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Trump is forcing Rs to repeatedly vote on protecting him from the law. That's bad for Rs, full stop. GOP pretending his criming is a winner is psyops. As I try to show, Dems now get this. (h/t @brianbeutler.bsky.social for making a version of this point) 7/ newrepublic.com/article/1827...
New Standing Room Only. Excerpt: Aileen Cannon needs to be removed for national security reasons. Subscribe today! salon.com/newsletter Music, natch, by Usher.
Here's what I'm talking about. Charlie Savage's piece today is called: "How Biden’s Mishandling of Classified Papers Differs From Trump’s Criminal Case." tinyurl.com/2s3sebjw This analysis, rather than elevating GOP attacks by "analyzing" if they're working, actually informs voters:
The special counsel found that Biden extensively cooperated with investigators, in sharp contrast to evidence that Trump resisted and misled them for months. That's a good topic for "news analysis" pieces. Instead, it's But Her Emails redux. New piece from me: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Nightmare Special Counsel Report Is the Media’s New Hillary Emailsnewrepublic.com There are many ways the press could have played the Hur report in its news analyses. The path they chose suggests we’re stuck in 2016 again.
Why are we not seeing dozens and dozens of "news analysis" pieces exploring whether Trump's appalling threat to abandon NATO countries to Russian aggression will hurt him politically?
I'm calling BS on the sort of news analysis that passively says the report has shined a "spotlight" on Biden's age. The "spotlight" reflects editorial choices. The GOP use of something as "ammunition" for an attack shouldn't dictate those choices: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Sally Yates would have brought the political finesse and experience needed for the AG role in a Biden Administration. Garland's struggle with DC politics and the press core has been evident. While he excels in justice, his conservative approach hinders his effectiveness.
Given that voters are deciding which man to entrust with the presidency, the report's stark contrast between Biden/Trump handling of the powers of that office seems more relevant. Maybe that should have been the topic of "news analysis" pieces? newrepublic.com/article/1789...
The GOP talking point that Biden isn't being prosecuted *because of* his dementia or whatever is staggeringly dishonest. The report explicitly says investigators *couldn't find sufficient evidence* to persuade a jury: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
I'm calling BS on the sort of news analysis that passively says the report has shined a "spotlight" on Biden's age. The "spotlight" reflects editorial choices. The GOP use of something as "ammunition" for an attack shouldn't dictate those choices: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Topics covered in this podcast: *Musk's amplification of MAGA propaganda *The theory of "tech authoritarianism" *White genocide theory and Musk's deranged ideas about "civilization" *John Ganz on "reactionary modernism" *San Francisco tech oligarchs You'll learn a lot from this one:
NEW POD: We dig deep into Elon Musk's embrace of white genocide theory, his elevation of Tucker/Putin, and the worldview known as "tech authoritarianism." Guest: @gilduran.bsky.social, author of a great @tnr.bsky.social piece on right wing tech oligarchs. Listen: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Elon Musk’s Unhinged Pro-MAGA Tweets Expose Tech Oligarchy’s Dark Sidenewrepublic.com A new class of tech barons hopes to create a flourishing information space for "red-pilled" far right ideologies, and the billionaire Musk is their model leader.
Ketamine Christ? To understand Musk's authoritarian rage, examine his key delusion: He believes he's the savior of humanity & that our future depends on him. Therefore, he's the most important human in history and you must bow down. pod w/ @gregsargent.bsky.social newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Elon Musk’s Unhinged Pro-MAGA Tweets Expose Tech Oligarchy’s Dark Sidenewrepublic.com A new class of tech barons hopes to create a flourishing information space for “red-pilled” far-right ideologies, and the billionaire Musk is their model leader.
New pod: We dug deep into the media obsession with Biden's age, why Dem elites are paralyzed with fear right now, and whether Biden/Dems are up to taking on Trump and the 21st century semi-fascist challenge. Great insights from @brianbeutler.bsky.social. Listen👇 newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Why Democratic Elites Are “Shaken to Their Core” About Trump and Bidennewrepublic.com The special counsel’s claims about Biden’s age and mental acuity have unleashed a round of intraparty recriminations unlike anything in recent memory.
Just appalling: A new poll finds that Trump gets far less blame for killing the border deal than Biden does, even though Trump *explicitly* called on Republicans to vote it down. This is exactly why the GOP did his bidding and sank the deal. 1/ Link: newrepublic.com/article/1789...
