Cameron McCartney

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Cameron McCartney

Nerd in Seattle. Opinions are my own, fasc is trash, trans rights are human rights.
traffic in NY has reached LA levels, if only there was a plan years in the making that’s ready to be deployed now and would make the roads less congested
This from Masha Gessen is impardonable. Dare to criticize the press--namely their Times--and you will be labeled a demagogue, which is exactly what they accuse Biden of doing in the face of criticism. Instead, try to listen.
Please do this, and completely bankrupt the company.
I guess he's already pivoted to Bitcoin and AI and whatever, but I wonder if at some point Tesla is going to straight up introduce a gas powered version of their cars
Trump's 'EV-bashing' RNC speech betrayed Elon Musk despite $180M pledge, says GOP On Thursday evening, Trump said his presidency would reverse the “Green New Scam.”
Highly infectious poliovirus found in Gaza sewage samples Gaza ministry warns thousands of people displaced by the Israel-Gaza war are at risk of contracting the disease which can cause deformities and paralysis
Highly infectious poliovirus found in Gaza sewage Gaza ministry warns thousands of people displaced by the Israel-Gaza war are at risk of contracting the disease which can cause deformities and paralysis
"No one cares how much you suffer, so do things as easily as possible." - Helen Van Wyk Applies to so many things 😆
They don't know what they fuck they're doing. They're just reacting. Most of these people demonstrably don't know shit and I don't think they're fit to run a corner store.
I think I am modestly pro Biden dropping out in favor of Harris but if this is the shit they have planned then Biden needs to stay put because this will be a disaster.
There was a great psych experiment where people simple had to read a short 500 word essay with one hand in a bowl of ice water. Putting your hand in a bowl of ice water is painful, distracting, and basically harmless. Lots of experiments use this to produce pain, ethically.
There was a great psych experiment where people simple had to read a short 500 word essay with one hand in a bowl of ice water. Putting your hand in a bowl of ice water is painful, distracting, and basically harmless. Lots of experiments use this to produce pain, ethically.
NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
oh youre tired??? should we turn all the lights off??? should we go to bed?? should we invite rip van winkle??
Elon Musk has rapidly turned Twitter into a pro-Trump campaign engine. - Icon of Trump after his assassination attempt on the MAGA hashtag (hat tip to - Unremovable Trump 2024 hashtag at the top of the trending topics list - Unremovable Trump campaign ads on the Explore tab
In addition, you can't mute either the Trump2024 or MAGA hashtags (you can put them in your muted words, but nothing will be muted), and if you click one of them, THIS shit happens.
Lol the RNC is DDOSing grindr
my god bob newhart’s last joke is his best ever
Conservative pundit Lou Dobbs — infamous for hardline anti-immigrant views and for pushing Obama birther theories — has died at 78, Trump announced
Lou Dobbs Dead At 78, Trump The conservative media personality was 78.
The Thielification of the RNC is complete.
There is so much stupid shit everywhere now. Those are tank rounds and the black granules you see in the cutaway is propellant, not seeds
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
Menstrual Surveillance Hawk sounds like a Tick villain
JD Vance opposes the Biden Admin rule barring law enforcement from having access to your medical records about reproductive health (menstrual cycles, endometriosis, miscarriages, pregnancy, etc.) so that state laws limiting abortion and/or contraception can be enforced against you!
JD Vance, Menstrual Surveillance This Spring HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement...
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
It’s not necessarily good that the worlds richest man is going to funnel money to the worlds worst people but I unreservedly think it’s good that all these fucking assholes in Silicon Valley have fully acknowledged that they’re fucking assholes as opposed to pretending they’re saving the world
News that should shock no one: After assassination attempt, Elon Musk claims he'll donate $45 million a month to super PAC that backs Trump; Bill Ackman officially endorses; other Silicon Valley players and venture capitalists decree the "taboo" of supporting MAGA movement is gone.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t