Kate MacInnis

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Kate MacInnis


Math geek. Software engineer. Mostly here to follow authors, learn about new books, shout about books I love. (And encourage everyone to have all their books released as audiobooks when possible)
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Clarence Thomas took $267,000 from a health insurance executive, then issued rulings that made health insurance companies more money, while harming millions of Americans. This is a bribe. This isn’t complicated. Expand the Supreme Court.
Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Suckswww.rollingstone.com Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got an RV from a top health insurance executive. Then he protected the industry.
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Everyone who has spent time denigrating the peaceful transfer of power in the last handful of years should maybe shut the fuck up about who is to be blamed.
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New Trump news about to break so please remember the basics:
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Project 2025 has a catchy name, a clean website, a well organized product, and its contents are extensive and made of plagues and nightmares one of the things that made the Podesta emails so effective in 2016 was the constant drip of new shit coming day after day, and that's what we're seeing here
their snazzy marketing has backfired on them, people are actually having fun digging into this so every day there's a new "wait what the fuck" item
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Lifetime caps: some insurers would say that once a person had run up a (lifetime) bill of $2M or so, they were no longer insurable, kicked forever to Medicaid and Medicare. NICU nurses told me abt pre-ACA kids who would hit their lifetime cap before their first breath of fresh air.
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Ah, FB memories serving up some winners. This is what an itemized $1,330,000 NICU hospital bill looks like (only 96 days to get there). The apple is there for scale. Here’s why I share it. Too many ppl don’t know abt lifetime caps and pre-existing bans. Bc the STILL-VULNERABLE ACA banned them.
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I also want all my Democrats in office to recognize that they ARE Biden surrogates. That's the job now. Less "He needs to earn my confidence" and more "Look what government can do when you put Democrats in office; vote Biden in November." You can do this.
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I want Biden and all his surrogates out there talking about this. Telling voters "The GOP lied to you about an army of IRS jackboots coming for you because they knew rich people were cheating the government and they wanted to keep it that way."
The IRS reported Wednesday that it has collected $1 billion in taxes and penalties owed by hundreds of wealthy households who accumulated past-due tax debts for years while IRS enforcement dwindled.
IRS reports collecting $1 billion from rich households’ back taxeswapo.st For years, the tax agency simply didn’t try collecting sizable debts owed by 1,600 filers with annual incomes of at least $1 million.
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Instead of remembering her for the her tormented time in the movies of questionable male directors, I'd like to remember Shelley Duvall for what she truly loved: creating genuine and thoughtful children's television programs.
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Stacey Abrams in AJC: "Ignore the Joe Biden doom loop" Swing voters "are not choosing based on age or infirmity but an alchemy we can’t control or predict. We have to make the case to these voters on the issues that matter to them."
Opinion: Stacey Abrams: Ignore the Joe Biden doom loopwww.ajc.com The president is still the Democrats’ best choice for beating former president Donald Trump in November.
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There is a lot of research on this. Learning about racism doesn't make white kids feel guilty. Here is what it does. Summary of some of the studies here: fivethirtyeight.com/features/wha...
Without even clicking the link, I’ll guess the reason — all the talk of racism makes white kids feel guilty. Again, if your kids are reading histories of slavery or segregation and identifying with the racists in the story, that suggests you’ve got your own problems to work through. Leave us out.
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I think all the time about the interviewer who asked Meryl Streep “how did you not know about Weinstein” and she was like “I didn’t know because he NEEDED me not to know” it isn’t a character flaw to have been deceived by someone who is a deceit expert cultivating the cover of your faith & goodwill
Whenever someone is outed as problematic, there are a billion people who need to see, in sky-writing, "you didn't know, that's ok, but now you do, act accordingly." No one expects you to be psychic or in on every whisper network, and folks inferring so aren't being fair. WHISPER networks. WHISPER.
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Caroline Framke wrote this seven years ago and it’s phenomenal. And I wish I could say it’s meaningfully less necessary than the day it was published in 2017. @carolineframke.bsky.social www.vox.com/culture/2017...
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
Instead of mourning great art tainted by awful men, mourn the work we lost from their victimswww.vox.com Some sexual abusers made great art. Countless more of their victims never got the chance.
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If they want to have a contest and excitement, have members of the public imagine the best thing we can do with the money we get when we start taxing billionaires like they’re baristas, and first prize gets to choose a billionaire to get a deep audit.
If they want to have a contest and excitement, after Biden supports Harris as his replacement they have a new VP candidate debate series and convention vote.
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"Project 2025 is not targeting “pornography” as something that’s harmful to children per se, but rather redefining anything concerning sexuality and gender that they say is harmful to children *as* pornography." - @melissagiragrant.com
Project 2025 includes the call to “outlaw” porn. If you want to understand what they mean by that? Look to what these groups are already fighting “porn,” and their connections to anti-gender movements outside the US. I start that analysis here:
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Pornnewrepublic.com It’s not people watching porn online. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.
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Anyway leftists should be unafraid to use patriotism and service as both rhetorical tool and guiding principle
I shut my retired military Fox News pilled Dad down on a recent visit by interrupting his bootstraps talk on how taxes shouldn't go to helping people by telling him "I dunno about you but I was raised among servicemen who believe we sacrifice for our countrymen." He was real quiet the rest of lunch.
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It's always worth noting that David Zaslav, the owner of CNN, canceled a whole bunch of LGBTQ+-friendly programming when he took over HBO and also, y'know, said publicly today that he's fine with Trump winning because ratings. Adjust your opinions and/or perform curse magic accordingly.
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Number Line Branch xkcd.com/2956
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Would you like a chance to read the conclusion to Sachi, Zanya, and Ash's story for FREE? Check out the goodreads giveaway for QUEEN OF DREAMS! www.goodreads.com/gi...
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People often ask me - "have you got that picture of Cary Grant in uniform with a puppy poking out of the pocket?" Yes, they do. They rush up to me in the streets, it's true. Well, yes. Yes, I do. And here it is.
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Anyway, I’m going to continue to take the extreme minority position that she was a fine candidate and would have made a good president because the first step in my radicalism is that pragmatic leadership makes extraordinary things possible.
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The people of Texas have known Whataburger and HEB are more reliable than state (and sometimes federal!) government for quite some time now.
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
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Biden seems to have mastered something that escaped university presidents: you don’t have to do what the NYT tells you. You can just … not do that.
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OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!! WE DID IT!!!! Truly unbelievably grateful and emotional to see this number. This may be the best "How it Started, How It's Going" of my life. Thank you, y'all, for helping us make this happen. Under no circumstances should you fuck with romancelandia.
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Oberlin kids, we need you out there, for the good of the country. Declare that flamingoes are racist, and that hot dogs are a culinary weapon of the crypto-phallic kyriarchy. Demand that banh mi be given full voting rights. Get freaky with it
The only power great enough to knock this story down below the fold/scroll is the Oberlin student council. A hurricane, UK/France elections, multiple wars? No. Only a sophomore calling Israel “Greater Palestine” can draw their attention away from a debate that happened last month.
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i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
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A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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Some baby axolotls. You folks need some baby axolotls.