Griselda Gimpel

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Griselda Gimpel

Author of The Tyrant, the Fairy, and the Au Pair.

Married to calextheneko.

White, bi, pronouns are she/her.
This, a million times. If voting were really pointless and futile, there would be no voter suppression attempts. Stop parroting the propaganda of people who hate you because you think Nihilism-For-Suckers makes you sound wise.
and high res, for your stickering needs
I just keep thinking how if you're running for President and you get shot in the fuckin head and take a photo that looks rad as hell and your approval doesn't move at all - well, that's probably the ceiling.
Capitalism is not the exchange of goods and services for money. It is allowing the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few, meaning that the labor of an individual makes money primarily for a person who sits on their ass.
But if your hardline position is that not paying authors for their labor is a great way to end capitalism, you do not understand what capitalism is.
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Do not obey in advance.
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
Finished the rough draft for my OFMD charity gotcha fic. That'll post next Saturday.
Wings by Griselda_Gimpel - Good Omens (TV) You are a teenage boy, and you wake up to discover that you've grown wings. Luckily, you've got Aziraphale and Crowley to guide you. But what's this about having to stop a whirlwind?? #FanFiction #GoodOmens
Wings - Chapter 1 - Griselda_Gimpel - Good Omens (TV) [Archive of Our Own] An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Remember the Breaking News Consumer Handbook:
✨INTERNATIONAL BOOK SALE✨ Hey #Writingcommunity @blackwellbooks is running a Sale! For $10.25 USD get the Saints paperback shipped anywhere in the world! I've ordered to the US& had followers in Germany and the Philippines get Saints at the same price!
went to the lake for a couple of hours and missed some things apparently
I would think that, before one spews their character hate in the AO3 comments section of a fan fic, one might want to click on the author's profile. And if one sees that the author has written fifty (50) fan fics for that character, one might realize their hate won't be appreciated and refrain.
are you fucking kidding me
The Anglerfish by Griselda_Gimpel - The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - via @ao3org Alecto wants the Dominicus System to live again. Harrow wants to understand where things stand between her and Kiriona. #TheLockedTomb #Jalecto #GriddleHark
New Session | Archive of Our Own An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
"Even though the pandemic may be behind us, the virus is once again surging" How does this even make sense? Try as some might, we can't editorialize ourselves out of a pandemic. The virus will continue doing what it wants.
a VERY FRIENDLY AND SINCERE REMINDER that i have to make sometimes (particularly when the tingleverse has a lot of new buckaroos trotting in). WELCOME WE ARE GLAD TO HAVE YOU just gotta remind: my erotica is not a joke or 'so bad its good'. all of my books are 'serious' art
flood protection is just one of a huge range of benefits that could be had from building this infrastructure everywhere and more people should know about these
Montreal's sponge parks, designed in a way to deviate as much rain water as possible away from the sewers, have saved a bunch of areas from flooding due to Beryl's rainfall. So you get really nice parks in a major city, with a bonus against flooding. They're making more of them now and I love it
Montreal sponge parks soak up the After over 100 millimetres of rain pummelled Montreal Wednesday evening, some Montreal streets saw less flooding, and sponge parks played a big part in soaking up the precipitation.
Finished updating my OFMD big bang based upon initial beta feedback and sent it off for more detailed feedback. Finished addressing beta feedback for my Murderbot Diaries big bang. Next, I've got a one-shot for the OFMD Charity Gotcha, and then I've got beta feedback for my Rusty Quills big bang.
ALSO in #WayUpNorthTrip today we saw a slug with a fancy hat.
You know how little children playing games will make up rules that suit them as they go along? That's how the current Supreme Court makes its rulings.
As a note, if you come into somebody's mentions to be shitty at th for a position you made up and attributed to them, even after they said they didn't hold even a vaguely similar position, they're probably gonna block you.
Oh hey y’all guess what I have a new book coming out in March 2025 & you can pre-order it if you want! You can do so from anywhere, I recommend your local indie, but meanwhile here’s Macmillan’s link
Because primaries are coming up in some states: vote for the most progressive Democrat during the primaries. There IS a progressive wing if the Democratic Party, and the primaries are the place to grow it.
I may flesh this out a bit more, but one really important election strategy point I haven't seen made: Losing to Trump will NOT teach centrist/reactionary/moderate Democrats to value young & progressive voters. They have had MANY opportunities to learn before & they are just never going to.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I got 18 replies, but I'd love to get a nice, even 20 or even more!
note how long it took the French from calling the election to holding not 1 but 2 votes? and organizing the shit out of the second one? LESS THAN ONE MONTH A national election does not have to be a painful 1.5-2 year process! the US election campaign should quite honestly not even have started yet!!