M. S. AtKisson

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M. S. AtKisson


Grant writing and research leadership. Highly specialized wetware hacker. Mom of a trans son. Mom of a USNA midshipman 4/c. Most pronouns are fine, but Dr. also works.
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But wait. 2/3 Biased test kept countless Black people from getting a kidney transplant because test for kidney function used diff formula for Black patients, impacting transplant eligibility, diagnosis, treatment. Per @pkpd-babe.bsky.social "We’ve known eGFR 'adjustment' was trash for YEARS."
A biased test kept thousands of Black people from getting a kidney transplant. It's finally changingapnews.com A racially biased test delayed Black patients from getting a kidney transplant and now more than 14,000 are part of a move to make amends.
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TL;DR - Four years with Trump in office is going to do more harm to more people. I don't see a better option for stopping than that voting D. Refusing to exercise that option so I might feel I am personally absolved of US imperialism... I'm not trading lives for my feelings.
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oh. Nate Silver getting hired by one of Peter Thiel’s companies explains why he publicly flipped against Biden then. it’s not just that Nate Silver is a hack with terrible political instincts, he also got bought out for a very small amount of money.
Peter Thiel is one of the primary investors in Polymarket. Nate Silver literally works for him, now, in a business driven by profiting off of gaming betting numbers with voters. www.axios.com/2024/07/16/n...
Nate Silver joins prediction market startup Polymarketwww.axios.com More Americans are flocking to prediction markets to interpret crazy news cycles.
This may not be an easy read, fellow white folks, but I expect you'll find it worth your time
I'm busy today, so here's my 2000+ word response to everything that happened on this anti-Black platform yesterday. You can read it, or not. www.patreon.com/posts/racism...
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
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According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies—an eminently respectable, bipartisan think tank—right-wing political violence accounted for more than 90 percent of all attacks or plots in the first half of 2020, far outpacing terrorism from any other source since 1990.
We’re in an epidemic of right-wing terror. Won’t someone tell the press?www.motherjones.com More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
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Whoever this senior official is, if they even exist, should resign their post immediately to make room for people who still think our country is worth fighting for. No one person - Biden or any other- is responsible for defeating Trump. We all are if we have any sense of honor, empathy, & morality.
On my blog, I often write that rank-and-file Democrats will have to save the professional Dems from themselves (once again), but do these assholes have to make it such a heavy lift?
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On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
“In the back end, these algorithms that need to be running for any generative AI model are fundamentally very, very different from the traditional kind of Google Search or email…”
AI's Energy Demands Are Out of Control. Welcome to the Internet's Hyper-Consumption Erawww.wired.com Generative artificial intelligence tools, now part of the everyday user experience online, are causing stress on local power grids and mass water evaporation.
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The @nytimes.com wants Trump in the White House so bad they need a cold shower. The prospect of covering scandals is making the sweat. Old Man Biden is competent and boring, but Trump will sell newspapers. They think it’s going to be 2016 again, but it will be 1939.
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
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Weird how few people are pointing this out. He's promised to hike taxes for wealthy people and corporations and his Labor and Justice Departments are going after concentration, union-busting, and other oligarch hobbies
There's a reason so many billionaires and the media companies they own are panicking about Biden winning again, and it's not because they actually think he's actually got. It's because Biden is going to be supporting their workers, holding their company's accountable, and collecting their taxes too.
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This is a good overview of a lot of what's wrong with the utility system we have. The main issue is that we run the grid for profits rather than for human well-being, and there is no amount of "reform" that can solve this fundamental design. To run the grid differently, make power public.
Hate your high power bill? You're not alone - 33% of U.S. households had to forego basic necessities to pay energy bills over the past year. Volatile gas prices, expensive coal, and the climate change they worsen are to blame for skyrocketing costs. www.forbes.com/sites/energy...
Hate High Power Bills? Blame Fossil Fuels And Climate Change.www.forbes.com U.S. power bills have risen 20% in four years, crunching consumers. The culprit? Expensive fossil fuels and climate change impacts.
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So I want to talk about this from the perspective of someone who does professional fact checking as part of my work. For some years now I have been paid to check TV and written content themed around animals to make sure it is factually accurate. Chat GPT & AI has made that job so much harder.
Uhhhh… this is probably bad 😬😬
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This is not an informational chart this is an instruction manual
I'm having a Darwin on October 1, 1861 kind of week.
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The lesson from France is that sometimes you have to hold your nose to defeat fascism. You can't beat it with your own ideological purity.
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“I am 100% behind the Democratic nominee for president because in the last 3.5 years we’ve passed the most consequential climate legislation in history and created the most jobs of any administration, while the GOP nominee wants to use Project 2025 to strip women of their right to an abortion.”
If elected officials get asked about primary chaos they should be able to turn it back to a line that references accomplishments and Project 2025 inside of five seconds.
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Lord, I've seen what you've done in Boris Johnson and Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak and Jacob Rees-Mogg and Marine Le Pen and Henry Kissinger's lives, and i want that for Donald John Trump Sr.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
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Paper out led by the brilliant @cecilietraberg.bsky.social! We test (1) a new inoculation against emotionally manipulative news & find #prebunking improves veracity discernment & (2) show how social cues make misinfo more persuasive but don't undermine inoculation. advances.in/psychology/1...
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North Carolina: this is the man running for governor on the Republican ticket. Work to keep him the Fuck away from more levers of power, & realize that not a single elected NC Republican has repudiated or denounced him since he won the primary; he's just their quiet parts "this-one-goes-to-11" loud
"Mark Robinson’s newly explicit calls for killing perceived enemies show just how seamlessly Christian nationalist extremists can glide into promoting real violence." Good @sarahposner.bsky.social look at the violent rant we reported on, putting it in deep context: www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Opinion | ‘Some folks need killing’: North Carolina Lt. Gov takes Christian nationalism to dangerous lowwww.msnbc.com Mark Robinson’s newly explicit calls for killing perceived enemies show how seamlessly Christian nationalists can glide into promoting real violence.
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All this damage for tools that are currently best suited for generating the exact kinds of harmful garbage society wants to stop: spam, propaganda, financial scams, CSAM, sexual harassment, fake science papers, fake internet articles, and so on. (And, they mostly don’t come close to making money!)
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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I’m less prone to give any credit because almost none of these include reflections or discussions of how these institutions failure to commit to the promises of 2020 are helping project 2025
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this. www.bostonreview.net/articles/ins... www.mediamatters.org/project-2025
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Gosh I've had those. I explained I was an atheist Buddhist to one before because I realized: If I believe there is no higher will at work, then all evil done we choose to do and a better existence can only arise from us choosing better, over and over, until the world changes. They were shocked.
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It's always good to pay attention to what the institutional Rightwing is putting pen to paper about because they tend to focus on achieving their ideas methodically over the long haul.
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Anyway in case you've been wondering why the Times has it's knife into the Biden admin, here's why. They reduced access for the most access obsessed dipshits in America. Thats all it took. Well, that and Biden saying Sulz should pay higher taxes on his personal wealth
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
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The increasingly brazen endorsement of political violence by the GOP is a tremendously dangerous development that warrants high-profile media coverage.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.