Will and the Loons

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Will and the Loons


Wanderer who planted roots late in life in beautiful Minnesota, trying to stay curious & kind Day by Day. ⚽️ fan. Book and music lover. Embracing my inner child and my outer old man. #YNWA
This is quite bad, probably disqualifying for a security clearance, but also, like, loser stuff
Really cannot stress how dangerous things are getting here. Heritage foundation is pushing the in distress upside down flag now. This is an overt signal now and should be seen as a threat imo.
People don't wanna hear it but this probably moves more voters than millions of dollars of Joe Biden ads
Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
We kidnapped a dean, and within a year or so a number of our protest leaders declared war on the US government and started blowing things up, and though they claim they were nice and only bombed buildings, they wanted to kill people until their friends blew themselves up. But KIDS THESE DAYS!!!
This looks fun: “We set out to make something human and relatable but also kind of insane — a nonagenarian on a perilous mission across the city… to reclaim what was taken from her, against all odds,” continues the filmmaker, who based the character of Thelma off of his own 103-year-old grandmother”
June Squibb, 94, Becomes an 'Unlikely Action Hero' in Hilarious 'Thelma' Trailer (Exclusive)people.com June Squibb, in her first-ever leading role, stars in the title role of 'Thelma,' an action-comedy inspired by Tom Cruise's 'Mission Impossible' films. She's a 'nonagenarian on a perilous mission,' wr...
As many people pointed out along the way, most of these would've likely ended as peacefully as ours if admin left them alone rather than called the cops. It's the end of the semester; students would inevitably graduate or go home for summer. Not sure why so many admin didn't think about that timing.
Cornell's encampment ends, voluntarily, after 2.5 weeks of being more or less left alone by uni admin. A marked contrast to Dartmouth, Columbia, etc. Too bad peaceful ends to peaceful encampments don't make national news. Grossly distorts public perception. cornellsun.com/2024/05/14/c...
Coalition for Mutual Liberation Voluntarily Ends Encampmentcornellsun.com To close out a two-and-a-half-week encampment, approximately 250 supporters surrounded the original
Exactly right. Biden set records for deportations and the right is still screaming that we have "open borders." Stop trying to meet these psychos halfway.
There is no amount of increasing border enforcement or deporting people that will ever make the American right wing believe the border is being properly handled by a democratic president. Any compromise on this is just a signal that they can demand more & keep the issue live. Immoral, bad politics.
Tremendous piece, best explanation yet of how a few bad regulatory decisions broke the news model. Billions of dollars in revenue that used to go to media companies, which funded journalism, now goes to Google, which lets AI junk blot out the sun. washingtonmonthly.com/2024/01/16/h...
How Fighting Monopoly Can Save Journalism | Washington Monthlywashingtonmonthly.com The collapse of the news industry is not an inevitable consequence of technology or market forces. It’s the result of policy mistakes over the past 40 years that the Biden administration is already ...
Taylor swift is a CIA psyop to make me be like “should I get bangs??”
Amazing that anti-abortion politicians don’t think they could win a state-wide referendum *in Mississippi*
“It took 50 years … to overturn Roe v. Wade. We weren’t going to let it just be thrown out the window by folks coming in from out of state ... and running an initiative through.” —Mississippi House Speaker Jason White on banning citizens from voting on abortion via ballot initiatives
Fearing Voters Could Restore Abortion Rights, Republicans Seek Ban on Initiativeswww.mississippifreepress.org Legislative efforts in Missouri and Mississippi are attempting to prevent voters from having a say over abortion rights.
Same as it ever was
This story is from 2013. Eleven years ago right wing Republicans killed a Congressional plan for immigration reform because they recognized that racist scaremongering about "invading hordes of immigrants" played really well with their disproportionately white base of voters. Nothing has changed.
Watching Bundesliga football this morning and they’re observing the liberation of Auschwitz. Hard to imagine US sports remembering such a shameful anniversary. We still haven’t collectively recognized the genocide of our original native people in any forum.
Just a reminder that the RNC could absolutely ask Trump to step down. We know this because this week the chair asked the other top candidate, who hasn’t been ordered to pay $83 million to someone she raped, to get out of the race.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Calls for Nikki Haley to Fall In Line Behind Trump: ‘We Need to Unite’www.mediaite.com RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel effectively declared Donald Trump the GOP's presumptive nominee as she urged Nikki Haley to end her presidential campaign.
Greg Abbott, piously insisting “suffer the little children” was Christ’s way of saying “fuck them kids”
Greg Abbott, drifting off to sleep with a smile, thinking about the barefoot migrant kids he shipped off to subzero Chicago
This thread of quote posts or skeets or whatever is priceless.
Greg Abbott, grumbling that “it’s reverse racism that the Mexicans get a whole Day of the Dead”
no it doesn't! falling sucks!!!!!!!
Although we're all making fun of DeSantis's humiliation, we shouldn't forget that his anti-vax crusade — in service of his doomed run — probably killed thousands of people
👇🏻 Yes, please
Again, I ask someone to poll voters to ask how many know Trump was found liable for rape. Only way to get much of media to talk about it.
The phrase "it's so cynical it's naive" has been ringing in my head for the last several years, like a car alarm in the night.
Today, “a new, highly effective malaria vaccine will be rolled out for the first time, as an immunization campaign for children kicks off in Cameroon… a historic step in the decades-long quest to protect people from one of the world’s deadliest infections”
Rollout of a new malaria vaccine kicks off in Africawww.statnews.com Starting Monday, a new, highly effective malaria vaccine will be rolled out for the first time, as an immunization campaign for children kicks off in Cameroon.
Jonathan Chait is the Bret Stephens of Tom Friedmans.
get ready for the onslaught of muskbro tiktoks on the best method of seasoning your cybertruck
DeSantis was 100% sure he was going to ditch Florida and play in the big leagues and now he has to go back and pretend he gives a shit about Keeping Wokeness Out of Our Gas Stations or whatever for the next three years. It's so goddamn funny.
cops will always look out for each other before they look out for the public
Voting to acquit in Trump's 2nd impeachment, McConnell said Trump was "practically and morally responsible" for J6 and went on to explain, "We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."
Keep in your files of “Who the pedophiles are.” Not only does it allow sex with a first cousin but it reduces the penalties for sex with minors unless they’re under 12.
remember when I said everyone should work service industry once because most people who don’t turn out awful? wellllll
Ian Miles Cheong thinks there are large 2 liter bottles attached to the fountain somewhere. I can't.
"Oh, come now, all they did was spend months conspiring to overturn an election, hatching illegal schemes and applying political pressure, including threats, hoping to enlist other officials, and when that came up short, an armed mob rushed Congress to force their scheme through with violence."