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New York Times, July 5, 2025: “Biden’s Stumbles And Gaffes During His Criticism of President Trump’s Internment Camps Vindicate Age Concerns”
apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
You've got to be kidding me - using the 'Create Contact' in GMail from hovering on an email sender created a contact with NAME and PHONE but not, y'know, *the email address* Get it together, Google!
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.
It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.
The galaxy falling back under the thrall of the Empire used to feel like the weakest aspect of the Disney sequels but now they feel like the most realistic. It wouldn’t even have taken 30 years, give it just 4 and the Star Wars news-anchors would be asking, how can Palpatine win the debate this week
Wife's book club read a (fiction) book about a kid who committed suicide due to un-medicated depression, and the group leader is taking an ANTI-medication stance. I am not allowed to take her microphone and yell at them but oh boy I want to.
Roberts: wait Bruen says WHAT? Fuck fuck fuck I gotta stop voting on shit when I’m drunk. Okay. You can do this Johnny. You went to Harvard. Let’s parse our way out of this mess. Fuckin’ Thomas, I should have known better.
Remind me of this, which I keep handy when I need the push to keep fighting:
I'm writing a paper about different modes of politics & the 2 most important are what I call friend-enemy politics & pluralist politics. These are often at odds, & habituation to pluralist politics can make FE seem categorically inappropriate But here we see how they can be nested constructively...
A serious attempt by legislators or a candidate to invalidate a plainly valid election to install someone who plainly lost the election as president is not a "legal hack" or "finalizing results". It is treason. It is a treason against the United States and its citizens. We shouldn't dance around it.
a relative posted this on facebook and I love it
The bit that seems to be regularly missing here is also that ... we literally are doing quite a lot about climate change recently? Like, yes, totally, it's a big deal, and more is better. But also folks do need to note that there is actually real progress happening, and avoid leaning into nihilism
Like, in the US, solar is doubling year on year. In the UK coal is *gone* from the energy mix, and renewables have ~ taken over *gas*. These things are new, and they are very large, but they also seem to get essentially no credit or coverage, which is ... not great if you want progress to continue
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
Turning computers off and on again works because it puts the system back into a known, expected state
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Please take a moment and leave a comment in favor of 6-month boosters not being limited to immunocompromised and elderly people.
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
There is some weird-ass spaghetti code behind Helldivers 2 😂
I'm one of many movie music lovers who laments the near disappearance of great movie themes. Ben Pearson spoke to a number of prominent composers about why today's films lack memorable themes, and came away with a terrific, informative piece. www.slashfilm.com/1598470/wher...
Where Have All The Memorable Movie Themes Gone? Hollywood Composers Speak Out [Exclusive] - SlashFilmwww.slashfilm.com What happened to the memorable, hummable movie themes that used to populate American blockbusters? We spoke with several Oscar-winning composers to find out.
Seems consistent with a huge surge of unlikely and unregistered voters coming to Trump's rescue in November
THIS IS HUGE! Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a new antibiotic that reduced or eliminated drug-resistant bacterial infections (MORE THAN 130 multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, in fact) while sparing the gut microbiome! Let’s talk about that! 🧪🧵⬇️
Well played, Netflix. Well played.
Just a heads-up to gift link lovers: the Washington Post has changed the rules for viewing gift links, and now requires registration, though no payment is required to view the article.
This is so, so good—the analysis I'd been waiting for
Here's the most in-depth legal analysis of the congestion-pricing situation I've seen, by NYU law prof Rick Hills: "As a matter of constitutional principle, it is perverse to construe a federal statute to give governors the power to shut down state law."
PrawfsBlawg: Can Governor Hochul Use Federal Law to Stall New York’s Congestion Pricing Program?prawfsblawg.blogs.com
If you want to know how it's going on the bird site, Musk has auto-blocked Apple for users and deleted all their tweets.
Publication day for ACCIDENTAL ASTRONOMY in North America! Now my friends across the Pond can read about how astronomers stumble into discovering the cosmos. 🔭 🧪
Pride Flag Not Exactly Thrilled To Have To Look At Martha-Ann Alito Either