Miss Riss

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Miss Riss


I will always cherish the original misconception I had of you

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Just a heads up this program ends July 31 so get yours asap
Residents without health insurance or people whose health care plans don’t cover all vaccine costs can get a free COVID-19 vaccine through the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. • www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pro...
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
We are such a funny little species. Some of us collect seashells. Others like to "maximize revenue"
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Extremely online. Desiccated. All up in your business.
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Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Them: “There’s more than one way to skin a cat” Me: Eww. WTF is wrong with you?!
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
I get the joke but the sad part is it will always be too little too late. The time for this was at least 30 years ago…
I think I found a glitch in the matrix. I didn't think this sort of thing was acceptable in the media. "The extreme rainfall rate would be expected once in 500 years, the kind of intense rainfall becoming more common as the world warms due to fossil fuel pollution." www.cnn.com/2024/07/17/w...
Flood emergency ongoing in Arkansas after months of rain falls in a few hours | CNNwww.cnn.com A flash flood emergency was posted in Arkansas and creeks and rivers were rising rapidly in Missouri Wednesday morning amid torrential rain.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
It's big happening on Threads all of a sudden, too. I assume Maddow or somebody must have gone in on it.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
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Who came up with the slogan "the snack that smiles back"? They should be watched closely.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
It's bud-nipping season, people. I'm out here nipping things in the bud. I see a bud, it's getting nipped.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
We're this far into this and reporters *still* haven't figured out that the lies people like Vance tell to justify their attacks on anyone they deem insufficiently MAGA are not sincere.
what the fuck is this dogshit
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
"Three groups that have prevented humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza – including one accused of looting or destroying supplies – have raised more than $200,000 from donors in the US and Israel, the Associated Press and...Shomrim have found" www.theguardian.com/world/articl...
US and Israel allowed tax-deductible donations to groups blocking Gaza aidwww.theguardian.com Three groups that have prevented humanitarian supplies reaching the Palestinian territory have raised over $200,000
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Studies show that what bounces off me sticks to you
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
They're really going with "National Conservatism," huh
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
I was the only video journalist there all three days. It was basically Project 2025 the conference and no one bothered to cover it outside of extremist reporters and David Weigel.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Referencing past behavior and clear patterns and observable truth = biased journalism now
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Remaining politically unbiased requires staying neutral on matters like evidence, relevant past behavior, clear patterns, obvious lies, and observable truth.
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
We are watching traditional journalism dissolve into uselessness in realtime
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
The entitlement social has taught people to feel in terms of access/responsiveness is SOMETHING. A stranger on the internet does not owe you a response or attention??
“But this [insert cause/opinion/thought] is important!” Yeah bud, so is everything. The world is on fire in multiple ways. Idk what to tell you except your brain is not everyone’s brain lol
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
#TeamOrca "Angry Birds Take on Drones at New York City Beach American Oystercatchers are attacking drones that have been deployed to scan for sharks and swimmers in distress." archive.ph/kP66L
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
We hope you are enjoying the Bluesky Stanford Prison Experiment, Day 417. Would you like to be an inmate, a guard or a scientist today?
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Peter Thiel, Planatir, Cambridge Analytica, JD Vance, Project 2025, and more - it’s an ecosystem of theft, profiteering, misogyny, racism, transphobia, capture of government, undermining rule of law, genocidal glee, and more. Look these up, learn about them, this is what’s now center stage
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
What did we do online back before social media again? Like shoppin or lookin at catalogs or somethin?
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
on my way to deliver you peace (violence) and prosperity (adversity) 🤗
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
blue seems high tbh
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
Just a note here: The studios have apparently decided that the Set Designers are the members of IATSE that they are going to try to screw. It cannot work. It must not work. It will not work. Solidarity!
Reposted byAvatar Miss Riss
he's going to become the cowboy bob orton of wearing an ear cast
How long does the bandage stay on? I'm guessing at least two months. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still on come election day.