Mike Fragassi

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Mike Fragassi


Chicagoan, stroke survivor, dev, moving further to the Left as I get older & more pissed off.

I probably repost too damn much.
And make too many typos.

@refrag on the Twitanic
@[email protected] but barely active
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A band that everyone agrees sucked shit play one gig in Manchester - everyone who attends goes on to form their own band, shaping UK music for decades. Their artist is the nephew of the founder of the druidic order. You're telling me that this is all "a coincidence"? and that "this is a Wendy's"?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
I wrote this in 2017, shortly after Macron's 1st win. I said: Macron is so open about being hostile to Left, that it salvages a huge path for the broad left to be an alternative... if it manages to unite. Few things I've ever written have aged so well. democracyjournal.org/arguments/re...
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
That’s why I use this feed, in case they come back. I wish there was a way to find out who has been inactive in a while bsky.app/profile/did:...
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Jane McAlevey is gone. In her honor, go out and win something.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Anyway, if anyone wants book recommendations right now, tell me 2 writers you love & what you’re in the mood for.
Finally read S. A. Cosby’s Blacktop Wasteland and it’s so fucking good. Oyeyemi’s Parasol Against the Axe is weird & gorgeous. Spufford’s Light Perpetual is everything I wanted it to be. Buehlman’s The Daughter’s War broke my heart. Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil by Lima is a wicked delight.
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When the France election results are good
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Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
NYT says their performance on Threads today was an aberration, & not indicative of deeper problems they've had with social media. Unfortunately, that hasn't satisfied many observers whose concerns are growing louder. The stakes are too high. For the good of the news, the Times should step aside
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
you can freely criticize him for trying that approach *and i will heartily agree*, because i think it was extremely stupid and undercut most of his natural strengths (as well as exposing his longstanding liabilities), but, like, it was pretty clear to me that this is what he was trying to do.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
like, you have to pick a lane here, because i don't think that we typically associate people suffering dementia and a head cold with sticking *too* closely to the list of facts, stats and figures they have spent the previous days memorizing in order to rattle them off in a 2m response window
what drives me up the wall is that the very thing that hobbled him in the first 15 of the debate — trying to cram in a ton of facts and figures and references that he clearly committed to memory over the previous few days — is a thing that people who actually have dementia normally can't do well.
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anyway let's talk about something else, one of the things i want to do on the site is compile playlists made of bands from different cities — i can filter and browse by location, but if your city has a good underground/independent music scene, sound off about where and who i should look for
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Funny watching a new generation of studio executives discover why they stopped letting Kevin Costner make movies.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
ye gods, WATERY TARTS LOCAL 1485 would be a fucking excellent band name for a certain kind of band
If I recall correctly it said it was for "Watery Tarts Local 1485" & featured a Beardsley illustration framed by a large gear.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Just announced for re-development into a Fulton Market hotel, the invaluable Chicagology website has a great history of the handsome 910 West Lake, from its original construction in 1886 to its time as Schwinn factory and headquarters at the peak of the bicycle craze. chicagology.com/goldenage/go...
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
ELEMENTARY has dropped on Hulu (was it there before and I hadn’t seen it?) and as I’m busted with COVID, I’m indulging. The pilot’s a masterclass, the show’s an A+ example of procedural writing, balancing the serialization and B plots.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
Wow. @nytimes.com has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
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Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Unironically put this post on ads in swing states
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Drove into New Hampshire today, and immediately saw a “Democrats Will Protect Your Reproductive Rights” billboard with an American flag and a bald eagle on it, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Excellent work. More of that please.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
A popular front between liberals and leftists. Seems like something to think about, I dunno.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
The cluster of moms at after-school pickup, the people you see on the 8:15 bus to work, the barista at your local coffee shop, your customers if you yourself are the barista, the neighbor you secretly hate, your first roommate who you still talk to on Facebook, your informal lunch break smoking club
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We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Surely reporters will be asking Trump and his campaign to identify the things on Project 2025 he disagrees with and what part are "absolutely ridiculous and abysmal" His own people wrote the fucking thing. So get the answers. Obsess over this for a change
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Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Prentice Penny’s Onyx Pilot “Not Cops” Not Moving Forward Curious … 4 years ago I wrote a column (link in next post) that asked: What if networks greenlit shows that tried to explore police abolition? We haven’t seen one (1) yet Via Deadline
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I've seen this link being passed about a bit the last few weeks, worth noting that it's from 2014 and if you didn't know to check you'd probably never notice
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children”www.hollywoodreporter.com The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
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If this resonates with you as an expert in your field, please feel free to hit me up on how to pitch an op-ed to MSNBC dot com
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Fragassi
Maybe it's because the Jewish part of my family us also Russian, but to me a Jewish optimist is someone who firmly believes that things are not as bad as they seem... because they can ALWAYS get worse.