
if you think this is definitely going to be held unconstitutional, please note that in 2019 the Supreme Court held that a giant cross on public land did not violate the Constitution
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
2nd amendment doesn’t apply to states either, right?
If you want laws that make sense, sure. But Thomas will say 2A creates an individual right, so it's incorporated. Just like he said the free expression clause creates an individual right, so it's incorporated while the establishment clause *in the same amendment* should not be.
Hey, the only thing that stops a bad lawyer with shitty theories of constitutional interpretation is a good lawyer with sensible theories of constitutional interpretation!
That or a bottle of gasoline and a match
I mean fundamentally the core competency of the GOP justices is “working backwards to a legal-ish rationale for whatever the right wants”; it’s calvinball.
95% of people who’ve gone to law school hate this shit, there’s just massive affirmative action in the form of judicial appointments for the freaks who don’t.
The 2nd doesn’t create anything. It affirms a congenital and individual right. Unless you’re honestly suggesting that it’s the one time in the entire Constitution that “the people” doesn’t actually mean “the people?”
You want to get pedantic about "create" vs. "affirm"? Go dig up Scalia and argue with him.
Our rights do not come from government. Full stop. Government is instituted to protect the rights we already have. Scalia’s take on any number of things was wrong, including this.
He’s not wrong that incorporation only applies to individual rights. He’s wrong to say the establishment clause isn’t an individual right.
I waffle a bit on the former, but I agree with you 100% on the latter.
Well no because the point of conservatism is that they win and you lose. (Which you probably know ofc)
Yeah, the way to go is attack it for being anti-Catholic, not anti-establishment.
The catholic commandments are different than the Protestant commandments too!
Yup, that's the path. If you can't win because the refs aren't playing fair, play the refs.
Maybe SCOTUS will simply rule that every classroom must post every version of the 10C. Some wallpaper manufacturer will become unimaginably wealthy.
That might be what keeps it away from SCOTUS. If the LA courts rule it's unconstitutional as an affront to the denominations that recognize only their own version of the 10C, I don't think SCOTUS would touch it.
They won’t rest until any sane or decent person will be suppressing a feeling of nausea at any religious symbol, word or idea. They’re doing more for atheism than 100 atheist subreddits ever could.
My guess is that’ll be a concurrence and the majority will be Roberts copy/pasting Rehnquist’s Stone v Graham dissent claiming the Ten Commandments are secular.
It's separation of church and state, not separation of church and the states.
Am I misremembering that some states basically had established churches in the early 1800s? Massachusetts specifically
Cannot wait to see what flag Martha Ann is gonna celebrate with tonight
AND that it was totally okay for a football coach to pray with his team after a game
Which is funny because that wasn't what was happening. At all. Man was a lying bully who resigned from coaching to go on his grift immediately
Bong Hits for Jesus should have been argued as a free exercise case and not free speech.
They are coextensive though
The best argument for this Court is that Louisiana has chosen a distinctly Protestant form of Establishment, which obviously and invidiously discriminates against Catholics
No, you see, it’s only on the wall for its general Western cultural relevance. It’s a benign acknowledgment of the role played by monotheism in American history.
Yes, this is the play. The creche plus santa plus menorah, public school version. BUT...the mistake was to make the other junk optional and the commandments required
And the application to university classrooms makes it hard to claim a "history, man" defense too -- what function is the 10 commandments serving in a dance studio or astronomy classroom or Chinese history class?
Well whatever purpose it is it certainly won’t be a coercive one to Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas. Very curious where the other three conservatives go on this with Lemon cut out from under Stone and McCreary County.
Maybe but some of those three think the establishment clause protects against favoring a particular religion. And for some of them, this is not the religion they favor
“Thou shalt not slouch during bar work”
I wouldn’t bet on how this will shake out, but a state explicitly signing into statute a statewide policy strikes me as significantly harder for the justices to spin & mischaracterize than the football coach’s pregame prayers
It's just good advice for everyone regardless of religion. Are you saying it's wrong to teach kids not to steal, or murder, or covet, or worship any other god but the Judeo-Christian God? What's specifically religious about any of that?
I was so ready to flame after the first line or so
I believe the Judeo- part is cancelled due to Jewish permissiveness on abortion
You all laugh, but Aronow v United States is standing right behind you
Also more recently ordered funding has to go religious schools, and also gave its blessing to mandatory school prayer (albeit in that case they did it by lying their asses off and saying the mandatory school prayer they were allowing wasn't happening).
Can’t wait for Thomas, writing for the majority, explaining that at the time of the founding, there were no laws against this sort of thing and really, one can simply look away if they’re offended.
And the 14th amendment can't incorporate the establishment clause because...history and tradition?