was funded by Bay Area billionaires.
not that he wished the shooter hadn't missed, but that his birthday wish was "next time, don't miss trump"
and I think there's a qualitative, if not necessarily vast, difference between "I wish he _had_ been killed" and "someone please kill him" that may explain the intensity of the reaction
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Both Wallace and Reagan assassination attempts were the shooter looking for infamy, not to make a political statement. Which is why it is super bad that this kid's photo is all over everywhere. It took the media two decades to learn not to make mass shooters famous, and one weekend to forget.
So I was preparing for student questions and I wondered why George Wallace was shot- and basically the guy didn’t really want to shoot Wallace, but it was too hard to get to Nixon so he just begrudgingly decided he was fated to shoot Wallace.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
1) I want this almost as much as I want oxygen 2) the Dems could have 76 senate seats and 350 in the house and this would still get kneecapped by the Roberts court
Something you may have missed yesterday - The Biden Administration is going to unveil a nationwide rent control proposal. It's going to be challenging to implement, and will require control of both chambers, but they're working on it.
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
The founder of Accuweather is one of the people pushing this and of course Trump folks are saying that Accuweather should take over NOAA functions. They're not even hiding the grift.
Reposted byAvatar Scott
Reposted byAvatar Scott