
watching people suddenly talk about wanting to leave the country makes me nostalgic for literally any conversation i've ever had with any person of color ever
I said this on Twitter but: my husband is Jewish and I am black. Where are we gonna go exactly.
Same. But also, why should we have to give up our country for them? It’s our country too, and it always will be, no matter how much they don’t like us.
My family has put a lot of work into this dumbass country and I’m not gonna just give up
Same and same. This is our home, our community, our history, and they can yank all of that out of my cold dead, Black hands.
Keep your powder dry, men.
The quote that I've seen, and absolutely love, is "We love this club even when it doesn't love us back."
I'm an immigration lawyer, and I see how much people from all over the world still see the U.S. as the better option. They might know something!
The US may be falling behind in civil rights and other matters, but it is still far ahead of a lot of countries. There are also still countless heavy labor jobs available. It's no wonder people want to have a better life here.
i think wanting to have a better life here has a lot to do with refusing to give up and let horrible people win, but tbh some of us got dragged here against our own will and would very much like to leave, for very clear reasons. the US is not the bastion of civil rights that it pretends to be.
During BLM marches, I spent a lot of time trying to educate my family & community as to what we owe to Civil Rights. Many SA Am’s also don’t realize how the term “model minority” is racist & a tool of discord used to benefit white supremacy. We have to stand up & stand together. It’s the only way.
We're as white as can be (except my Japanese-American wife) and were hillbillies before 1776. It's not "our country" in an ownership sense but truly we are from nowhere else. It's our job to fix it.
Absolutely wild to see how many people appear to think that that is all there is left to do.
Anyone who blithely speaks of leaving the country depending on Trump's election is abandoning the poor, the sick, the old, the unjustly imprisoned, the migrant worker, the single mothers....all those who can't simply move to X if the odor of the Trumps so offends them.
And most don't have any idea of how hard it is to just immigrate to another country. Do they speak the language fluently or have a job offer in that country as well as the money to do an international move? It's all vibes.
Better hope you don't have any kind of criminal record.
I've done several international moves and even with an employer doing a lot of the work, you would not believe the paperwork.
genuinely funny to me how a lot of these white people are only considering Europe they're like i have to flee to Paris i'm like baby Paris smells bad but ok
imogen: love the wild, wacky idea that "my country is electing a fascist so I'll go live in France instead" makes any level of sense. envisioning the ridiculous scenario of Americans fleeing to and from a series of European countries as they all turn out to be fascist-infested hellholes
So the wild thing is I just saw a TikTok where some dude was saying Hungary and Turkiye are great places to flee to without even mentioning that they're captured democracies run by right-wing parties under a fascist who hates queers and non-whites.
Not even just lie, just spout half-researched bullshit passed off as fact said with completely unearned confidence! It's sheer idiocy.
Like a Scooby Doo chase scene with all the hallway doors, but the bad guy giving chase is just any given head of state
We are currently on the verge of electing a 28yo call of duty player fascist shithead from a party founded by litteral nazis as PM. Because our illiberal and megalomaniac "extreme centrist" president provoked a surprise election after he made a tantrum about losing the EU parliament elections.
The situation seems pretty bad in america rn but hey, maybe France could win this race to be the worst place for everyone, who knows.
I'll die before I make French tacos my local tacos
This is where I'm at. I try to explain to people that Canada is in fact its own country and not just extra-U.S., and they don't necessarily want you and a few million other people to just move there.
well we kind of do and we kind of don’t. every day justin trudeau wakes up and flips a coin with “IMMIGRATION” on one side and “DEPORTATION” on the other
If 10,000,000 U.S. Citizens wanted to enter Canada he would go hard on the deportation, and so would most Canadian citizens.
bro i was making a little joke. i’m not trying to organize the tim horton’s railroad
also we are *this* close to PP being elected 🤮
The options are also pretty limited if you're gay married and wish to remain so
Hahaha yes! I got non-Jewish white friends being like “Italy is nice…” and I’m like “for WHOM???”
shit I'm planning on fleeing *to* the US in the next few years, provided things don't go too tits up. Moloch of the world that should be dismantled and all, but where things are good it's basically liveable for trans people, and with far less antizyganism provided you're parno and settled
I have been wondering what it would cost to buy an island. Pool money with folks, find someplace vaguely warm. I know this sounds ridiculous, but no. I've seriously been trying to figure out what this would take.
On one hand, sounds like the dream. On the other the actual logistics of island life are pretty grueling and likely a significant expense.