Marcus - he/they/whatever

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Marcus - he/they/whatever

Music lover and union worker. Father. I love cooking, great food everywhere, and drink. Whatever you think you know about me is probably wrong.

Fascists and lefty poseurs who can't vote to stop fascism get blocked.
if you weren't already convinced that this episode is driven by pantswetters, fools, and opportunistic media cynics eager for spectacle, "biden should release his delegates and then try to win an open convention anyway" should put any doubts to bed
There are no shortage of Dems attacking Trump, but you never see them. everything you see is guided by media incentives and the narratives they produce, you have to change those, and that’s not changed by magic speechifying
like, I agree it would be fabulous if Biden were younger, more energetic, whatever. but you still wouldn’t see him up there rebutting Trump every day, because the media wouldn’t show it to you! just like Trump is deranged and low-energy but that’s never presented to you, either
whats happening here, as someone put it is one side is holding two 7s and bluffing and so the other side wants to fold their royal flush because they are led by people who genuinely enjoy losing
It's very strange to me because I just had a conversation yesterday with a close family member. R since 1960s, Fox News/Limbaugh daily type, and voted for T the last two times, and she was disgusted with T's convention speech and wants him to go away now. I am astonished.
Do not get this twisted. The goal of this entire “Biden needs to drop out” media campaign is to install a nominee who will run to Biden’s right. They don’t care about stopping Trump, they care about ensuring that even things like meager student loan and court reform get shut out of the conversation
Whatever can be said about the Biden administration - and there’s plenty bad to be said about it - I still trust a Biden campaign supported by Bernie and AOC more than I do a united spin campaign coming from Pelosi, the NYT, and JP Morgan
If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
Still true: 1) If enough Black folk in swing states re-check their registration and sign up for mail-in voting, then Biden can't lose. 2) Dem party has spent more time, money, effort, and attention, trying to get Harris out of the Whitehouse, than it has registering Black voters in swing states.🤡
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Two things are still true: 1) If enough Black people in swing states re-check their registration, and sign up for mail-in voting, early voting, or ballot drop off, then Biden can't lose. 2) The Dem ...
Since we're all wishing for crazy things, I wish that, if Biden steps down, he calls on every office holder over the age of 70 to step down with him.
I've covered politics and worked in the news media for 35 years. The last 3 weeks have been the most self-destructive, the most damaging to democracy, the most unethical three weeks for the political media I've ever observed. There are exceptions but it's nearly universal.
Like, this psychotic appetite for an open convention, based near-explicitly on "Oooh, wouldn't it be so *fun* and *thrilling*?" is decadent. It's actual, real decadence and degeneracy, the reduction of a normal process into a gross parody to sate the boredom of the elites.
The important question for the NYT is, which administration helped them achieve the most rage-bait headlines, along with the most favorable tax rates for the NYT owners?
Starting scrolling through this and soon felt exhausted. Looked at the timestamp that accompanies each item and I'd reached ... October 2017.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s First Term Is a Your guide to the perils of a second Trump era.
My job as a newsroom producer was to sift through Trump speeches for the 10 seconds of relative coherence I could insert into the story. That’s all the viewers ever saw.
AOC is the future of this party with young people, and the left of the party is coalescing behind biden — not harris, biden. if biden drops, we lift harris. but any other choice is donor sabotage that should be attacked on sight, including the current leadership.
just finally watched the full AOC video and this is a war i am absolutely ready for
This is I think one of the actually more important things AOC shared last night that will probably get overlooked. Her own polling showed something v different than what the results in the primary ended up being (she did better than in 2020). How many other Ds are being led around by shoddy polling?
AOC: "I'm going to tell you. This year. This year. I had a primary election. My own polling, private polling, had me underperforming by double digits" "I don't know what that means. I'm not going to say that's every race."
Wherever you are on Biden v. Harris v. Some Third Thing, it's extremely concerning that this is being litigated between rich donors and clueless pundits on the basis of extremely problematic polling data.
THIS IS A POLL. RIGHT HERE. It represents a MASSIVE sample of potential GOP voters. —Republican National Convention viewership has DROPPED by 20% since 2016. —It echoes the percentage of *GOP PRIMARY VOTERS* who said they would never support Trump. Trump is weak. Hold. The. Line. #BlueWave2024
Avatar The Senator from the Shell Oil Company is one of the voices decrying Biden's position, everyone. Do the fucking math.
Not really assuaging my concerns that this is a centrist revolt, senator.
I think the biggest story is that Republicans are about to nominate an adjudicated rapist and fraud convicted of felony voter deception who is vowing to help hand Europe over to Putin. But history is conspiring to make sure that this goes unsaid.
“Burn down the party rather than let things move left” is like the leftist conspiracy theory of the Democrats and damned if they aren’t basically doing exactly that right now.
honestly at this point I'm much more concerned that what's actually at heart here is that a lot of high-dollar donors don't have enough of a stooge in Biden. And in that case, there's a pretty significant risk that any replacement, even Harris, will know who they serve at the pleasure of.
“Mass Deportation NOW!” Let’s be clear about something: -The RNC ordered the signs -The RNC paid for the signs -The RNC distributed the signs Mass deportation is the official policy of Trump. A moral calamity in the making. And if you don’t vote in November, you simply SUPPORT mass deportation.
Yeah, I think Harris would be a great candidate, and I think running a much younger candidate against Trump would hurt him. But the process of getting there is like seeing a runner with faster legs and amputating your own in the hopes of getting them.
If I could pin this to the top of my profile, I would.
12. A lot of you assholes need to do a whole fucking lot of self-examination about the fact that being a fucking asshole to someone in the name of whatever particular policy issue you're badgering people over is not righteous or moral or effective or good. It's just being a fucking asshole.
7. This is not a function of experts or people with large accounts not wanting to hear criticism or have their ideas challenged or not wanting to hear people pointing out alternate perspectives. This network is full of assholes.
6. This is (mostly) not a function of product design. This is not a function of moderation. This is not a question of which notifications the app displays to you. This is not a failure of Bluesky's development or T&S team. This network is full of assholes.