
Not even sure why people still pay attention to the New York Times
Why? Just because he's a convicted criminal rapist fraud who tried to lynch congress when lost his last election and has been bankrupting the RNC ever since while courting racists and lunatics in between tacky scams? It's not like he mumbled during a debate!
From something very, very high?
Sorry, but I read this as the NYT saying "We actually do not want Trump to win, but Biden is at risk of not winning." Unfortunately I agree with the NYT.
Have they called for Trump to step down as a candidate?
that would be rude & partisan
From the article: "Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust."
Damn, sounds like he should step down
If only they felt he should do that.
Too bad the headline didn't say "34-felon should step down". 🙄
The fact that no paper has is making me insane. Like, yeah, he won’t, but it’s still important ta say he *should*!
Let’s see if they first endorse Kamala Harris
Quick question: who does the article say should step down as a candidate?
Jamelle Bouie was one of the writers involved, so he complicates the answer.
Regardless headlines matter. Most folks will only ever see the headline, the sub and maybe some choice quotes. The NYT with that headline is spreading the idea that Biden uniquely is unsuitable to be a major party candidate. It is bananas.
Yes, that was the piece under discussion.
Bouie isn’t calling for Biden to step down.
How many of these dumbass articles are we required to read before we can have an opinion on what the NYT is trying to do here?
So no? Because they state pretty clearly that Trump should not be the president
Do they say he should step down as a candidate for the good of the country?
They say “there are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency.” But don’t offer specific people. I agree with them that someone who is capable of clearly communicating Biden’s accomplishments would be better. Biden can’t.
Daniel, see if you can parse this diagramme and then report back whether it helps you triangulate in on the real issue at discussion here
I can parse it but don’t understand how it plays into the discussion
Let me be of assistance: There is a learned paradigm. That learned paradigm is exemplified by the four final state conditions in the diagramme. To support this paradigm, people learn (from others, or by persuading themselves) that it’s *normal* and *reasonable* to “reason” as per that flow.
And you think that proves they don't want Trump to be president? Lmao.
I think so yes. And I think they want a candidate that can communicate the reasons why. Biden can’t finish a fucking sentence. And he has a 36% approval rating and not winning head-to-head polls. If you want Trump to lose you should pick someone who could win
I'd give them more credit on this point if they had been over these months directly and forcefully dressing down the GOP in their pages for standing up a candidate who is unfit and has disqualified himself and had demanded the GOP remove him as their nominee before they turned to the democrats.
Sulzberger is big mad he isn’t getting his ring kissed
Of course not. Republicans are never asked to do anything for the good of the country.
Avatar I will never give a💲to you ever again. That you would publish this 🗑️ and NOT call for the convicted felon & rapist to withdraw from the race is journalism malpractice. Should the 🍊🤡get elected I will howl w/ glee when he shuts you down. #Election2024 #DebateNight
I mean, the “I will howl w/ glee” part about a fascist shutting down a media outlet was a bit of a twist ending, but other than that…
The NYT is too busy covering their bets (aka a**).
Obvious NYT bias aside. Biden's debate was terrible and Trump, who is a moron, trounced him. Anyone with a vested interest in the future of democracy should want Biden replaced by another candidate before he is replaced by Trump.
This is supposing that debates actually matter in terms of who wins elections, which is false.
Debates are politics-themed entertainment, and not very good entertainment at that.
I didn’t watch, you shouldn’t have watched, most people don’t watch, they have almost no effect, it’s just theater for inept media.
Usually, but the shambling incoherent points are likely be replayed ad infinitum now. This isn't Howard Dean shouting yeah, this is a ln aging man in obvious cognitive decline. Biden is a liability at this point.
But I think we can all agree that the Biden staffers who demanded this debate in this format and with these moderators should be exiled to the Marianas Trench.
No time. Instablock for those who call for him to step down. I bet half of them are silent trumpers anyway.
But Trump shouldn't step down? Dude's a criminal. This feels like an overreaction and a wildly different standard for both people. It also feels like doing MAGAs work for them.
Yeah, obviously. But there is an important difference, Trump is a confident criminal, who looks like he'll physically survive. Biden made him look snappy and in control. Biden can't make salient points, let alone call a liar on his lies. Biden is losing far more than Trump is winning.
I disagree. Biden made salient points, and he just had a great speech in NC. The debate didn't move the needle, and in no way did Trump look in control, what are you talking about? He just gish galloped the whole time like a fool. This is just buying into a narrative that's being pushed.
You know gish gashing works, right? It projects confidence. Did you see Biden on abortion, on immigration, on golf ffs? Shambling would be kind adjective. It's just optics. The dems NEED to win, so they need better optics. They have till August to get him to step down with grace. Or Trump will win.