Marc G.

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Marc G.

He/him. For anything you could possibly think, there exists some They that want you to think it.
If you put a corn dog in front of me I will not have a care in the world for at least 10 minutes.
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Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
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Or IOW, "9 people who didn't do the reading try to rhetorically trip up a lawyer who's got half an hour to persuade them that Hamilton didn't say women can't have driver's licenses" is a bad way to make permanent changes to the national social contract
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I don't know if he's on here but in case he isn't, Nathan Goldwag wrote a blog essay on "The Moral Economy of the Shire" looking at how a society can function based on custom & clientalism rather than the state and you should read it, it's fantastic.
The Moral Economy of the Who paid for this? There's a certain meme that I see making the rounds on Facebook every so often about the bucolic nature of life in the Shire, from Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, an...
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Just gonna once again share this feed that automatically surfaces every Gift Link or Gift Article on Bluesky across many news outlets. This is basically how I get my news now: slow, generally very good, with a recommendation.
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It’s an awkward truth of American history that when the national legislature does something admirable, it tends to happen because the hegemonic white southern political party is foolishly boycotting the process rather than exercising its vetoes.
in fairness, the J6 committee was able to make its case because all members were in agreement—they marched in lockstep. if you had an alito hearing, it would be a shoutfest of Ds against Rs. not saying they shouldn't do it, but we should be conscious of limitations here.
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What if it's not so much doom scrolling as it is the desperate hope that one more scroll will bring good news, like we're all at a very sad slot machine in a very, very sad Vegas
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OK why not, simple dumb example for you, settle down for story time, this is the story of undefined behavior that's in the Intel Graphics usermode driver DLL that's been running on a few billion machines for several years
I’ve got a joke about Eurydice which, looking back on it now, was disappointing.
I’ve got a joke about Dionysus but you don’t want to hear me whine.
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My favorite part of the Arizona fake electors (plus several Trump advisors and lawyers) indictment is where they include that the Pennsylvania fake electors were worried they would be committing fraud if they didn't include contingent language. (They were right!)
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Imagine being a soldier taken off the battlefields of ‘Nam. A guy claiming to be Santa Claus tells you his genius plan is to give some midgets he found in the English countryside a H-bomb which they must take to Hanoi in order to dismantle it. Man was a saint for putting up with as much as he did.
Tiny fingers don’t hold much milk.
We did exactly this just last week. They took the old oven out, a minute with a mop, a minute with some towels, they put the new one in. Not a problem.
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Brazil's Specialized Inspection Group is the most real-world Ministry of the Future thing I've ever heard of
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Summer Lee's opponent in PA-12 was deeded onto a house with a market value of $110,000 for the price of $1, and received separate gift of $65,000 masked as a home equity loan. None of this was in her financial disclosures, Matthew Cunningham-Cook reports:
Financial Irregularities Surround House Candidate Bhavini Patel, the Jeffrey Yass–backed challenger to Squad member Summer Lee, likely failed to disclose a $65,000 gift, or make required federal disclosures.
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"The Assassins Guild have a float for queer youth dealing with unsupportive parents that has a banner that reads 'Over their dead body? WE CAN HELP'" this is delightful, Discworld Pride would have been something
Paging because this is delightful beyond words: Discworld pride parade on Reddit, riffing off a brilliant tumblr exchange
Reddit - Dive into A sub dedicated to the works of Terry Pratchett, including (but not limited to) the hugely popular Discworld series of books.
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TEXAS S.B. 4 PROCEDURAL WTF FAQ. Now at the top of my story at Law Dork:
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Sleight of Hand was announced. I wrote and voice directed the trailer with Debi Mae West & I’m writing the game too. Tactical espionage witch action you can wishlist now:
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"Did you see my message? It had some urgent questions in it!" Wondermark #1538; Reply None
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Gimme Magritte, boys, and free my soul / Ceci n’est pas une rock ‘n’ roll / Green apple face
It’s definitely not dark despair, but have you seen 1670 on Netflix?
The Lion, The Witch, and Two Smoking Barrels
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some of those that work C suites are the same that like /pol/ tweets
That article says the original contract didn't include paid sick leave.
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Trader Joe’s United said it’s *not* calling for a customer boycott at this time in response to the company arguing the NLRB is unconstitutional. But they *are* asking people to sign a customer strike pledge if they call for a boycott in the future. Sign here:
This is supremely fucked. *And* I’m going to wait to see what the unionized workers of Trader Joe’s United call for customers to do in response. Like said on the hellsite, collective action is better for workers than slowly declining sales they could use to lay people off
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never been more convinced of a theory in my life
is it time to bust out my "bigfoot is bears" photo collection again? if your mental image of a bear is a thick-furred, fat glossy male bear in autumn, you're probably not prepared for how weird their proportions can look in spring, or when walking upright, like they frequently do.
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There's a beaver dam in northern Canada that's twice as wide as the Hoover Dam, and was discovered from satellite photos because it's so remote, and forms a wetland delta despite there not being any distinct creeks or rivers feeding into it.
World’s Largest Beaver