Josiah Keller

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Josiah Keller

Developer & reverse engineer
You know what a shit rope is, Donald? It's a rope covered with shit that criminals try to hold onto. You see, the shit kind of acts like grease. The harder you try to climb up, the tighter you try to hold on, the faster you slide down the rope.
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i hope the second biden admin nukes crypto from orbit first because it’s bad but second because i want these pigs to squeal
It's about the crypto money, Pelosi and Schiff voted against Biden's crypto regs bill.
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that last line is an anvil drop
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
“Make America Great *Once* Again??” They’re cooked lmao
Like a harbinger of doom, Liz Truss has arrived at the RNC.
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
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Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
If you watch the Biden rally from last night, you can see a handful of times where he’s visibly reading straight from the prompter. The reason that’s interesting is it’s only a few brief moments and it’s pretty noticeable. Clearly not what he’s doing most of the time!
He actually stumbles a LOT more when reading from the prompter and squints a couple times. Honestly, a lot of his problem might be eyesight! The Nuzzi piece characterized prompters as being placed so Biden’s gaze would “fall” on it passively like a zombie. This is the proof she’s a shameless liar!
You can even see when he’s directly reading something off the prompter and it’s only a few brief moments, mostly in the Project 2025 spiel which makes sense since it’s new. If he was a teleprompter zombie it would all be like that!
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lmao they're straightforwardly describing Trump as having "prodigious stamina" as if its just a factual matter. Trump fucking fell asleep at his own criminal trial!
One thing we should *not* do is cover Trump's lying as savvy or effective politics. This recent NYT example is a really grating one. 5/
“Not free-wheeling and well-orchestrated.” Almost sounds like someone describing the meetings positively, and the article is simply misrepresenting!
There need to be credible primary threats to these Dems who keep publicly trying to shiv Biden
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Frankly this is out of control. If you can’t see that it’s insanity to force your own successful president out of office months before the election, for the great sin of polling two points behind, you need to give yourself a few nice hard smacks across the face until you come to your senses.
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"We're gonna put kids in cages. It's gonna be glorious." - Mike Davis, former Chief Counsel of Nominations for Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Grassley, on what he'd do if he worked in the next Trump administration's Justice Department.
Biden raised it during the debate and other occasions since then - but hey, who cares what that guy says?
I get why this is the case, but it’s so wild that one million Americans died of COVID because of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and it’s not even remotely an issue in this election. What a country!
Are the Democratic leaders in the room with us now?
People thought Biden was toast after the 2020 primary debates, which included him - looking old - losing his train of thought - abruptly stopping his argument when his time ran out - having one eye look all bloody and fucked up - telling the audience to "go to Joe 30...33...0"
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced impeachment articles against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
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Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
I have an acquaintance who is big on the age issue and likes RFK (sigh). Here’s something funny to think about - in the insane hypothetical where RFK gets elected, he would be 71 on Inauguration Day, making him the second-oldest president to take office!
OK OK, last thought on this and it's a bit tinfoil-hat. But looking on archive . is, this "interactive" feature was being updated regularly riiight up until July 3, when NYT ramped up its anti-Biden crusade. Biden is actively campaigning, Trump has been AWOL, and this would reflect that if updated
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Biden had done more appearances since the debate than Trump? Well looky there, 9 Biden to 6 Trump. 5 of the 6 are (presumably friendly) interviews. Two whole days with nothing. And this is as of yesterday.
Tracking Biden and Trump on the Campaign President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump’s rematch is testing their ability to make the traditional appearances on the trail that voters have come to expect.
Hahahahahahaha ok so they *do* have time to maintain an up-to-date interactive tracker feature, just so long as it's about the pitifully small "dump Biden" movement. Fuckin embarassing.
Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
Would be best to bully Trump into bailing on the debate first, which remember Trump *did* in 2020. Problem with that is Trump probably thinks he has the upper hand after the last one, but maybe Ds can pull it off with enough ads exploiting Trump debate clips
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Wonder why the White House would have a Parkinson's expert visiting over the last year. Very suspicious stuff
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Damn, the sitting president is running for reelection, only a defiant egomaniac would do that