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Cleveland, Ohio
main difference between the New York Times political desk in 2016 is that back then they were against Clinton. today they are objectively for Trump
A thread on today’s “ remarkably one-sided “The Morning” newsletter by Michael C. Bender. /1
J.D. Vance’s Why Donald Trump tapped Vance to be his successor.
Which apparently must include Lester Holt
A fun fact about JD Vance is that he's openly backed purging anyone who disagrees with him from the government, comparing it to "de-Nazification," and illegally defying court orders to do so.
Rule of law is severely underrated. You’ve lived with it for so long you take it for granted. It’s partially gone already, and if it fully goes—if a criminal and putschist gains executive power with the blessing of corrupt judges—you will seriously miss it. Once gone, it’s very hard to get back.
It’s all 100% masks off at this point, lads.
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
They have no intent of the outcome of the coming election to be anything but Trump regardless of what the voting result is.
Democrats and media figures who respond to just about anything happening with variations on “this helps Trump” are cynical, defeatist, and wrong. It’s not true, and plays into the extremist strategy of asserting inevitability. Republicans do it because they want it to work. Why would anyone else?
And this is why the Biden campaign needs to start doing it ASAP to break this cycle
This person should resign alright
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
I thin Axelrod is way more likely
that must be the DEI hire the conservatives keep mentioning that will turn out to be some white guy
Look obviously the Biden team shouldn’t intimate that it’s alright for people to shoot at Trump, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to come out in force and say “this is what happens when you a dedicate your political career to normalizing political violence. This is the world Trump wanted.”
I thought I read once where in Britain they started requiring some pill people would use for suicide be individually bubble wrapped and the number of pills per package were limited to a number that made suicide difficult, and deaths from it dropped by a 1/3rd, or some such.
Heard this too. Just utter bullshit. Trump: “Any election I don’t win is rigged. Immigrants poison the blood of our country. We will root out the vermin.” Democrats: “He’s saying dangerous things.” CNN: “Both sides are responsible for the political climate in this country.”
Scott Jennings on CNN right now saying this is on Dems for saying Trump will end democracy on the US. And Bash and Blitzer are like, yes, we have to tamp down the rhetoric on both sides. Absolute marks. Jesus Christ.
If Democrats allow the party of "2nd amendment solutions" to control this narrative, they are truly incompetent.
We now have several of them doing it including alleged VP choice Vance
This is to head fake Biden into dropping mentioning Project 2025 and that Trump is a facsist
i forget if you were the one maybe 3 months ago or so made a comment on here on what a good album it was, so i bought it on a lark, and love it
now they are reporting someone else hit
re the bonking theory 1) it was right where he grabbed before he was knocked down and 2) there was a lot of blood from it so really not just any cut
which exactly tracts what happened in germany
. . . you are about to see the republicans adopt this and demand that biden quit talking about their fascist plan
if they come to power and implement it i truly think the dead will be measured in the 100ks, at least.
/3 Plus there’s the militarization and mobilization of “private” forces — the go-ahead signal to the “stand down and stand by” Trump supporters who are going to be given the wink and the nod to forcibly detain, and kill “in self defense”, non-whites they think must be illegal.
/2 It’s also the vast militarization it’s going to require. We’re going to be an occupied nation. Detention of citizens and lawful residents is inevitable and in fact clearly intended. Large-scale violence against immigrants, suspected immigrants, and bystanders is inevitable and clearly intended.
No one important was punished for Jan 6 so the incident has been backfilled as normal and fine. They wouldn't describe it this way if Trump had been put in cuffs on Jan 20th
This is mostly a decent article but calling insurrectionists "thousands of protesters" is certainly a choice
The theory is that by wrecking the 2024 election, they can throw the choice of President to house delegations where the Republican is certain to prevail. This is insurrection, a coup and needs to actually be dealt with as such. If your plan is to sue them and win, you've already lost.
The Republican Party and its conservative allies are engaged in a "wide-ranging and methodical effort" to lay "the groundwork to contest an election that they argue, falsely, is already being rigged against former President Donald J. Trump."
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.
The alarms are blinking red. Trump's allies are plotting a second coup attempt right out in the open. We should fear a genteel January 6 with fewer riots and more lawsuits; the means may differ but the intent is the same.
While the Democratic Party decides which presidential candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, the Republican Party focuses on making sure that the election doesn't matter. Plan accordingly.
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.