Machinedad ↙️↙️↙️

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Machinedad ↙️↙️↙️

just a silly little guy
sorry i'm gonna have to shame this particular kink
One of those mfers is Larry Tribe, Harvard con law prof. And WaPo just reported that when Biden needed a court reform proposal the first person he called was Larry Tribe. We have a big problem. Stop listening to boomer lawyers! The world of 1990s lawyering is gone and never coming back.
LOL at all the mfs who did their "Aileen Cannon may be an unorthodox jurist but she's serious and sincere about her honest convictions" pieces
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Labour members have opened a petition to Wes Streeting. Anyone can sign it. "We, the undersigned, are calling on you to immediately withdraw your support for the ban on puberty blockers for trans young people." #transgender #LGBTQ #LGBT #Labour #trans
Right, so this is the story of the old mate I was out with last night, didn't happen to me, but too good not to repeat. Will probably only work for the Brit adjacent.
Honestly makes as much sense as any other explanation at this point, also from the perspective of practically demonstrating that Biden is so senile that he still runs laps around the combined might of the dem donor class and elite media by just being a bit annoyed and ignoring them
(Which maybe tells us more about how bad the latter are at politics)
I sincerely never thought he would get to this point and I am delighted to see it even if he cannot enact it himself this changes the conversation about what’s possible within the Democratic Party, which has been badly needed for years fantastic news
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
If Biden said What's up with skinny guys and Coke and then said check out this hat we'd have like 85 op eds in the NYT and WaPo about him being senile
I can’t believe this is a real quote from Trump sitting down with Bloomberg. I saw it on Twitter and figured it was a joke.
Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
I'm not sure the threat of domestic fascists is considered quite as severe as it should be, but people who would whatabout and both sides American politics don't do so as much any more. Criticism of dems is more along the line that they aren't taking things seriously enough.
Well so far both the Finnish EU elections and British elections went well as far as defeating fascists is concerned. I think the greatest change in Finland compared to previous years is that there's a wider understanding that Trump and the republicans really are fascists.
So there's a lot of anxiety because so much is tied up in the US election and people get the stakes for their own safety, more or less.
Inshallah, Charles al-Windsor, Caliph of Great Britain, will defeat JD Vance’s America. 🇬🇧
He said the UK was on its way to being a nuclear armed caliphate. So he’s making friends internationally as well.
Guys, my campaign has spent days under vicious attack from the fringe right. They've manufactured fake quotes, even fake sexual assault claims. They're flooding all my social media. It’s because I talk about the threat they pose. Donate, help me fight back:
it is worth pointing out that Vance is in a Twitter group chat with a whole bunch of teenage groypers
This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
cave's haunted
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A new study confirms a cave on the moon that could be used to shelter future explorers.
dw my brain had the odds for the software at around 90% already before the clarification
Bluesky absolutely needs better notification filters. Co-signed.
Update: he's saying there's a chance!
so far I prefer this place to any of its alternatives but there are way too many anime avi "leftists" who think their politics means they can indulge their love of bullying to their heart's content
i see the harassment campaign has moved on from dogpiling the prominent black intellectual to dogpiling the prominent trans woman who called them on their bullshit yes yes very good and normal,
You can replace SO many lines in lord of the rings with “all my apes gone” and it still works
This is worth watching. It sounds like a message of unity but it's actually a broadside against Trump and the GOP
President Biden is scheduled to make remarks from the Oval Office momentarily
President Biden Addresses the The White House
We've reached a real inflection point with grid battery storage. Given its recent stupendous growth—it was virtually nonexistent in 2020—it's easy to see it filling out the rest of that duck curve before the end of the decade
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
All of these fuck, though. Love me some old-school pulp covers.
Why I avoided Tolkien for years: a gallery
To whom do lions cast their gentle looks?