Alison True

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Alison True

Editor, will write for food.
“The William Shawn of alt weeklies.”
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Pretty fucking revealing that these guys were planning to pounce on Biden since before the debate, huh?
Sucks to suck, i guess
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"We want to be the first law enforcement agency to have a Cybertruck" is one of the easiest ways to tell your community that they exist to subsidize your lifestyle and that you will do nothing for them in return.
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
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J.D. Vance's answer to what he would have done had he been VP on January 6, 2021. (Relevant, of course, to what he'd do if he were to be VP in January 2029.)
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I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
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I cannot emphasize this enough: Biggest example of when respectable types were convinced Trump would “change” then he got untold numbers killed during a pandemic then also tried to get his Pentagon to gun down Black Lives Matter protesters who annoyed him
Trump Literally Laughed at How He Can Game the Press With His ‘New Tone’ The president is acutely aware that if he acts in a somber fashion, the media will quickly notice and praise him for it.
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I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
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at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
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Obvious statement is obvious, but difference between BBC's coverage w/ US cable news is night and day. BBC just opened top of the hour to go over Biden's press conference. Factual. Mentioned Biden's foreign policy strengths. CNN chyron: "Breaking News: Biden Mistaken Calls Harris VP Trump"
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trump mentioning his friend ghislaine maxwell, how fuckable his daughter is, his fan letters with kim jong un, having an AC maintenance company install a UV "ultravation" unit in his guts to prevent disease, then fixing the camera with blue steel and vowing to "kill all sharks for morgan fairchild"
Now, while I am WINCING at every gaffe Overall everything Biden is saying, is solid. He's even getting his digs in. Now imagine Trump, DONALD FUCKING TRUMP, trying to answer any of this shit. It would be carnie speak.
“Bacardo remains an active member of the Chicago Police Department, earning $102,000 annually.”
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“the authors of the paper admitted that making a prediction based on interviews with experts would be too hard”
There is a new genre of serious-seeming "scientific" research paper but the paper is like "we asked ChatGPT if AI could do your job and it said yes" and then news outlets cover them uncritically and they go viral
AI Finds That AI Is Great In New Garbage Research From Tony Blair The former Prime Minister presented research claiming AI could reduce the public sector workforce. It’s largely based on a ChatGPT-4 output.
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IMPORTANT: The website for Jonathan Mitchell's sock puppet org suing Northwestern for "bias against white men" is an open submission form asking for "evidence of race or sex preferences at any university you've been associated with." Just FYI!
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Important detail of this (overly generous) piece: This conspiracy theory started from NYPost and Alex Berenson. People who call themselves journalists took as assignment editor a right wing propaganda outlet and a notorious conspiracy theorist.
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Media asking if Harris has the vision to run the country and if Vance should shave. Both sides getting scrutiny.
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BREAKING: CPD’s probe into 8 police officers with documented ties to far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers was “materially deficient,” according to Chicago's watchdog. But CPD refused her request to reopen the probe.
CPD Rejects Watchdog’s Demand to Reopen ‘Deficient’ Probe Into Investigators with CPD’s Bureau of Internal Affairs did not interview anyone other than the eight officers accused of belonging to the Oath Keepers, according to a 30-page report.
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It is disorienting to see what the New York Times will cover with an active voice (that is demonstrably more accurate) and what it'll obscure with passive voice.
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Deadline approaching: Our nonprofit newsroom is #hiring a reporter who lives in the Great Lakes region to cover gun violence across Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Apply by Friday, July 12! #JournalismJobs
The Trace Is Hiring a Great Lakes The Trace is hiring a reporter who lives in the Great Lakes region to cover gun violence across Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  We are looking for someone w...
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
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This is exactly what happened in post-USSR 1990s-era Russian Federation. Didn't help the word "democratsiya" sounds like "shit" in Russian, but that was also just an apt description of post-Soviet life.
Like it or not, the Democratic electoral strategy of “democracy is on the ballot” may not be successful because many Americans have already lived most of their lives in a marginalized majority without a functioning democracy. It is a slogan penned by a tone deaf and privileged political class.
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But mostly "how do we do all this stuff without the US?!" has been on the strategic table now since Trump's first term, which was a HUGE wakeup call all round.
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A few months before he was reelected overwhelmingly, it was widely reported that Ronald Reagan napped during cabinet meetings.