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Lecturer at Ulster University in contemporary literature with a focus on dystopian fiction and the climate crisis; a genre nerd in general. If I'm not reading, I'm playing video games. Derry man and Candystriper. He/him.
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It’s as plain as the Ann on Egg’s face.
They really didn't have to go that far 🪶
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Actually no, let's do this; it would be Good, Actually
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Far too many cis people have opinions on "the trans issue" BECAUSE they don't know any trans people. Trans people are just people. Trans kids are just kids. They're being abandoned and some of them will lose their lives as a result. Please share the linked news article. Thanks.
Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third dayuk.news.yahoo.com Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
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einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Reposted byAvatar Butsy
Every time I read articles about extremely wealthy people/companies engaging in unethical behavior to become even more wealthy, I think about this excerpt from the book the psychology of money. The endless quest for more is so damaging, especially when pursed by those who already have enough.
Excellent op-ed yesterday from @andrewdessler.bsky.social on renewables already being the cheaper option and how the fossil fuel industry is trying to salt that particular bit of earth to stop their rollout. These companies are *absurdly* rich and they're not gonna stop. Gift link:
Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplacewww.nytimes.com Fossil fuel interests are spreading misinformation that renewable energy is harmful, unreliable and worse for consumers.
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I can't believe we, as a species, invented bread and cheese - two things that require multiple, complicated steps as well as microbe husbandry - and this is the best political system we've got
I'm only 50 pages in and it's already one of my favourite books 🙌 Who doesn't want a self-hating nightmare god as a protagonist?!
Oh hey! The ebook of my BSFA, Nebula, Locus, Crawford, and Nommo award nominated novel is on sale for just $2.99. Grab it if you like a spicy, character-driven, postcolonial, anticapitalist, African fantasy heist adventure with gods, magic and monsters.😉📗🌍 astrapublishinghouse.com/product/shig...
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon - Astra Publishing Houseastrapublishinghouse.com A Washington Post top 10 best science fiction and fantasy book of 2023 “A heist caper with sex, violence, and superpowers popping off every technicolor page.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Defi...
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people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet
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clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here i am, graduating from clown college. this is the happiest day of my life
Reposted byAvatar Butsy
Hello! It's Juneteenth. It was made a federal holiday in 2021, and commemorates the end of slavery in the US. You can read about it here. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junetee...
Juneteenth - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
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Poster for the 50th anniversary release of THE WICKER MAN (1973)
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A brilliant lecture by Amitav Ghosh! How oligarch preppers are likely to be disappointed, why those with "organically acquired survival skills" are best placed for major ecosystems change, what the mismanagement of the pandemic signifies, settler colonialism & much else! youtu.be/kgFT0xlXkdE?...
The Tanner Lecture 2024 - Amitav Ghoshyoutu.be
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Superb work by Jim’ll.
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If you aren’t on FB or Tiktok you might be forgiven for not realising that across Aptearoa somewhere between 20k-30k Maori and supporters went on strike today.
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Good morning. Or is it?🤣🤣✌️☕️
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You know, when someone says ‘I enjoyed a thing’ you are actually permitted not to reply with a small essay explaining why you did not.
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As someone who has never broken a bone after 45 years on this spinning globe I look forward to taking part in the savage roasting in this community 😅
every so often people rediscover r/neverbrokeabone and it's always a joy to behold the response
Reposted byAvatar Butsy
Really disappointing to hear Sinn Féin advocating means testing refugees for medical cards. This will use considerable HSE staff time for very little result & add further to the stress very vulnerable people already experience. It’s just unpleasant posturing from an increasingly populist party.
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