
Profile banner


A sleepy mongoose, a feathery firefly. Fannibal, Critter, MtG, D&D, comics. Bisexual, disabled. Rat keeper. Very slow gardener. Living with ME/CFS. I like to draw, crochet, and paint miniatures. Aspiring illustrator.
Just found out some excellent news- landlords must provide evidence of they want to make deductions from your deposit if you disagree (and raise a dispute). Essential evidence is a check in and check out inventory.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
A perfect illustration of the difference between justification and motivation. Saving money was how they justified the policy--how they persuaded voters to let them make this change. The real motivation was arguably to erode public institutions and bolster private ones. A much less palatable aim.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
It costs 0$ to Repost a Black disabled queer small business everyday! It could lead to my next sale. I sell pins, stickers, compression gloves, binders, hip braces, wrist braces, compression socks, skorts, hoodies & more! Store details below!
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
nonbinary day is over all the enbys back in the ground until next year great job
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Paddington solemnly leading Southgate into Heaven. Southgate protesting, I’m not dead though. Paddington keeps a firm grip on his hand. Southgate screaming, crying, pleading. Paddington does not relent
Anyone know why Trump's bandage is on his hair?
The real danger is not Trump, who is unlikely to last very long but this very tricky individual who appears to say anything in order to get into power and does not have the ability to stand up to his monied backers.
Trump’s running mate said UK could be ‘first Islamist country’ with nuclear JD Vance’s criticism of Labour came after David Lammy tried to build bridges with vice-presidential nominee
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Reposted byAvatar Bracken
The thing with getting away from a very stressful job for awhile is that it reminds you that none of it actually matters in the least, which is another reasons corporations in America are loathe to give us time off. You remember it's all made up and meaningless.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Good luck to [whoever England are playing against] Here's Refuge's helpline if your resident footy fan can't handle having a feeling
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
RIP to Dr Ruth. and no one can top the tribute to her currently up on Billy Idol’s insta story.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
If you come across it, and this sounds like a joke but isn’t, try to play Tetris within 30 minutes. Something about it works like EMDR and helps the brain process the traumatic input. There are versions for mobile, switch, computer- just about every platform.
Some pretty graphic images of the corpse of the shooter going around social media. Heads up. I've seen a lot of images of death and brutality over the years from following news on war zones but this still made me wince. It's not a pretty sight. Try to avoid it.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Wear a mask. Even if you just start popping one on at the store, on the metro, in meetings at work, at your job when someone else is in a mask. Any additional masking slows the spread and makes it more possible for people like me to be in public places. You don't have to be perfect, every bit helps.
New today: CDC now estimates that SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater have reached "high" levels nationwide, for first time since past winter wave At state level, 26 now have COVID-19 levels that are "high" or "very high" in wastewater
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Stop just putting binomial names and no actual tittyfuckin description in the alt text challenge. Fuckssayke people.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
it’s scary to go alone take this
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
"Dis what u look liek, hoomin" Squirrel of the Day for July 13, 2024 #sqrlpix
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Avatar does absolute wonders for your timeline if you’re not trying to be flooded with a bunch of convoluted screenshots without alt text.
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Reposted byAvatar Bracken
this is what unites trans liberation and disability justice
we know better than our doctors
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
10000% the real miss is all the art we're never going to get from women who were abused right out of their craft. so many of those women won't even create for themselves anymore.
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
Tepid Devolution
Must be a very weird time for teens to realise yes, actually, Labour can win an election and England men could actually win a major trophy. What’s going to be Starmer’s version of Cool Britannia?
Yesssssss the chaos we were promised comes to pass
Miliband has ordered an immediate North Sea oil ban.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Will never forget how many friends encouraged me to do more activity when I started crashing with severe fatigue (and what I hadn't realised at the time was PEM). I'm very fortunate that I'm stubborn and believe my body, because I could have really been harmed by good intentions
8/ “Cheering doesn't help [..] “During an activity, it's not possible for others to notice that someone has gone over their limit," he says. And when the crash comes, perhaps the next day, no one notices that the person is in bed & feeling terribly unwell” See more in image #MEcfs #CFS #LongCovid
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Everybody knows Cass got a peerage because her report fit exactly what the government wanted; had her report aligned with the medical consensus and indicated any respect for trans children it’s 100% certain she wouldn’t have received it. Quid pro quo.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
"Keep the far right at by by capitulating entirely and doing all the things they want to do". Yeah, cheers Tonty, great advice, now fuck off back into whatever deep sea thermal vent it is you've managed to escape from.
Got a jumpscare checking the news this morning.
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
Sir, this is a Marxist platform centrists are generously allowed to post on.
well, the marxists have arrived so that area's a little spicy in light of the election but otherwise it's still pretty smooth here
Somehow, SOMEHOW, I am surprised that I've been knackered for the past two days. Apparently I thought I'd get over staying up for the election in like, one night's sleep. Eternal optimist 🙄
Reposted byAvatar Bracken
This is the one Ben did that got me the most. I was in tears laughing.