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Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I’m beginning to wonder if normies somehow priced in an even worse Biden already
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
going to keep pointing out golf uses a bit more in two days than microsoft, google, and apple combined use in an entire year turn golf courses into housing with a put-put course attached
here's a chart showing that Microsoft, the world's second-largest company by market cap, consumes ~6300 acre-feet of water per year, which is to say ~1.5 percent as much as alfalfa farmers in the Colorado River basin, or ~0.2 percent as much as Imperial Valley farmers www.wired.com/story/ai-ene...
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Just remembered when one of the guys running for president actually was president and Congress had to quietly take him out of the chain of military command. Maybe worth mentioning why in an ad or something
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Donald Trump has good days and bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's lost it - he can't focus and his brains are leaking out his ears, but the press is very impressed with him because HE CAN STILL SHOUT
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Interestingly, egg white proteins are even less digestible by the host than the soy and pea proteins!
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I'm delighted to return to Smithsonian Associates this summer with a talk on Understanding Cephalopod Behavior! (unofficial title is "From Greedy Trickster to Kindly Teacher: Octopuses Have the Range") 🐙🧪 When: Mon, ​Aug 26, ​6:45-8:15 pm ET Where: Zoom smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/ti...
Understanding Cephalopod Behaviorsmithsonianassociates.org Stories that are told about octopuses involve escaping from aquariums, inventing tools, and holding grudges. But how many of these tales are true? Scientists have indeed documented extraordinary cogni...
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
These guys are traitors to the republic just like their heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Between this, Ozempic, and the MRNA malaria vaccine, we're seeing some really big advances in medical technology. Hope it keeps going.
i am a person for whom it’s almost certainly too late for this (or will be by the time it might be commercially viable), but it sure could help reduce a whole lot of pain and suffering for people in the future. i hope it works!
World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in Septembernewatlas.com The world's first human trial of a drug that can regenerate teeth will begin in a few months, less than a year on from news of its success in animals. This paves the way for the medicine to be commerc...
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
This is what they drive in the Money For Nothing video
They look even dumber in red
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I remember someone explaining the marketing balancing act for the WNBA: two of their biggest customer demographics are lesbians of color (basically the most left-wing demographic possible) and middle-aged, sports-obsessed dads who want their daughters to like sports (one of the most conservative)...
A major flaw in the right's effort to use women's sports as a cudgel against trans people is the fact women's sports is one of the queerest, most progressive institutions in American public life
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
iirc there’s scholarship on fathers who live with their daughters being considerably left of peers who don’t have/don’t live with daughters by a number of metrics
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last TV show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you? I'm doomed. #nba
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last TV show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you? I think I'm good.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Every day Hunter Biden is accused of something Sterling Archer would have a three second flashback about
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
voting is now rational
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
like being 5-10 years into your career in 2008 meant maybe you were slow to get a promotion or it was hard to switch jobs, if you were a college grad in that era your career probably got ruined or at least severely delayed
They haven't won since I posted this. :(
They may never lose again!
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Most salient 2024 issues: 1) Trump: president or prison? 2) Abortion: legal or not? Some want "Biden too old?"—reluctantly accepting it won't be "Hunter Biden shady?"—or "Inflation: bad or the worst?," but it's looking like Trump and abortion. Maybe voters know 1 and 2 are choices, not simply facts.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Like no amount of Frank Luntz focus groups and Dr. Huxtable fits unmakes a 15 week ban you fucking dunce
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Political media is built around the president as main character; the protagonist who causes and is affected by events, and to whom others react. They have trouble without a cult-of-personality president, in which presidential approval doesn’t measure what the public thinks about everything.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I have very little patience for doomerism in general, which I tend to think is an embarrassment to every ape that ever threw a rock at a bear to protect the tribe. We are social creatures and the work never ends. Doomerism is a selfish concept that aims to destroy solidarity, and thus it is my enemy
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
This isn’t just a problem in Maine. Virtually every political actor in our system has machinery in place to neuter local news by controlling access, whether it’s cops, mayors, congressmen, etc. And then they can get blindsided when asked real questions under a national spotlight.
The press conference tonight was one of the first times Susan Collins has been asked hard question while in Maine. That’s because she faced the international media not local media she’s cowed. She was on a world stage and she couldn’t give a straight answer - trust me, she’ll be furious about this
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Snapped a picture of this gaya pitcher. It's probably about 4" long.🌱
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
It was a chicken and biscuits kind of a day.
Still a baby, but the Nepenthes lowii x ventricosa 'Red' is coming along!🌱
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I Have To Know Everything Or I Will Die. Haha
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
We created a landscape designed to prioritize cars over human beings and the result was that human beings are only permitted to exist there if they hide inside a car!
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Can't do polls on here yet so just think about this one: Scientists invent a pill that extends your life by 5 years but also causes 10% of people who take it to become tempermentally conservative who vote Republican regardless of what their prior beliefs were. Ethical to release it to the public?
Anyway this is more or less how I think smart conservatives are conceptualizing why they oppose stuff like lead mitigation efforts these days