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Yes, this is definitely the new hotness. Guard your Snoopy cups.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
POTUS elections are about Black turnout in swing states. Nothing more. Black voter turnout is about voter suppression. Voter suppression is about racism. If you don't understand US racism and 5th grade basic math, you will 538 yourself to a wrong prediction.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
I'm old enough to remember a media that in 1992 treated the defining story of the whole RNC as being the terrifying extremism of Pat Buchanan, who was not the nominee or VP nominee but GHWB's defeated rival. And that was for a level of extremism that Trump or Vance tweet out before breakfast.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Covid is SURGING right now & NO ONE is paying attention. Freaking French Cyclists have mandated masking... if Olympic-level healthy athletes want to avoid it, what chance do you think YOU have to avoid Long Covid or WORSE?!?! Masks work against all variants!
I keep seeing surprised posts "Huh, I went to [insert event, conference, club, on an airplane, the Sphere] and got COVID!" Meanwhile CNN is running headlines saying "COVID-19's Back." Friends, it never, ever went away and I'm still masking in indoor spaces for your protection as well as my own.
Tour de France reintroduces mask mandate amid COVID-19 New measure follows spate of abandons due to coronavirus
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
not an original observation by far, but: one of the most useful things about project 2025 for the left is it's a way to organize people against Christian nationalism, and beyond this election, because they are not going anywhere
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
every conservative since 1871
also that French industrialists lined up with the "let's try autocracy" platform (no surprise that the only private citizen charged post-liberation with war crimes by the provisional 1944 government was Louis Renault)
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
my lawyer friends posting on LinkedIn about what's going vs how this whole thing definitely looks to me as a non-lawyer
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Of all the things I wish organized labor would turn the screws on, the creep of the workday. 9-5 is now 9-5:30 because "lunch doesn't count"? Bitch fuck you. The fucking commute should count as well. 8 hours of the day, the end. Nothing extra without pay
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
As a Black woman, I have been told my entire life that if I don’t want to experience violence (state sanctioned, or otherwise) I should comport myself differently. Weird that the red hats aren’t getting that same instruction.
That was the part of TFG's shtick that worried me the most. The punishment for leaders who violate guest-right is the obliteration of their country and their people.
By the way, I think it’s telling how high a premium ancient mythology, from *countless* cultures, placed on the importance of hospitality and guest right and the sacred bond between guest/charity-seeker and host/benefactor, and how modern myth, religion, and folklore has almost forgotten it as…
The best day to fire Merrick Garland was in 2021. The next best day is today.
If Merrick Garland doesn't have an answer for this extremely predictable turn of events better than "uh we're gonna appeal to the circuit court I guess" he should resign
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
If Merrick Garland doesn't have an answer for this extremely predictable turn of events better than "uh we're gonna appeal to the circuit court I guess" he should resign
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
The level of overall denial is incredible. Did they sleep through 2016-2020?
I've seen some comrades on the Left(s) claim that 45 won't do the things he is promising to do if he is elected again as President and I don't understand what they are saying. Of course, he will do what he says and worse. That's a given. So the question is what we will do in the face of that.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
I've seen some comrades on the Left(s) claim that 45 won't do the things he is promising to do if he is elected again as President and I don't understand what they are saying. Of course, he will do what he says and worse. That's a given. So the question is what we will do in the face of that.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Things that are still true: There are millions of Black voters that want to vote for Biden and plan to vote for him in November. 1) If 100% of these Black voters *are able* to vote for Biden, then Biden can't lose. 2) If 0% of these Black voters *are able* to vote for Biden, then Biden can't win.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Good morning! Things that are still true: There are millions of Black registered voters, that want to vote for Biden, and plan to vote for him in November. 1) If 100% of these Black voters *are abl...
That's been obvious for a while.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Democrats are gonna own goal this so badly if they lay off Trump and don’t make him own the bonfire of violence he helped stoke. He barely got an ear nicked; he’s fine. Stop rolling over and playing dead, because he wouldn’t do the same for you.
I loath the endless campaign cycle, but a lot of people on the left need to learn that the time to start running the primary for the rep you want to replace is the day after their election, not a month before the primary.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
I don't think we're doomed, and I think it's a huge mistake to behave as if we're doomed.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
Asked the guy at slm if spandex was okay for Saturday strict dress code. Told absolutely not. Turn up in my alternate and there are five guys in singlets, two in bicycle outfits, and one Amorsy suit. Not to mention the guys in gym shorts and a harness.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
This is how you do it.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
And this is how fascism wins. It convinces moderates to stop using the correct language to name what our enemy is and make no mistake. Trump and the Republicans are a fascist anti-democratic enemy to every real American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. Do not stay silent.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Supposed progressives who believe in worker rights but refuse to extend that to artists really need to sit with themselves and their values for a while.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Honestly I don't know how true this is of other places, but in the UK it cannot be overstated how much the rise of Transphobia as an issue of extreme salience to politicians has been caused purely by five or six incredibly obsessive journalists who won't stop writing about it.
I'm not even sure how much of it is her being a potential donor, from looking at past tweets from Wes, it's another example of the contagion that is rapid onset transphobia that happens when you're friends with a bunch of transphobes
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
You’ll never survive fascism if you isolate yourself into a tiny box because no one is able to pass your test of perfectionism. White people on the left who are only just now facing adversity you are doing it wrong!
This is good but also the fact that so many black people have been run off this site the immediate instinct is to believe that happened again is TELLING. Y’all preach inclusivity and coalition building but you don’t even come close to practicing what you preach. White echo chambers are bad actually!
Pre Space Karen, I'd spend 15-20 minutes catching up in the morning from the overnight posts. These days, it's rare it takes more than a minute. Plus threads aren't readable. I haven't been able to see replies in a week.
Don't get married to your follower count, don't fall into the "But I have TEN THOUSAND followers on Twitter and 1,500 here!" trap. The headcount means nothing if the accounts are abandoned or bots. And all the data says that's exactly what they are.