Jason K Averill

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Jason K Averill


Cat dad, ttrpg nerd, comic lover, off brand gamer, “oh, this asshole”
France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
UK and France have both defeated their right wing parties in elections this year. The US needs to get its shit together.
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
Sex workers are not responsible for men’s fiendishness and bastardry. Remember that sex work is their job, but they are much more than their job. Not only should you buy their content, but you should also interact with them pleasantly and kindly.
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
I maintain that the brief moment when a few people stopped working and the government handed out money worked so well, it frightened the worst people in the world down to their bones. They glimpsed a better world momentarily and it scarred them.
They are STILL SO MAD. Like writing op eds about how it cause terrible inflation and we're still sitting on pandemic cash to this day. Pundits are out of their goddamn minds.
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
Just stumbled on this Anti-Slavery Constitutional Amendment Picture, ca. 1865. Thought today was a great day to share an image of white men abolishing slavery arranged in a shape Georgia O'Keefe would recognize. Happy 4th! Burn the white supremacist heteropatriarchy! npg.si.edu/object/npg_N...
Side-note, but one thing that should be on a Dem legislative agenda is formally codifying academic standards for what can legally be called a university and have the authority to grant valid qualifications. Make it clear that Bob Jones, Liberty, etc are vanity grift organisations and nothing more.
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
Shark and ray 🦈
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Im the 80s, the magic word was "communist" in Korea and "satanic" in America. This latest batch of banners tried "woke" but it wasn't scary enough, so they switched to "porn." In every case, the word means "books with depictions of the types of people we don't want in society."
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
The MAGA #SCOTUS is doing whatever they can to legalize political bribery. Because bribery helps billionaires influence politics, and the corrupt MAGA justices want to help their billionaire patrons. Reform the courts, and make bribery illegal again. #corruptClarence #courtreform
spider-man and morrigan
Karen Bass just announced that LA is looking into a mask ban and it is a move that would essentially ban me from public life. I am humbly asking, if you are an LA resident, please call the mayors office and tell them about what it would do to those of us who have no choice but to mask for health.
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
At the end of the day the lack of ppl "going on the record" (for fear of career repercussions) is the thing that kills a lot of journalism momentum and keeps a lot of harmful entities in most industries (not just gaming, but especially gaming due to its incestuous nature) idk how I feel about it
Why journalists can't always tell you what they know aftermath.site/dr-disrespec...
i legitimately love a scam attempt
SKULLTENDERS IS BACK and boy was this episode a doozy. LORE! WORLD-BUILDING! FAMILY DINING ENTERTAINMENT! And my slime idiot eats pizza 🍕🫠
🐟👻🔎SEASON PREMIERE🔎👻🐟 The Skulltenders are back at it again at Certified Public Anthony’s First National Bank of Pizza! Teens make the scene, complaints are registered, and Felicity grabs a slice. SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/episode/3iEd... APPLE PODCASTS: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s...
Okay, I'VE BEEN GOOD for years. I ignored the most prolific and hateful book banner in America repeatedly jumping into my replies shouting lies so many times. But I went off on him just one little time, as a treat. Once he sees it I'll block him.