Warren Terra

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Warren Terra


Warren Terra is a pseudonym.
@warren__terra on Twitter (inactive)
@warren__terra at mastodon.online
Apparently bluesky doesn't like underscores?
Did you see this one?
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
I'm not entirely sure "lies constantly" captures it. I see no reason to think Trump has any idea what the truth is, that he's misrepresenting. More than that, I don't think he remotely cares what the truth is.
I have mediocre German, usually good enough to understand slogans and such, but I couldn't figure out Thällmann. Turns out it's an individual person's surname.
Ernst Thälmann - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Sub-things that should remain sub-things: Yes: subtexts, subtweets, submarine sandwiches Temporarily: actual submarines No: subpar things. Except golfers.
Oh, dammit. My apologies to Estonia. My sympathies to Slovenia.
Some of them must be going for the hat trick with bigotry against her husband.
Still kinda surprised he didn't opt for a regnal name other than "Charles". Bad vibes.
Pulls out an entire new volume of "Black Spider Memos" he secretly scribbled for this moment. It's bound in skin, of some sort, and maybe best not to ask about the ink.
Black spider memos - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Supreme Court rules she may have been born in Estonia to Estonian citizens but you just have to look at her to tell, that there is a natural-born American citizen. It was her inevitable fate, making her eligible.
I had seen such incredible numbers recently that I don't even know if 130 seats will be perceived. Sure, it's historically the worst, but it's still not as much "the worst" as some were suggesting might happen.
On the one hand there's "devastating", "comprehensive", and "total", but I'm going to propose "comical". Sure, at first it doesn't seem obviously as bad. But it's a slow burn.
It's a shame, just because - from an incredibly long way away, not knowing the reality - I liked the SNP's efforts to brand itself as socially progressive and pro-immigrant. I know it was a corruption scandal (or several?), and I don't even know if those efforts were sincere. Still, seems a shame.
Technically our president can only associate criminally if our president gives those criminals jobs in the executive branch, thereby making their association part of a core presidential function. Also, our president can only launder money doing it through criminals they put in the executive branch.
Their top general was named after an iced beverage and a salad dressing, of course he was going to start some shit, the Roman Republic was absolutely doomed.
Still far too deep to safely let their good faith play in it.
A glance at Wikipedia suggests he genuinely is Joey Christian Chestnut.
Garrison lived an intensely political life, endorsed voting for some candidates (including Lincoln), and after the Civil War worked on getting Black people and women their right to vote. Yes, he also sometimes boycotted the options he had at the polls. But he strongly supported meaningful voting.
They're celebrating the holiday by running a declaration of Independence from Democracy.
Squareword is great! Much more interesting than Wordle.
A white conservative Catholic guy telling us not to vote, and also he's just flatly opposed to Democracy. This is who the NYT chooses to platform, on Independence Day.
This is a dumb article, but also isn't the author's first rodeo, and his other writing shows the real reason he doesn't vote "But my principal reason for declining to take part in elections is moral. It involves, I suppose, a private objection to democracy itself." theweek.com/articles/802...
My God, have you seen this additional context?
This is a dumb article, but also isn't the author's first rodeo, and his other writing shows the real reason he doesn't vote "But my principal reason for declining to take part in elections is moral. It involves, I suppose, a private objection to democracy itself." theweek.com/articles/802...
I like Bouie a great deal. I like Krugman (sometimes his politics takes are bad, but I like him and otherwise respect him greatly). Probably others! But Bouie is not on the editorial board (and lives 300+ miles from its meetings). I don't know if Krugman is on the editorial board, but doubt it.
Some great people work in other parts of the paper, and in the editorial section I like some columnists (tho they're not on the editorial board, so maybe moot), but the NYT politics desk has fervently and with complete consistency worked to elect Republicans the 30+ years I've been paying attention.
The NYT politics and opinion desks are just a menace.
Reposted byAvatar Warren Terra
I think it's "Dept Of Vibe Maintenance"
Naturalized American and had his career here, so he's American enough. And no reason both can't claim him! But while I'm fond of him, I don't understand what makes him a "hero". An inspiring educator would certainly qualify, but a quiz show host?
I have absolutely nothing against Trebek, and he's American enough, certainly, but, really: "hero"?
Obviously it wasn't the first airstrike I'd ever heard of, not even an anti-terrorism airstrike (maybe the missile strikes after the USS Cole bombing?), but it was the first indication that bombs would be seen as a substitute for handcuffs, based on uncertain identification. Long before Gitmo.