Dr. Niki PhD

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Dr. Niki PhD


PhD Primatologist, #Fulbright alumna, NSF DDRIG recipient: Conservation, Stress, Ethnoprimatology. | She/Her | My personal skeets
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I think the @nytimes.com is just too old to be covering politics now. Its ability to handle the rigor and complexity of modern campaigns is obviously not there anymore. Put it out to pasture so younger newspapers can do the job.
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the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
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In the US you can call your local poison center at 800-222-1222 for all sorts of questions -- medication administration, side effects, extra doses. We're not just here for snake bites, mushrooms and mercury, we're trained nurses and pharmacists with broad expertise in toxicology and pharmacology!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
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NYPD and NYC officials going on a media tour holding up a very common chain bike lock as evidence of outsider infiltration at Columbia is the thing that’s going to break me today.
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I’m going to stop this misinfo in its tracks. Sharks & rays are as distantly related as humans & snakes, so a snake knocking up a human is just as likely as a shark knocking up a ray. It’s probably parthenogenesis, aka cloning itself, which rays have been known to do on occasion 🧪🦑🐠🐟#SciComm
Pregnant Stingray Could Have Been Impregnated by Shark: 'A Science Mystery'www.yahoo.com The Aquarium & Shark Lab by Team ECCO said the stingray shared a tank with a male shark and had bite marks on her fins indicative of shark mating
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congratulations! 🎉 you scrolled so far you found ✨dopamine✨
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we went from "stop eating avocados" to "stop eating"
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Nobody asked me, but the talking point is: What this abusive fucko did is exactly what anti-abortion politicians seek to do — control reproductive outcomes for pregnant people irrespective of what pregnant people want. Forced abortion and forced pregnancy are the same side of the same abuser coin.
I have been ruminating on much of the ~ pro-choice ~ commentary around this nightmarish story and I wish people understood that "if abortion is illegal in Texas, then this man should be tried for attempted murder" is not a good dunk
Texas attorney who poisoned pregnant wife with abortion medication sentenced to 180 days in jailwww.nbcnews.com Mason Herring's estranged wife told a court that their now 1-year-old daughter has developmental delays and attends therapy eight times a week.
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I know that we're not supposed to be importing anything from The Other Place, but this is a masterwork that deserves universal acclaim.
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This feels like one of those things future societies will mock us for knowing about and still not doing
Finland: Air purifiers use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a third "It would be a big savings if we could get rid of 30% of sick days spread by children, as well as the illnesses that go home to parents" #COVID19 #Finalnd #AirPurifiers #CleanAir yle.fi/a/74-20062381
Study: Air purifier use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a thirdyle.fi The results of the study at two Helsinki daycare centres are still preliminary but promising, a researcher says.
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Real talk: restaurants rushing to get rid of their outdoor seating does not make it easy to organize an inclusive, covid-safe event in 2023. If you're someone who can afford to eat out, please support restaurants that still have outdoor seating.
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Scary has taken on a new meaning over the past few years
I really thought I was going to ride Twitter till the wheels came off, but then it started running people over.
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People have been trying to use Threads to follow the news about the war in Israel, and Meta is still wholesale blocking searches on dozens of words, downranking journalism, and does not seem to want news on its platform at all
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California legislature: we passed a bill so blind orphans will no longer be thrown down storm drains Gavin Newsom:
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I quit Twitter cold turkey and I need a stupid fight. Let's do this. Boardwalk Empire is absolutely better than the Sopranos.
My hottest of takes: Boardwalk Empire, superior to the sopranos
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🚨BREAKING: North Carolina's GOP legislature has enacted new voter suppression law over Gov. Cooper veto. Stand by for news on litigation...
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I'm so old, I remember when Republicans said that any criticism of the president during a foreign policy crisis was literal treason
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To add to this: traumatic imagery can damage you in ways you do not notice until later; how it damages you is not a function of your "strength" or "fortitude"; and it can have lasting effects on your mental or even physical health. If you do not have a professional need to view it, try to avoid it.
let me take this a step further as someone who has witnessed a little bloodshed up close (nowhere near as much as many, but some) that not only do you not need to see it, it is generally bad for you if you do
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Make sure you enroll in 'Medicare Primary.' Don't fall for the scam of Medicare Advantage, owned by private for-profit insurers who use the 'Medicare' name to exploit older adults. MA will deny you coverage when you get really sick & need care. #MedicareForAll www.commondreams.org/opinion/medi...
If You Don't Know Medicare Advantage Is a Scam, You're Not Paying Attentionwww.commondreams.org We’re on the edge of the open enrollment period for Medicare, and the Advantage scammers will be carpet-bombing America with advertisements over the next few months. Don't be fooled about what it is...
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This is Kyrsten Sinema and Mitt Romney in 20 years
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I think one of the worst quirks of online spaces is the idea that if someone doesn't post about something, they don't care about it. It encourages performative posting often makes things worse. I care a lot. I just don't want to add another poorly-informed voice. I'm reading & thinking.
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knock this website all you want but I just realized I haven’t heard what Glenn Greenwald thinks about anything for months
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Bluesky is offering journalists and newsrooms direct access to this platform. Spread the word. 🗞
we've been reaching out to & been in contact with a bunch of newsrooms (including local news) but if you have personal contacts at news orgs, please have them email [email protected]!