An Infuriating Poll Finding About Trump Should Galvanize Democratsnewrepublic.com Trump killed the border deal, but Biden is getting blamed. Here’s what Democrats need to do to turn that around.
Ugly new dynamic: Trump has unprecedented influence over his party for an ex-president and can get the GOP to do his bidding without taking voter blame for the results. Dems must highlight that Rs are sabotaging the country because Trump told them to. 4/ newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Trump/GOP know the sitting POTUS will get blamed when things go wrong. But this problem is particularly brutal on immigration: Congress has put the executive in an impossible position, and voters don't know this. I tried to explain how this works here. 3/ newrepublic.com/article/1789...
Trump gets far less blame than Biden for killing the deal even though *Republicans themselves* said they were voting it down because Trump told them to. Dems made most the concessions. Trump himself said he wanted it as an issue. 2/ newrepublic.com/article/1789...
From @gregsargent.bsky.social “The (Democratic) party could also be making far better use of a stable of young, energetic Democrats from southwestern and border states, who could act as surrogates. Now is the time to do exactly that.”
Live from NPR News, we’re now on Bluesky 👋🎙️
Just a reminder that russians do the worst imaginable things to detained Ukrainians, and the world just takes it for granted. Still not genocide? Still "it is all about NATO"? #UkrainianView zmina.info/news/rosijsk...
Without the US support, war won't stop. Without the support, there will be more Buchas, more deaths, more tortures, and kidnappings. Musk knows nothing about what he says. He is one of those guys who want to continue Ukrainian suffering. #UkrainianView
New in PN: A little-noticed ruling in the Mark Meadows case could do serious damage to the rule of law and allow rogue prosecutors like Ken Paxton to run wild
Mark Meadows's loss could embolden right-wing prosecutorswww.publicnotice.co If you think Ken Paxton won't run wild with this ...
Imagine trumped-up prosecutions of Mayorkas for human trafficking. Or Becerra for allowing service members to travel to receive abortion care. Or Garland for kidnapping J6 rioters. A ruling in the Meadows case makes those scenarios disturbingly plausible.
Mark Meadows's loss could embolden right-wing prosecutorswww.publicnotice.co If you think Ken Paxton won't run wild with this ...
By establishing this framing, the Right - with a massive assist from anti-“woke” centrists and liberals - has successfully obscured the reactionary political project they are pursuing here: To undo every step towards egalitarian democracy this country has taken since at least the 60s.
People who follow politics mainly through mainstream papers, NPR, etc have been conditioned to react negatively to “DEI” - even though it’s highly unlikely they have a clear understanding of what that is. The widespread association is: That’s part of that crazy “woke” nonsense, things going too far.
Republicans are committed to a reactionary vision of society defined by discriminatory hierarchies of race, gender, religion, and wealth. They also clearly understand that maintaining those hierarchies necessitates increasingly authoritarian measures of state coercion. And that’s what we’re getting.
Missouri HB.1739 contains provisions for the immediate dismissal and 4 year suspension from employment for any nurse, teacher or social worker who calls a student a name other than that which is on their school registration forms, or fails to report a non-cis identity. legiscan.com/MO/bill/HB17...
The reactionary political project is beholden to a white Christian nationalism that is fundamentally opposed to multireligious, multiracial pluralism. Rightwingers like the idea of a nation with a clearly defined ethno-religious identity, which they see in Israel. 7/
A distinguishing feature of rightwing antisemitism is its centrality to the white Christian ethno-religious political project. On the Religious Right, Christian Zionism is fueling the support for Israel – and an end-times theology that desires a world in which Jews are eliminated. 6/
In the United States, Republicans are undoubtedly more supportive of the state of Israel than the Left, certainly than the Democratic base. Crucially, however, that does not necessarily entail affirmation and support for American Jews. In fact, it often means the opposite. 5/
But the political reaction to the urgent problem of rising antisemitism has been overwhelmingly occupied with what has been happening on the Left, and with the college campus, specifically – thereby obscuring the much more significant and more dangerous antisemitism on the Right. 4/
Antisemitism is a massive problem in American society – and it has gotten significantly worse since the terrorist Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7. The problem is also not confined to the Right, but pervasive across the political spectrum. And it is a problem on college campuses. 3/