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Mid-Mod mom, editor, nit-picker, N95 wearer. #COVIDIsAirborne {she/her}
Free, universal healthcare is a vital part of infrastructure.
📍New Orleans
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Periodic reminder that I'm a voice coach for trans women, and I offer pay what you can services If you're looking to work on your voice, I'm here to help. My email is in my bio - drop me a line and let's talk! The first session is free 😊
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and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
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Capitalism needs a permanent underclass, that is used as the threat that they use to extort people into serving the system.
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Moving into a new apartment today, and the air conditioner isn't working as well as it should. Check the filter and they they spray painted it they spray painted the vent with the air filter still inside they spray painted the air filter
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Upon learning—while dealing with round three of this shit—that Paxlovid is no longer covered by any insurance and will now cost ~$1,200 out of pocket, I guess my asthmatic, long covid–suffering ass is done appearing anywhere in public without a mask, no matter the situation.
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This happens very rarely but I love when my (French) wife has a reason to ask me, "Qu'est-ce qu'ils disent?" so I can reply, "Ils deez nutz muthafuckaaaaaaa!"
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Every time I see "AI" being crammed into another consumer product I think of how in the 50s we put radium in suppositories because "the atom" was the snakeoil hype of the moment
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Eleven Commandments. Louisiana's law mandates a specific text. Not from Exodus, or Deuteronomy, but from the Fraternal Order of Eagles. They used a KJV-sounding pastiche adapted from the Bible and paraphrased by a Minnesota juvenile court judge in the 1950s. It's not the Bible. It's the Eagles.
So, even within Christianity, the Ten Commandments aren't precisely the same across traditions — the text is translated and even *numbered* differently. This law appears to mandate the KJV version — a Bible translation entire Christian traditions reject.
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Republican Gov.
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I am having some expensive car problems but my mechanic found the part. The problem is the part costs $800 😭 I need this part ASAP since I commute 25 miles to work everyday. Would anyone be able to help with financial support? 💜🙏🏾 Venmo Nikki-Wallschlaeger
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It's a holiday in the US today & I don't *think* #USDA will update its site. But a little info here in this online list of Colorado herds. This is the first time I've seen anyone disclose that some herds (not many) have come out of quarantine. Also: Colorado has 18 herds in total, up 2.
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Also, contact your lawmakers and demand that they subsidize air conditioning for vulnerable people and mandate that landlords provide it - just like they do for heating. Almost no states currently provide these supports for air conditioning access. People die as a result.
I loathe air conditioner shaming. It’s bizarre Puritan nonsense that gets vulnerable people killed in heat waves. (Did you know a lot of people who die in heat waves HAVE AC, but never turned it on?). Shut it down wherever you encounter it.
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I was relieved there was only a small group of Jesus freak protesters at the Pride Northshore parade. I don't mind if they want to practice their repulsive lifestyle in the privacy of their own homes but it's disgusting how they insist on shoving it in our faces.
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The aids quilt, circa 1996. There's no way to truly explain or express how I feel when I think that AIDS is a chronic but manageable condition today. It feels like fantasy. I want to go back in time and tell 14 year old me that someday there will be hope.
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Know any queer high school students in CT, MA, or RI that might be interested in a free one day Queer Science conference? This is organized by queer scientists (like me!) for future queer scientists. Registration and more information
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Among other things, if I spend no unplanned money between now and the end of next month, I will end next month with $17.58 in my bank account.
Barring other developments, I need to raise $500 to get through next month with food and toilet paper etc. I've done my "budget" and it is terrifying. If you can help, please: 1. Go to 2. Enter the Ugift code: B1M-J0R 3. Send money to my ABLE account from your US bank account.
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Evelyn shares a pic of her muddy rain boots from Santa Maria CA. She works in the broccoli during the winter and the mud makes her feet feel heavier and her days longer so she is even more exhausted after a day of working in the fields. #WeFeedYou
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This article is basically like, "5.8 million kids have Long COVID, like this kid who's had chronic fatigue for a year with no improvement. Fortunately, the CDC says Long COVID is rare and symptoms resolve quickly." With no acknowledgement of the contradiction at the heart of the story
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I read a bunch of his Star Trek novels and it bothers me so much that you can be a well-known person with a prolific career and still need public fundraisers to manage medical bills. I wish the US would wrest some functional humanity out of the morass of healthcare profiteering
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Seems kind of fucked up that Republicans can revive laws willy nilly from 1864 to ban abortion but Democrats can’t figure out how to tax rich people like we did from 1940-1985
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River 😍 This happy, purry girl is ready for her next adventure with her very own family. Her very unique markings will delight you! cats/kittens are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, & microchipped! #Petco #NapaCA #Adoptions Time: 1-4 pm every Saturday!
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I was just listening to Tom Lehrer this morning. I love his songs, and guess what? "All copyrights to lyrics or music written or composed by me have been permanently and irrevocably relinquished, and therefore such songs are now in the public domain." Happy birthday, Mr. Lehrer!
APPRECIATION THREAD: Happy 96th birthday to the brilliant musical satirist Tom Lehrer, who said at one of his last shows in 1967, “All of these songs were part of a huge scientific project to which I have devoted my entire life. Namely, the attempt to prolong adolescence beyond all previous limits.”
Songs and Lyrics by Tom Songs and Lyrics by Tom Lehrer DISCLAIMER STATEMENTI, Tom Lehrer, individually and as trustee of the
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I was struck in the recent article about surging enrollments at MN public universities and colleges, by the comment about North Dakota being worried. They need MN students to cross the border. ND has a "divisive concepts law" signed a year ago.
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In New Orleans, there's a section of I-10 that tore through the heart of one of the nation’s oldest Black neighborhoods. A study is looking at the health impacts on the Black community relating to the nearly 115,000 vehicles a day that use the overpass
A New Orleans neighborhood confronts the racist legacy of a toxic stretch of New federal funds aim to address an array of problems created by highway construction in minority neighborhoods.
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Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are clearly eager to revive the Comstock Act as a nationwide ban on medication abortion—and maybe procedural abortion, too. That would subject abortion providers in all 50 states to prosecution and imprisonment. No congressional action needed.
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I deliberately signed a deal to make this audiobook available as widely as possible. Prefer B&N? Audiobooks dot com? Libro? It's where you want it. Libro actually has it on discount for a few more days!
Someone You Can Build a Nest In Audiobook on Shesheshen is a shapeshifter, who happily resides as an amorphous lump at the bottom of a ruined manor. When her rest is interrupted by hunters intent on murdering her, she constructs a body using a m...
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We’re one week out from the thing I’ve worked my whole life for: my first book escaping into the world! So I'm going to pause doing a million things a minute for a Book News Thread! Y'all like books?
Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell: 9780756418854 | A Most-Anticipated Book of 2024: LitHub, Polygon, Apple, Goodreads ⭐
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A new macroeconomic impact report on Long Covid in the UK reveals #LongCovid could cause job losses across the UK economy, with the service sectors, women and low-income households experiencing most of the effects. #Covid #Covid19 #SarsCov2 #LongCovid #UK #economy
New macroeconomic insights on the impacts of Long Covid in the UK - Cambridge New economic modelling insights on the macroeconomic impact of Long Covid in the UK to be revealed in March 2024.