
i don't know, man, i'm just some humble idiot shitposter, but i do not think that the democratic party trying to usurp the sitting president from the nomination and then also throwing the first black vice-president under the bus will be very popular with the democratic party's voter base
maybe bret stephens and michelle goldberg could check in with james clyburn and ask him what he would do with his influence if the party decided to throw both biden and kamala harris in the trash and replace them with gavin newsom
I refuse to read those op-eds or the editorial but are they really saying Kamala also shouldn’t be the nominee
bouie makes the point that harris inherits all of the administration's unfavorables, at which point stephens and goldberg seem to agree and suggest that harris will need to be muscled out of the way to make room for the whi... right candidate
Semi related but i think a lot of people on the left have memed Kamala is a cop into a worldview where shes disliked by black voters and thats just,,,not the case
Ah yes, the thing where people assume the political views of Black voters is identical to that of their edgy white too-online friends. Very cool stuff
I mean, they’re this close to legalizing marijuana
That's what my (quite white, thank you) daughter has digested, and I've tried to tell her, but she's a grown ass adult and has her opinion.
her record as ag and da suck but also that’s any ag or da
I mean, right? I asked her to look at the Senate record. Crickets.
But that’s that’s the point. She’s an unlikeable careerist cop.
I mean, one might reasonably ask if her record is any *worse* than your replacement-level DA or AG, and I've never heard a credible case that it was. And like you say elsewhere... it's a career path into politics, and we do not actually want these to be jobs no Dems want to take.
A big part of that narrative was trying to make fetch happen and it never did
I have no idea how black voters feel, nor any idea of how she really feels about anything, she's always said what's convenient. I've been voting against her since she took out the progressive DA from the right. So much ugly history, though, Republicans won't bring it up because they agree.
Can always count on brett bug to be just openly racist in the most ham handed way possible.
i was a little shocked to find myself realizing that goldberg sounds even stupider than he does in that exchange
It was also hilarious to see Bret repeat Harris’ poll numbers as the definitive reason to ditch her, too. He only had one non-racist reason he could openly discuss, and he stuck to it.
Their unspoken calculus is honestly insulting. "Biden's age is a liability to low info swing voters, but Kamala's race and gender is too so we need a generic dem", which completely ignores a huge part of Biden's 2020 win, GOTY efforts by black politicians in swing states like Georgia.
it was v funny watching the serious political reporters lose their minds over that young black security guard in the elevator talking about how much she loved biden
thats pretty much late stage white male right there.
don't worry--if we force aside enough people we'll eventually find the perfect candidate that we'll all agree is amazing and perfect and deserves to be president immediately and I kinda have an idea who that is but why don't we both say who we think it is on the count of three
definitely what benefits the Democratic Party is a convulsive battle over delegates and the nominee at the Chicago convention, because when has that ever not worked out well
bouie specifically references that and stephens and goldberg just glide right past as if they never heard of it
Those folks who missed the 1968 convention would like to see it replayed.
It could be like the Democrats’ own Renaissance fair
I feel like “Democratic incumbent must step aside for the party’s sake!!!” happens every election cycle when there’s a Democratic incumbent
It happened with Obama and with Clinton, I wasn’t old enough to know if it happened with Carter (I was here but little-kid here)
it literally did, history has mostly forgotten the “ABC” (anyone but carter) movement
Thank you! I didn’t start paying attention to politics until Reagan, thanks to my very political grandma. It’s funny, I didn’t get why she was so into it as a kid and she told me “it gets more interesting the longer you’re around”. She was right lol
It definitely happened with Carter. Ted Kennedy launched a primary challenge to Carter that's often cited as having absolutely kneecapped the party during the election.
I still remember the posters of Reagan, Carter, & Anderson in my first grade classroom. My analysis at that time did not go beyond thinking Carter had the kindest face, even though I wrote my first letter to Congress that same year, unprompted by any adult.
on one hand i thought goldberg was smarter than that but otoh she's a soft transphobe so
goldberg in particular sounds like a fucking dumbass in that conversation, even compared to stephens
not a huge fan of biden atm & have my disagreements w harris but “they should just drop out to make room for player to be named later” is literally just fantasy football & if pundits were capable of shame they’d feel it
It’s almost as if Democrats shouldn’t take advice from bedbug Republicans like Bret Stephens 🤔
Editorial boards will literally act like primary elections don’t exist rather than go to therapy.
Sure donny lied his ass off, but it was good theater! Who needs facts when you've got flair!