Mike OG

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Mike OG


Failing to shut the fuck up since '75

Occasionally #NSFW 🔞


Signal: @MikeOG.30
Why am I awake so early? Don't answer, I'm going back to sleep.
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
If abortions ever become illegal in this country, I'll happily push any of you down a flight of stairs for free. As many times as it takes. You don't even have to be pregnant. I just wanna push people down stairs.
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
In my defense your honor I’m feeling freaking saucy rn
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
I cannot find the OP now but someone said JD Vance looks like a racist care bear and I fear I may never recover
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Please know I’m standing at a podium when I post so all of these are official decrees
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
all my Skrillexes live in Skrilltexas
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
I’m fucking terrified. Anyway. Cream and sugar?
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
it’s always “OMG why does your vagina have teeth,” and never “OMG I love both your smiles”
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Sorry I'm late. I got a new vibrator.
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Realizing that someone else will be in charge of this shitshow is really a selling point for demon possession
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
The Mrs and I like to pretend I’m M. Night Shyamalan and she’s one of my movies and then I put myself in her
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her. Wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat. And a six-four Impala Magic Genie: I said three
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“How do they get ships into bottles?” “Where *IS* France?” “Do birds in Australia fly upside down?” “How can a record player work?” “Was that a fart?” “Is Baby Gronk the new Drip King?” “Aren’t Coke Zero and Diet Coke the same?” “Could I taste wifi?”
"Call me baldy-no-mum one more time, you common oik!"
Mention pegging in front of the sprog one more time and you’ll go the same way as mummy.
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
My 8yo was putting sunscreen on my back and said “it feels like I’m rubbing a pig”, in case anyone wonders why I’m drunk later.
Fuck this being awake nonsense, I'm going back to sleep.
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
[witnessing the slow but inevitable heat death of the universe] well this is quite a pickle
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
so like absolutely not or you would just prefer
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Classrooms full of kids murdered, but the only time America starts a national conversation about “turning back from violence” is when an old white guy gets a bit of blood on his ear.
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Me watching every episode of x-files
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
What made you smile today?
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
People, I beg of you, please stop assuming someone who went to an Ivy is smart
*Swithin's Ffs, it was right in the text. I fucking give up.
It's St Swithun's day guys. Summer's fucked.. sorry.
Reposted byAvatar Mike OG
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
It's St Swithun's day guys. Summer's fucked.. sorry.