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(He/Him) Player of video games, lover of books, Dungeons and Dragons nerd, Techy guy, father, and husband. Also: https://mastodon.social/@DarthYoshiBoy
GJ Games Done Quick (www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick) on reaching a cumulative $50 million dollars raised for charity. Here's hoping that it's only the start of billions raised for the excellent @msf.bsky.social and others!
GamesDoneQuick - Twitchwww.twitch.tv Summer Games Done Quick 2024 - Benefitting Doctors Without Borders - Sekiro
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
So presidential pardons are a core constitutional power, and apparently pre-emptive pardons are A-OK. Does this new ruling mean that a president could issue a pardon for anyone who murders... say, Supreme Court Justices and/or congress members? ...and that wouldn't be a crime? @kenwhite.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
With less of a check on presidential criminality than many of us had been counting on, it becomes all the more important not to elect a brazen criminal to the presidency.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Let me say it now. If we lose our democracy in November, it's not going to be because "The Dems" put up Biden, it's going to be because people thought that doing nothing was better than choosing to align against evil when it meant accepting anything less than their notion of a "good" candidate.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
People who treat July 4th as nothing more than an excuse to get drunk, overeat, and blow shit up, and not as a celebration of America's independence from a King, have never been more right.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
If you make any kind of art and call yourself a "content creator" I will go angry mom on your ass so fast. "Content" is corporate pabulum. You make art. Call yourself an artist, hold your head up high, and don't help bean-counters and empty suits to degrade you. They'll do that on their own.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Those drugs that Trumpworld is insisting that Biden will take before the debate to suddenly reverse the cognitive decline they insist afflicts him? Such drugs don't exist. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | No, Biden won’t be on performance-enhancing drugs for the debatewww.washingtonpost.com Experts on the subject note that there is no drug that will temporarily mask cognitive decline.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
It's never to late to start reading every Discworld book.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
The new Zelda game reads to me like someone said "what if the Cane of Somaria did Dragon Quest Builders," and I'm into it
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
“oh that games old, it’s graphics are bad, i don’t wanna play it” what’s it like being a coward? spiritually weak, your bloodline will not survive the winter
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Now that there’s a flood of new folks popping into BlueSky, welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay and wish you many great experiences building a fellowship with your mutuals! Now let us please put to rest the idea that we “needed” to stay on Twitter/X for reasons beyond business or social media work.
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Hey @aftermath.site Something is missing here… do it! Start the trend.
I'm constantly trying to convince friends that this is a cool site worthy of some allocation of time, but the coolest posts that I'd love to share with them are always from profiles that require a log-in. What is the point of sharing something? Does everyone not understand skyview.social is a thing?
Skyviewskyview.social Share BlueSky posts and threads externally
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.
I think some people are afraid of good news because they think it inevitably leads to complacency. like any hint of good must mean there is no need for Better. but…endless bad news doesn’t lead to Better either. it leads to exhaustion.
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Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Kingdom Hearts finally lands on Steam next month, meaning another huge win for deservedly not giving Epic any of my goddamn money
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
More support for the theory that OpenAI is equal parts “never have an original idea” + “steal other people’s work because you’re constitutionally incapable of imagining anything on your own”—with a hefty dollop of “fetishize women and refuse to take no for an answer.”
NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn obtained this statement from Scarlett Johansson regarding OpenAI's ChatGPT voice that sounds like her role from the 2013 movie "Her"
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
I think it would be perfectly ethical to destroy all the ai servers with hammers
Today at eldest daughter's school, a literal dumpster fire. WHEEEEEE!!!
Rep. Kera Birkeland: “Public backlash from this legislation was completely expected, but at the end of the day, we do what is best for Utah, despite outcries from a loud and vocal minority.” With 86% of Utahns against this legislation, it seems like the vocal minority has maybe got this backwards.
When John Dougall ran for Utah auditor, he didn’t set out to “become a bathroom monitor” — and he didn’t ask the Utah Legislature to make him responsible for enforcing a transgender bathroom ban signed into law in January, he said in a statement Tuesday.
Utah auditor blasts ‘invasive and overly aggressive Legislature’ for making him trans ‘bathroom monitor’www.sltrib.com When John Dougall ran for Utah auditor, he didn’t set out to “become a bathroom monitor” — and he didn’t ask the Utah Legislature to make him responsible for enforcing a transgender bathroom ban signe...
I can't think of anything more "Utah" than destroying a gorgeous historic concert hall to make way for an NHL team and accompanying "Entertainment District." 🤦‍♂️
The reaction to the idea of demolishing Abravanel Hall to make room for a new "entertainment district" has been sharp — with an online petition drawing thousands of signatures, and a preservation group putting the Utah Symphony's home on a list of Utah's "most endangered" historic sites.
If Abravanel Hall goes, fans say, music and childhood memories could go with itwww.sltrib.com The reaction to the possibility of Abravanel Hall being demolished to make room for a new "entertainment district" has been sharp — with an online petition drawing thousands of signatures, and a prese...
Sign the Petitionchng.it With the recent announcement of a National Hockey League team coming to Utah, and the Utah State Legislature authorizing Salt Lake City to increase sales tax to help finance a home for the team, the f...
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
Thanks @nobodysholm.bsky.social It would be a shame if people made realistic & unique fake submissions, from multiple internet connections if they have 'em, entering from the auditor․utah․gov page so their traffic looks organic, all ultimately making filtering of those reports difficult. Damn shame.
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports: ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_co...
Hotline Complaint Formut-sao-special-prod.web.app
Reposted byAvatar DarthYoshiBoy
The thing which a solid half of the driving public hasn't grokked yet is that by protecting other people, you are in fact protecting yourself. Driving is the most remarkably dangerous yet cooperative thing we do - and so, efforts to help one another be safe are always a good idea.