
Remember when the sad internet boys wanted to yassify Aloy
also the one guy who freaked out bc she had peach fuzz that was visible in a promo image lol
My only takeaway is that they have never been close to a 'woman' before
especially funny bc the series was so obviously extremely left leaning from the start and even more explicitly so in forbidden west. an openly trans NPC! aloy a lesbian!
Man every NPC wants a piece of Aloy in Forbidden West. Like 3/4ths of the cut scenes end with someone giving her a longing look.
And I didn't play the first one so I just assumed there was something in the backstory that you could've chosen to romance someone and if you didn't they would all just look at her like the one that got away.
oh the first one is great and also every single NPC openly hits on her and she ignores them all lol
I was cracking up at the DLC cut scene that replays the trope of “the cool dude smirks while the nervous chick climbs on his motorcycle and wraps her arm around his waste” but with a sunwing
Elon Musk as the literal idiot who ended the world with his AI hubris.
The entire larger plot was "rich people destroyed the world with their lust for money and war" with nearly every scrap of media from the distant past showing what psychopaths they were, so I wouldn't even say "leaning." The main villains in FW are a handful of super-rich people with high technology.
yeah lol it absolutely rocks.
i deeply believed aloy was a lesbian in the first game since the only time she ever got close to flustered was when women hit on her (specifically the big oseram lady and talanah), but the confirmation in the second game and aloy finally allowing like. another relationship in her life… fantastic
Uh excuse me the term is ACKSHULLY 'feeeeeeeemale', he said ferengei-ly
let alone in the woods!
APOLO may not have survived, but I think Dr Sobeck would have been quite pleasantly surprised with SEPHORA’s success
Missed opportunity to do an Urban Decay collab
“So anyway after I finish dodging some robot patrols when I wake up I start with a concealer and medium foundation after priming. I love a tight line eye so do that then some light shadow work normally to help my eyes pop. I love a filled brow so… hang on some t-Rex things are on their way gotta go”
Reapplying the lip gloss every hour or so in the unrelenting dryness of the badlands is the burden she has to bear
"Okay he's dead SO where was I oh ya okay so you guys, this setting spray? Changed my LIFE. Like middle of the jungle, 92 degrees and 85% humidity? Not a PORE out of place. So you can use my affiliate link down below if you wanna give it a try don't forget to leave a like oh hey robo raptors-see ya"
Same dudes: “I want a girl who is a natural beauty and doesn’t wear makeup.”
look you cannot have a female heroine if the male audience cannot pop a boner. you just dont' do that. you dont understand how important that boner is
Look, if a woman in a video game is not a hypersexualized doll conforming to modern standards of beauty and preparation, is she even a woman?
Sure she has to traipse all over a post apocalyptic hellscape inhabited by killer robot dinosaurs and murderous cargo cults but she should also have the time to wash her face, pluck her eyebrows, and wax the fuzz on her upper lip.
If she’s not fuckable am I even a man?!?
Look I'm willing to allow that as a requirement if their boners were far less tuned to a very very specific type of borderline non-existent human
the entire 'man jaw' thing has me thinking that the standards of beauty these people tend to pull from are much more... 2d in nature
As someone who primarily prefers illustrations I'm not keen to throw stones there except that maybe they should have some self awareness that if they ever want to get laid they're going to need to touch grass
Like the furry fandom is full of art with unrealistic highly sexualized bodies but I don't think I've ever heard these types of complaints from anyone I know.
oh i just mean that they try to transpose the standards of their preferred medium into real life which, well, rather unrealistic? nobody's got a chin that comes to a point you could murder somebody with if you apply enough force
whenever these complaints come up i get reminded of this "anti woke curator" account i found on steam that said jesse faden from Control is ugly because she's realistic
and like, if Aloy as designed didn’t do that for people who get boners for cartoons, maybe they’re not as straight as they think they are
Doesn’t this take up a bunch of space where the controller needs to g…. Oh i think i see problem
LOL yeah. Just finished Forbidden West. Great game.
It's very rare to get a sequel to a game as good as Zero Dawn that improves on the original in every regard. I also think it's hilarious how half the NPCs are down bad for Aloy and she's completely oblivious
"Why doesn't the post-apocalyptic game have make-up???"
I truly believe at this point that incels like those guys are so porn-brained and CLUELESS about what real women look like that they ACTUALLY BELIEVE that women NATURALLY look like this without ever applying any quantity of makeup.
Well, yeah, don't your eyes naturally secrete mascara and eyeshadow? All women do, if yours don't you're not really a woman. Hold on, gotta drain my concealer glands.
One time my wife got a clog in the concealer glands and half her face broke out in in powder puffs we had to get lanced. Huge ordeal. Glad we got it taken care of though for a few days she was such an uggo
I'm a guy. I guess my eyes and pores are supposed to secrete axe body spray and hair pomade.
my understanding is that your hair is actually a fine chitin exoskeleton to reinforce your head during football impacts
Guy whose entire interaction with women is filtered Instagram models.
kind of worried that that's everybody under the age of 20
My plan for fixing America: letting the incels be replaced by immigrants.
I don't think it's any worse than porn or swimsuit magazine photoshops but now everyone's online so we get to read their stupid thoughts in real time.
You weren't messaging your friends via the porn mag, though. And you didn't have airbrushed photos of yourself to give you anxiety
This woman has said the N word within the past eight hours and is trying to get her neighbor evicted for driving an old car