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Cheese, beer, running and wherever possible not driving.
Born at 331ppm CO2
"Green fields" are often much over rated. It was fantastic for my hayfever when a field near my parents got a housing estate on top of it and could no longer be used for rapeseed
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Robin
it’s so funny how in America you call it an elevator but in the UK it’s a lift and also when a candidate loses they concede
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Liz Truss’ record breaking: - Shortest reigning PM - First PM in 100 years to lose their seat - Tory MP with largest ever swing to Labour
Reposted byAvatar Robin
If UK hae copied swedish system (proportional 349 seats, 4% national/12% regional cutoff) it would be: Lab 123 Tor 86 Ref 52 LD 44 Green 25 SNP 9 SF 3 Alliance 2 PC 2 DUP 2 UUP 1 So majorities could be: Lab+LD+Green or Lab+LD+SNP or Tor+Ref+LD
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Britain decided but we won’t get back square one. Yet another broken Tory promise.
“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one” I liked square one. I could get a GP appointment the next day. I could drink tap water. I could work in the EU without a visa. #VoteSquareOne
This isn't bringing me the joy I hoped. Even though it's good news. Still, an unexpected early night is always good
Reposted byAvatar Robin
It’s Election results eve tonight, so I’m putting out a mince pie and a hairbrush for Sir John Curtice, a carrot for IPSOS, and a letter asking for chopper bike, a Big Trak, and for Jacob Rees-Mogg to lose his seat.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
It's election day! Which means that me and have launched the online version of #portillogeddon. Cross off the Tories as they are defeated by clicking on their faces. Or use automatic mode if you just want to sit back and watch it happen. Conservative Wipeout Bingo 2024
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Ok sure, a vote for Saxon might lead to certain death for humanity, but at least he's not the Tories.
Have a great day and remember to exercise your democratic right.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
If you put party before country, don’t be surprised when the country notices.
Woke up to sunshine in Lancashire. Ideal voting weather. #ToriesOut
Reposted byAvatar Robin
This is good. I wonder if that passage is in the trump bible.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Channel 5 just announced their Autumn line up
Reposted byAvatar Robin
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
I've just seen a FB post that says Reform are racist. A comment says that's all a Zionist mainstream media plot to keep the small parties down. Claiming to not be racist by being racist is a novel approach I suppose.
Looks like the Tory candidate stopped off to canvass on the way back from the bookies
Reading this thread has inspired me to read more PKD
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Solid post. May need to trim the bush.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Brilliant work by Led By Donkeys. They disrupted Farage’s latest rally with a Putin banner.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Butter. Dancing. The Flumps.
Meanwhile things are still not going well at The Telegraph…
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Modern music is no more shit than it was when you were young, it's just that we had to really think about the 1 album we could afford to buy a month, so we ended up with a decent curated selection, now it's all so available and thus disposable so overall quality seems worse.
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Reposted byAvatar Robin
So… is anybody planning to stay up literally ALL night and watch the UK election? If so, how handy are you with a spreadsheet? And… do you fancy being part of something? Hit me up if you do…
Reposted byAvatar Robin
Business minister bets on Tories winning the election. The only scandal I see here is that someone with that level of poor financial judgement was appointed as a business minister!