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Fan of Oz books, fantasy, mythology, cartoons, Super Mario, Dragon Quest, and general absurdity. I write, but not professionally.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
every time you stop making sense David Byrne’s suit grows 2 sizes
"Oz the Great and Powerful" and "Once Upon a Time" both seem to follow "Wicked" in having the Wizard involved with the Witch of the West's rise to power, when in the books she was already ruling the Winkies when he arrived in Oz.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Funny how a lot of the “your online activism doesn’t matter” folks are ALSO the “tiktok is why young voters hate Biden” or “social media is the only reason people think the economy is bad” people. It can’t be useless if it’s also the thorn in the side of the powerful.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
The year is 2024. Nobody can afford meat. Women are only for breeding now. There’s an appeal to heaven flag at your obgyn office. A door fell off an airplane and killed your dog. Happy Independence Day
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Ever notice that the people from older generations that write articles dumping on younger generations are always affluent? Like, maybe it's just rich people who suck and the "generational divide" is just a distraction?
I feel like the Supreme Court's recent decisions should be a gift to the Democrats, but I doubt they will be.
I assume "Bridgerton" is short for "Bridge Ahead, Weight Limit 1 Ton."
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
in a post-apocalyptic world, there will be two factions: the applebees and the tgifridays. they will fight for dominance in the thunder dome known as the waffle house
A much overdue life update. Among other things, my wife's uncle's dog died last week.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
It doesn't seen at all out of the question that the Supreme Court will just ignore the election results and declare Trump the winner. And that's if he doesn't win legitimately, which is a distinct possibility for some reason. I'm still voting, of course.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
summer pauline 🌺🏖️
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
It's crazy that you can boil all of this down to bitterness over Nixon. One Republican was held the tiniest bit accountable 50 years ago, and the entire party has spent five decades undoing democracy to get payback.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
"this thing 8 years ago is why we're here. Granted, not a whole lot of us paid attention at the time and haven't done anything since, but what's important now is to be smug, resentful and stuck in the past. But also, stop your loser doomerism, we need hope!"
I'm kind of surprised it took THIS long for the Supreme Court to decide they were just going to do whatever the hell they wanted, precedent be dammed.
They do things differently in Canada. For instance, Canada Dry is actually wet.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
I get the impression that most presidents, even the terrible ones, at least THOUGHT they were doing what was best for the country. Trump just seems to see it as something to exploit.
Not sure I'd want to eat at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. I might end up with a donkey's head.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Nintendo's next console is going to be called the Nintendo Swarlock.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Hot dogs come in a pack of 10 but buns come in a pack of 8 because you're obligated to sacrifice 2 wienies to the charcoal gods
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Maybe she's born with it. ♫ Maybe it's Palpatine ♫
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
"Your opponent is going to spew lies unrelated to the question for two minutes straight. You have one minute to figure out how to counter them while also trying to answer the original question" is not a workable debate scenario.
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline. Or maybe it's both, because you can now apply makeup in the womb.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan
Yeah, this is where we are.