Josh Heggen

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Josh Heggen

Politely shouting.
Writer, maker, dreamer of dreams.
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This. Also, the fascists have broadly unpopular ideas & policies. In addition to the surprising—even for economic, social, & political elite—extent of gross criminality, venality, & outright evil of the people involved.
Feeling increasingly annoyed by this assumption that winning elections is solely about choosing the right Magic Guy and not on campaigning, pointing out the opposition’s flaws, getting out the vote, and selling your party’s successes and promoting its agenda
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(fretting nervously as a Democrat does) Should I go with a bunch of fossilized centrists in noncompetitive seats backed by crypto hedge fund manager super-donors or the people who actually win elections in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?
These Rocket Money ads are criminally bad
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
More and more people seeing the Real Villain(tm) of American democratic collapse. Keep shoving that Overton Window, people.
Repeal the 1929 Permanent Apportionment law, uncap the house, and allocate new seats to reflect the 2020 census as the founders intended.
A reminder spoken into the wind that the GOP and their lackey think tanks have done everything they can to fight regulating the sorts of tech monopolies that allow SPOF issues like this, including actively hindering the work of Joe Biden’s FCC appointees to do so.
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"Donors": A Play in Four Acts
Did I spend 3.5 hours this evening designing an entire custom team for a game that doesn't even arrive at my home until tomorrow? Reader, you know I did.
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JD Vance is the Kid Rock of politics in that he got famous by lying about growing up as a poor hillbilly
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
(Trump is shot by AR-15) Republicans: Let’s wear fake ear bandages to show how much we love Trump. (countless schoolchildren are shot and killed by AR-15s) Republicans: Let’s wear AR-15 pins to show how much we love AR-15s.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
my god bob newhart’s last joke is his best ever
Conservative pundit Lou Dobbs — infamous for hardline anti-immigrant views and for pushing Obama birther theories — has died at 78, Trump announced
Lou Dobbs Dead At 78, Trump The conservative media personality was 78.
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Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
Every speaker tonight is upsetting to look at in a unique way
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
Every speaker tonight is upsetting to look at in a unique way
The number of people refusing to follow simple, clear, and thorough instructions today exceeds the number of fucks I’d budgeted to give. The subtext in all further replies shall now append a virtual “, you fucking jackass.” to all directions.
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It's my job to buy books for my local library. One thing I wish more people knew is that we are very open to suggestions for new titles. I buy 90% of books that people suggest. Please, let your library know the kinds of things you want to read. It's helpful!
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
Just a reminder: Trump inherited the lowest homicide rate of any president in 50 years. He was the first president in 30 years to leave office with a higher homicide rate than when he entered. And the rate has dropped every year since he left.
RNC day 2 to focus on crime and safety as victims' families speak out | Fox News Erin Rachwal, who lost her son to fentanyl poisoning and Sheri and Aaron Sparks, who lost their son in the Waukesha parade attack, on the need to hold criminals accountable and stop the influx of illi...
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Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
we're living through a generational, life-changing technological revolution and it's getting almost zero attention compared to AI spambots
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
it's not that he's changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
At the running PS5 updates stage of College Football 25 anticipation
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JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
Reposted byAvatar Josh Heggen
The last page of Judge Cannon's dismissal is just a list of cool RV features?
Fox icing the cake by fucking up the broadcast/audio syncing for the Copa America final. I really hope their performance is taken into account when awarding the next round of broadcast rights for these tournaments
Solid statement from the President. I especially appreciated his listing off all of the recent instances of political violence that the latest example has caused some of the commentariat to intently ignore, as if this was some singular moment and not the latest.
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in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
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Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
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The crowd noise/commentary balance for Max's USWNT broadcast is pretty bad. All the cowbell you could want over a bunch of mumbling
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Page A1: BREAKING NEWS: ASHLEY JUDD SAYS BIDEN SHOULD STEP DOWN Page B16: City of Houston has no power for a week and its 105 degrees there and no one's doing anyting to help them boring boring boring
The fourth largest city in America is still in crisis under a deadly heatwave & the power company can't get hundreds of thousands of households back online, but you'd barely know it from our national news.
850K CenterPoint customers remain without power after Hurricane More than 850,000 CenterPoint customers were without power four days after Hurricane Beryl hit the Texas coast.