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Immigrant Māori from Essex. Ko Ngāti Whakaue te iwi. Ko Dan tōku ingoa. Mainly here to talk TTRPGs and land back. DnD, Dimension 20, sometimes boardgames.
Bluesky feels very 'shouting into the void while the world burns' to me and I'm not enjoying it. Obviously twitter was too but it didn't start out that way so it was easier to pretend it wasn't, frogs in saucepan image inserted here. Anyway that's why I'm not on here much!
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
"While details are still emerging, ambulance crews have now reached the site, where at least two family members of our colleagues have been killed and six people wounded. We are horrified by what has taken place,” it added.
Apparently Israel just bombed a Doctors Without Borders building killing and injuring scores of people.
Israel attacks Doctors Without Borders' shelter in Medical charity says at least 2 members of their colleagues’ families have been killed and 6 people wounded - Anadolu Ajansı
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Kazan was—sweet Christ—Kazan was a mewling syphilitic with the morals of a cat. He—“Carolina” reaper? North or South? No, don’t tell me. Leave me in suspense. He’d have fucked his mother if there’d been a fifty-cent piece in it for him. Mm. Oh yes a napkin is jut the thing.
orson welles would have fucking dominated Hot Ones
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
[british horror movie] person: blimey ghost (knocking over a can of beans): boo innit person: oi me beans
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Trotter gave this warning as a reminder to all Maori, push the boundaries of seeking justice too far, then be prepared to face further massacres.
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Currently eating: spag-bol + curry powder + smothered in cheese. Damn, that hits the spot.
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
I sucked a man in Reno just to watch him die. The little death I mean that’s what the French call busting. You have to know that for this to be a joke
Made spag bol just like I used to have at home* *make spag bol with jar sauce then dump two tablespoons of hot curry powder in and smother the end result with grated cheese
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
I have covid but the bigger tragedy is I accidentally ordered this otherwise great dnd miniatures storage box and accidentally got the kind with the window along the long edge when all my others have them along the short edge I CANNOT TOLERATE THIS also covid sucks too
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
*Super Bow Ad* Kramer from Seinfeld: ahh! Jerry, this football game, it’s OUT OF CONTROL Bart Simpson: don’t have a cow man Kate Upton: I’ll have a cow John Cena dressed like a genie: you said it Voiceover: Raytheon defense systems, defending our shores now more than ever
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
just reminding anyone who needs to know that the New Zealand Herald was founded to drum up support for the invasion of Waikato
Hiiiiiii just popping by to say mid century modern furniture is uncomfortable flimsy bullshit made for people who value style over comfort OK byeeeeee
I sporadically check in on the bluesky timeline and it's like driving through a swarm of shouty mosquitoes with the helmet visor up. I'm tired and The Feed is very loud.
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
One of the worst things about ACT's racebaiting is their version of "what [te Tiriti] actually says" can be debunked BY THE ENGLISH VERSION, which is the *bad* version, but STILL manages to make it clear that the agreement is between Māori and the Crown, not "all New Zealanders as at February 2024"
Current mood, tetchy
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
welcome to aotearoa new zealand! make yourself at home. our largest supermarket chain has had a significant rat infestation in the dunedin store for several weeks and elected not to close to try and sort it out. this photo is real and verified! open for business baby
I'm playing a kobold in the pathfinder intro campaign that my friend is running, his name is Pipibingus Brownwater and he's this deep voiced heroic fighter but also a total weeb for dragons and I'm having the best time with him. Also the pathfinder action economy beats the D&D system into next week.
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
THE PROBLEM: Most forms of energy are harming the environment THE SOLUTION: Switch to alternative forms of renewab... THE PROBLEM: Hold on, I have an idea, what if we made invisible valueless money that eats electricity THE SOLUTION: ...what? THE PROBLEM: Also I have this plagiarism machine
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Socrates was a classic poster. He just walked up to people and asked them what they believed in, then he’d say it was stupid and yell at them. He argued with everybody until he was legally compelled to kill himself. Not one of us has that commitment
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
If you've been wondering "What the hell is going on with Vince McMahon?!?" you can find the answers here:
NEW AT SLATE: An essay from me on why Vince McMahon is actually facing consequences for the new allegations (Spoiler alert: it's because he started making "sports entertainment" instead of wrestling)
Vince McMahon’s Greatest Desire Might Finally Be His The WWE godfather has faced decades of allegations. This time is different.
Player tears
What is ALWAYS welcome at your TTRPG table? *wrong answers only*
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
One of the great tragedies of history is that Maarten van Nieuwenhove had a face born to wear an oversized Metallica tshirt that smelled of weed but was forced to live in the 15th century
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
The biggest criticism of Jacinda Ardern as PM is that she hoarded her political capital. In contrast, PM Luxon has bravely decided to govern with no political capital at all.
I'm reasonably certain the Whitcouls cafe is playing that greatest love songs album that used to be advertised at 3am after the softcore porn shows finished in the 1990s. Anyway hello!
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Ata mārie, fuck this colony. 😘
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Lot of people have asked me to make comics or comments on the current situation about a certain green MP. My thoughts? Let me direct you to two headlines about currently-sitting male MPs of the coalition government:
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Politicians, especially non-white non-male ones, and mental health. A cartoon done before Golriz Ghahraman announced her resignation. My #cartoon today. #nzpol #MentalHealth
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
Pardon my French, but I can't fucking even with the orgy of thoroughly disingenuous concern trolling about her wellbeing that will inevitably follow from these scumbag ghouls. You got your fucking head, pricks. Piss off and have a victory wank somewhere else.
Reposted byAvatar Megapope
The sheer amount of “can you believe this shit”