ravenous, man-eating Pliocene clams 🇵🇸 ☭

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ravenous, man-eating Pliocene clams 🇵🇸 ☭


Hate money love dirt
No matter who they replace Biden with, this election is already over. Dems aren't going to win. At best, they're trying to hold safe seats at this point. There's a reason why you're not seeing the up-and-comers rush for the nomination. They want to lose, just not get completely wiped out.
That's why I keep saying to forget this election. It's irrelevant because we already know the outcome. If you haven't done so, start building power locally. Prepare for the worst. Develop a plan of action with your community. Stop relying on politicians to save us. Things are going to get bad.
Do you use Firefox? In the new Firefox 128 there's a box, *on by default*, for a feature that collects info about the ads you've seen as you browse and sends it directly to the ad companies. (Chrome has this too, but doesn't enable it without a disclosure/consent box.) I recommend you turn it off:
Seriously, they're trying to obliterate Gaza in a ring of fire right now, & almost every Palestinian in Palestine & in its diasopra will tell you they maintain hope in their ultimate liberation. So white American hopelessness is just utterly pathetic next to that.
I keep thinking about the fact that before Refaat Alareer was murdered, the IDF phoned him while he was in a shelter, telling him that they knew he was in the shelter (leaving the implication that they would kill dozens to get him, assuming correctly that he had more of a conscience than them).
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Remember when the Biden administration helped Israel sell all of those oil licenses for Palestinian land that they didn’t have access to yet?
People know Covid isn’t over, they know climate change is getting worse and nothing is being done about it, they see the mass murder in Gaza… Those who refuse to confront these realities head-on are pouring their fears into ridiculous non-issues offering the illusion of control.
Israel is bombing refugee camps. Again.
since its getting really hot a really cool thing you can do is freeze water bottles and take them in the car on your commute to hand out the window to your unhoused neighbors. its so easy! la people i know you all also probably drive past people every day, very low effort and super rad thing to do!
That was sort of the whole point of the bantustan system, not sure what people think apartheid South Africa was like but the thrust of the "separation" process was to meaningfully entrench indirect rule over non-Whites while preserving international credibility via dubious claims of dual sovereignty
“أنت مدين للفلسطينيين بالشهادة.” لقد شاهدنا إسرائيل تذبح 40000 شخص بريء بينما استمتعت بصمتك وجهلك. لا يمكنك تصديق أنه من السهل علينا رؤيته. ثقل العالم على أكتافهم وقد تخليت عن إخوانك من البشر”
Art via Studio Salud. I will be dropping a link to a BUNCH of free pro-pal art of hers in the replies 🔥 I will also drop Arabic translation in the replies ❤️
My apologies to the Italians I wasn’t familiar with your game
Pushing Islamophobia became a higher priority (for the United States) after the Cold War so that continuing to spend money on the military economy could be justified. Israel & Zionism played an important role in pushing Islamophobia on the US public.
Naomi Klein: "Labour is sending lots of messages that very little is going to change... [it] will set the table for a far right comeback." When Labour fails to tackle the many crises that the UK face, the far right is going to claim they have the solutions.
Sinwar says they tried peaceful resistance [for decades] but their mistake was thinking the international community would rally to their side. They didn't plan to fight not only Israel but the entire $Trillion war machine of the US and the West (while Arab countries watched). x.com/SuppressedNw...
reform candidate explaining what got him into politics loool
Daily insults and abuses, theft of land, constant fear of violence against you or your family (with impunity), institutions stacked against you on your own land by settlers who deny that your people even exists—we in the US ought to recognize all of this and hate it for what it is.
The thing about all these relentless articles that falsely create hysteria over "this giant terrifying murder bug is coming to kill you!!!" is that they just totally fuck with society's relationship with nature. Cause it causes people to broadly distrust important members of our ecosystems.
I keep seeing this BULLSHIT going around so: - they are totally harmless to humans - they're gonna eat spotted lanternflies (which is a good thing)! - Many, many species of spiders "fly". Young spiderlings throw their threads up into the air and catch a ride on the wind it's called ballooning.
It's always interesting to see how bend-over-backwards the US press needs to be to avoid admitting "left wing policies lead to fast economic growth and turned out to be extremely popular" is a factor here.
Breaking News: Claudia Sheinbaum has won Mexico’s presidency. In a historic vote, the climate scientist became the first woman and first Jewish person elected to the position. nyti.ms/4bFKZfj
I would never minimize anyone's suffering, and being held hostage is harrowing under the best conditions. But for WaPo to frame a report in this way, without pointing out that Gazans have been held hostage for years, subject to both routine and catastrophic brutality, is pure propaganda.
Much of the brutality actually came from her own people: "On her second day in Gaza...a bomb shattered a window of her room. Night after night, the Israeli airstrikes intensified....She...is now “half deaf” from the constant explosions." Now imagine living through that for months, year after year.
A former Israeli hostage recalls the brutality of Hamas captivitywapo.st Moran Stella Yanai was abducted on Oct. 7 and was sure that her life “would end,” she said.
Six Wars Old - Visualizing Palestinevisualizingpalestine.org Israel is not only killing Palestinian children at astonishing rates, but killing the childhood of those who survive. We first published this visual as "Four Wars Old" in May 2021, and with today's up...
Your grief and anger about the genocides happening in the world bear testament to you being a good person with a heart. Empathy is beautiful but sometimes it’s an incredibly heavy burden. Don’t let yourself be desensitised. This is what love looks like.
US politicians copy/paste their talking points on the ICC announcement this week
Tech companies scraping the web for content and using their generative bullshit to kill off the sites they stole from until there's nothing left to scrape and it all starts to consume itself in an ouroboros of putrid, decaying pixels and code is the internet's "not with a bang but with a whimper"
We normal people can’t coexist with Christofascism. It’s going to claim every space it’s granted and then immediately move to claim any adjacent space, and so on and so on, until it either owns everything or is punched squarely in the nose with overwhelming force and then systematically dismantled.
I wrote about Harrison Butker, Sam Alito, the cult of fascists that intend to control our bodies and lives, and why we need to start treating people who have demolished all good faith as if they have demolished all good faith. The case for lying to fascists: www.the-reframe.com/lying-to-fas...
Lying To Fascistswww.the-reframe.com What you want to protect is already gone. The ends don't justify the means, but they do define them. Tips on living in a fascist nation in a time of rising fascist power.
The far-right claims in each country to be nationally particularist movement when in reality its a very tightly coordinated global network that works as one entity. It’s franchise fascism and it’s all being orchestrated out in the open while being funded by dark money, oligarchs and hedge funds.
European far-right leaders gather ahead of EU electionswww.theguardian.com Le Pen, Orbán and Meloni rail against socialism and ‘massive illegal migration’ at ‘great patriotic convention’ in Madrid