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Gone Fishing
It's weird reflecting now that Olbermann's show is certainly one of the key things that pushed me to the Political Left. Like just hearing someone on national TV call Republican Liars "liars" was a revelation in the Aughts, that I wasn't crazy and the Bush people were actually evil dishonest theives
Eh, I think Rush Limbaugh was the real vanguard of that era.
I'll never forget that stupid rally so long as I live. Gathering thousands of people together a week before the Proto-Trumper Tea Party took over the house to plead for people to meet in the middle. It was so bad that Bill Fucking Maher dunked on Stewart for wasting everyone's time.
The short answer is: "Yes" The long answer is: "Yes"
I don't think so. Trump is the only winning GOP candidate this century besides Bush II, and his popularity collapsed after Katrina in 2005 never to recover. So what's the point of bringing in some hated losers who've been repudiated by the current party? Why would then even go if invited?
The people writing about a Trump Pivot in 2024 have to know what they're doing. Anyone stupid enough to actually believe that perished eating Tide Pods or baking Nyquil chicken.
Given what we've seen over the last few weeks, repeatedly tricking/dunking on the pundit class would be a real boon to Biden. Like that comment about Trump changing the dynamic, except from the other side, leaving a shrinking center to fume at their increasing irrelevancy.
That's been clearly the case for awhile now.
"President abandoned by the Center tacks to the Left"
I'd post the "who could have done this meme" but I'd rather not be on any more watchlists.
SCOTUS upon overturning this: "See, we support Democrats too!"
Not even hiding that they're in the tank for Trump. The streets are clogging with masks being discarded.
It's quite something watching as shitposters lead the way whilst paid media collapse in on themselves to see who can be stupider.
I heard his voice from a Podcast clip where he's participating in a Cyrpto-Scam.
Also Trump is effectively the Mob Candidate, so...
Turns out it was the Thunderdome all along.
Usually both candidates get a convention bump from the wall to wall coverage, but, I'm genuinely wondering how this fascist freak show is going to go down with the swing voters currently tuning in.
The best timeline now is that Biden wins reelection with a Dem-Trifecta then throws all his weight behind AOC for speaker and Bernie to for Senate Majority Leader, because everyone else left him for dead.
"It's a Worker's Party Now" -Some Idiot Elitist we take seriously for no reason
Reality is catching up to parody too fast these days.
Social Media seems to entropy in the same ways.
Really, did anyone Nazi that coming at this point?
Seeing that account writing this is like
Reposted byAvatar DeathsHead419
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Reposted byAvatar DeathsHead419
Dear pundits: Please proceed with caution when invoking Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address, and his appeal to the "better angels of our nature." Remember, it didn't work! Quoting an appeal to unity that was followed by 4 years of civil war should give you pause about the power of such appeals. 🗃️
The best way to visualize Republican Politics is a bunch of dudes in suits around a table talking to one another while outside a crowd is chanting "Fascism-Fascism" over and over, growing louder and louder until those around the table one by one stop talking about other things and pick up the chant.
Should at least do a little trolling first. Saved me the effort.
Oh hey, not sure if this is a parody account, and it already blocked me, but, looks like this just landed.