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My take: Using Berger & Luckmann we can helpfully synthesize poli sci results on affect polarization + partisan media/internet/social-media.

(also, i tend to talk too much re folks like Voegelin & Ricoeur)
Thank you fellow Frenchs Fuck fascism!
I wrote this in 2017, shortly after Macron's 1st win. I said: Macron is so open about being hostile to Left, that it salvages a huge path for the broad left to be an alternative... if it manages to unite. Few things I've ever written have aged so well.
Subtle. Very subtle.
there are all sorts of incentives out there, all manner of systems of relevance. everyone contains multitudes.
Exactly this
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
good exercise.
I don't prefer the Left's court-packing proposals, not bc I take SCOTUS as sacred and fixed, but bc I don't think expansion would achieve its goals effectively, and it could death-spiral the judiciary (which I take as bad) I'd go much bigger and reorganize the federal courts, as in 1891 but more /1
The crypto billionaire who backed Dean Phillips is the best quote from a nervous donor they could find?!
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics"
The most likely way I currently see this playing out is that Biden says “fuck no” loudly and in public five or six more times, press realizes it ain’t gonna happen, other Ds realize it ain’t gonna happen, and he gets a modest bump for resisting a massive public pressure campaign
"kernels of extension" just floated up for me. love it. in math, a kernel of a function is the inverse image in the domain of the identity element in the range. eg, Duncan Bell's "sum of contexts" approach to a concept of 'liberalism' is a kind of kernel. Dahl's behavioral formalization is also one.
democracy: almost always used as both symbol, more or less opaque, and analytic concept, more or less formal & deliberate. deliberate concepts range from from ideal types to kernels of extension to categorization like 'illiberal' - all strictly nominal tools geared to a particular analysis.
democracy: almost always used as both symbol, more or less opaque, and analytic concept, more or less formal & deliberate. deliberate concepts range from from ideal types to kernels of extension to categorization like 'illiberal' - all strictly nominal tools geared to a particular analysis.
we had the n word stuff from the apprentice producer. now more cover up payments. i have a feeling we'll see more and more stuff creeping out. ofc, there has always been so much of this. the problem has been keeping it accumulated in a widely shared frame.
Hey! Historians of American higher ed.: got any use for a visiting graduate student's notes for classes in American history taught at Harvard in 1949-50? I'm going through my mother's papers; she took courses from Schlesinger, Morrison, Albion & others. Took detailed lecture notes. Of interest?
All the Joe Biden ads should be "folks, if you vote for me by this Thanksgiving you'll never have to think or hear about Donald Trump ever again" > 300 electoral votes
"seeks to form a group to ask"
barring Biden changing his mind this seems to me to end it. there is not a viable mechanism for getting Biden out if he doesn't want to go and he thinks he's functional.
A lot of this feels like it's a combination genuine anxiety & efforts to placate donors by pols who depend on those donors & expect to do so long after Biden is gone So I'm going to go ahead & blame Citizens United & the traitor John Roberts for this headache too.
Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
Bannon et al went after K-12 boards. I expected a full throated response from #HigherEd. Then libraries, disinformation journalists, climate #researchers, educators of color…. ➡️ loudly iterate the basic tenets of #academic freedom to undermine the mass propaganda #education #academia #science
Breaking News: President Biden insisted he was staying in the race in a forceful speech at a campaign event in Wisconsin, calling Donald Trump a liar and a threat to democracy. “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three-and-a-half years of work.”
Election Live Updates: In Wisconsin, a Defiant Biden Says ‘I’m Staying in the Race’ The brief speech kicked off a weekend that could be make-or-break for President Biden’s campaign, including a high-stakes ABC News interview that will air in prime time on Friday.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen and I am personally agnostic about it (and I’ll stop after this) but this is not a media creation. People in the Democratic Party are doing this. Successful or not, Democratic insiders are pursuing this.