
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
This fucking wrecked me.
The comments on that story are so awful. "The mother broke the law knowingly and now wants sympathy for abusing her child??" It makes me wonder if they are an AI fueled psyop
some of those have 1000+ posts on Yahoo! I might have made ONE around 1998, just to ask how is Babby formed 📶
If I was smarter I'd scrap their posting histories and see if they even bothered to emulate users who sleep
imagine waking up every day knowing that your job is investigating anonymous tips about children's genitals on behalf of the state, then imagine thinking you're the good guy
I would take the job and just not do it. Everything always checks out, and no I don't need to see a damn thing
Yeah I’ll investigate. The investigation consists of asking the kid “are you a girl?” And when she says yes, case closed. She’s a girl.
every single pig who harasses trans kids for the state of Florida should be convicted as a sex offender & barred from ever holding public office or working in government again.
ESPECIALLY that hog Ron DeSantis
that’s right. Ron DeSantis is a bigot & a sex criminal.
Let's not understate his human trafficking though.
I honestly don’t understand how a single Republican can go a single day at this point without having an “are we the baddies?” moment.
all they want to do is kill us
I'm getting bad enough reactions saying the Republicans are planning to holocaust us & that shrugging it off until the next election as if it had no material consequences won't work for the people the Christian right will pass laws against & mass imprison that I've given up on spreading the message.
I didn't get a whole lot more than getting written off as a deranged kook like one of those street preachers with «the end is nigh» on sandwich board signs. They know we're going to be annihilated & only care that our bringing it up is an unpleasant subject disturbing their Ozzie & Harriet idyll.
Sadly, a whole lot of people really don't know. They think "it can't happen here". *While it is literally fucking happening*. Until we're literally getting rounded up they won't even notice
Yeah, Prof Brendan Nyhan flat blocked me when I said armed community self defense was going to have to be a thing for trans ppl, and he's one of guys who accurately calls Trump a fascist. Like, don't you understand the implications of what you're saying? NM that the T community is scared to death.
Comments below the article had death threats towards trans people and our allies
It's time to prepare to flee, hide or fight. Those are the options.
This goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: DON'T READ THE COMMENTS!!
Pfft, the comments can't be THAT bad. -Reads a few- Oh. Yeh, fuck the comments. Don't read that shit.
“Keep the plumbing intact” What the actual FUCK.
"Keep the plumbing intact" they say, while carving up intersex kids to 'fix' us without our consent. "Be what you want to be" they say before busting out the pitchforks when a kid literally becomes who they want to be.
It’s almost as if they’re not actually trying to “protect” ANYBODY at all 🤔
I read the first few until I realized that none of the commenters had actually read the article.
Yeah I have a bad habit of scrolling to find some informed, empathetic commenters, and yikes
I didn't have the fortitude to hunt through 17K comments to find the few from people who actually read the article and aren't vile being belief.
Oh Christ, yes. Don't even look. I made the mistake of glancing at them, and backed right out; it's fucking radioactive in there, with unbelievable hate for the mom for protecting her child.
I, honestly, shouldn’t have even read the article. 😞
So upsetting. I kept looking for someone kind or compassionate and it’s all hate and gross comments. Article moving fast through Florida Facebook I bet
This is literally sickening. Desantis and these other foul excuses for humans should be made to strip and hosed down in public. Destroying a kid's life in the service of...what exactly?? Who does this benefit? So foul
So he could come in third in the GOP primary. Listen well, Bluesky readers! Any Republican governor will happily destroy your life for the opportunity to maybe be in the top five of the next POTUS primary. It will get worse before it gets better. Never vote for one!!!
it's sickening how eager so many people seem to be to simply comply with these monstrous laws.
these people are fucking ghouls
They sent three people to investigate one 16-year-old, for the crime of calling herself a girl. Great job, Florida.
this situation is heart breaking, and of course it happens in Broward, one of the states bluest counties, where our school board has been under attack by Desantis and his cronies, using every excuse he can to replace elected school board members with chuds he’s appointed.
This was started (anonymously) by a DeSantis appointee on the board, but he was allowed to be anonymous by the superintendent unanimously selected by the board Dems; the discipline committee's recommendation was overruled in favor of her mother's termination by his Dem-supported successor; and
this Dem-majority board was set to fire her (in the middle of Pride) until the item was pulled at the last second. I may have missed something, but to my knowledge, no Dem board member has spoken up in public support of this girl or her family, or
called for an investigation in the SIU officers who were apparently grossly dehumanizing to them. Nor have I seen basically any local Dems push back on this farce: not the state rep Hunschofsky or senator Polsky for Monarch's district, or
Moskowitz as their congressman (though no surprise, as he's been quite happy to boost transphobes as he tries to position himself as "bipartisan"), even though he lives only a few miles from the school.
All of them are happy to put out Pride statements of generalized support all month, but when it comes to doing anything at all to stand up for someone specifically targeted by organized transphobia, it's basically been silence.
Yeah, I call this bs out a lot. If trans people are crazy or tricked by malicious institutions, then why all the cruelty?
“We’re doing this out of love” is what gets trotted out when polite company accidentally overhears. What they say, and do, when they think we’re not around speaks louder.
It's familiar rhetoric to justify abuse to many of us who grew up in evangelical homes.
#Wilhoit'sLaw Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.