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finally here, emigrated from the hellsite, hopefully for good | games, music, wrestling, feminism and intersectional socialism | they/them | ace nb trans woman
goddamnit I will never learm in my defence, tonight I realised just how to enter the Lost Woods, and I thought it'd be a good idea to take a quick half hour jaunt and why is it one in the morning already
in conclusion, don't game after dark without a blue light filter
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
I feel like every day I’m treated to a new Will Smith slapped Chris Rock style news event except like the balance of the future of the planet is at stake
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
This is a hateful fact about the world. Only in an honor culture, not a liberal culture, could it be taken as the aggressive position to plead that this is perverse. So it has to be about the person, and not what he does. To bring it up is an offense. If this weren’t his crowd, he wouldn’t be there.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
To acknowledge that there are things you cannot say without losing your position is to admit that you are paid not to say those things. You are paid not even to ever acknowledge them as a valid concept—is the institution prosecuting trans extermination? palestinian genocide? anti-dei née jim crow?
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
When on your behalf there’s so many white people mistreating trans women and black men who stand up for us (free Bill Kezos) , that aligns perfectly with the idea that you work for a reactionary institution, that would not employ you if they didn’t see you as part of their prosecution of fascism.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Remember, folks, it's Palestine that's being unreasonable and not coming to the table.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Really think about what that means- it means that Israel continues to control the lives of all Palestinians without them having any say in their future. Would you accept this for yourself?
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
how it feels to be a vocal tranny on the vocal tranny hating app
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
This piece is very clear that the logistics of deportation on this scale would be impossible what with the costs of food and medical care and sanitation and so forth but also gestures at the possibility that they get much cheaper if you don’t provide those and I think there was a word for that…
TIL Eumir Deodato is Justin Bieber's grandfather-in-law and that is fucking wild Justin Bieber is related by marriage to the guy who made one of the greatest songs of all time, Super Strut
Eumir Deodato Super
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
it sucks how bluesky invented "online arguments" and "dipshits" before this we were all so smart, so rational, so kind, but then paul came along and introduced us to sin
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
The United States has created a political system insulated from the desires of the people so it can deliver what the capital class wants.
This research has come up several times at a big climate conference: A huge majority of people are worried about climate change and want governments to do more to control the crisis. BUT they think they are in a tiny minority and nobody else cares. Everybody (almost) cares! You are not alone 🧪
Climate Change Actions Are Far More Popular Than People in U.S. “False social reality” obscures widespread U.S. support for climate protection measures
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Thinking real hard about The Good Place Committee today.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Just a heads up this program ends July 31 so get yours asap
Residents without health insurance or people whose health care plans don’t cover all vaccine costs can get a free COVID-19 vaccine through the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. •
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
having a REAL high anxiety day, and while i usually tap into things like breathing, finding an activity to focus on, reframing my thought patterns, exercise, and going outside… sometimes it doesn’t work! my normal methods weren’t working, so i took meds, and that’s a healthy coping mechanism too.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
jb pritzker’s trans billionaire sister give us ur money so we can start a site actually safe for trans women challenge
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
I can't believe roving bands of trans women systematically murdered every innocent op-ed columnist on here. If only someone would put them in their place. Trans women have had it too good for too long
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
heya 👋 i'm introducing a tool that lets you easily archive your Bluesky posts! once generated, you can host it as a standalone website that people can see, or don't! the tool is built with both cases in mind.
skeetgen - Bluesky archiving
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
The problem with "where have you been" responses to people's rising political concerns is that we should be encouraging people to become politically active rather than scolding them upon their arrival.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Watching every part of this website play hot potato with why Black accounts often don’t feel comfortable here… it’s the leftists… it’s the libs… it’s the big accounts… it’s small accounts mobbing Almost like… antiblackness might be everywhere
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
I hate bluesky I'm taking my posts and putting them on Nextdoor
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
some of the people who praised TV Glow are the same people who think the closet is a privilege for trans women
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
not using this account for a long time either, remember me by this, be nice to the penis women please
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
i miss when i liked bluesky
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
the trannies are not feeling loved and so they are leaving
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
two of the ten largest english language accounts are now gone due to transmisogny. tell me who's getting run off the site again.
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
Reposted byAvatar Venomous
i'm not italian, but this makes me proud to be italian