older.bsky.social follows

David Woodruff
David Woodruff
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, LSE. CPE, central banks, monetary history, intellectual history of social science, Karl Polanyi, complaining about neoliberalism, etc.
Amy O'Halloran
Amy O'Halloran
IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar at University College Cork. Author of "The Normative Role of the Circular Plastics Alliance in the EU’s Transition towards a European Circular Economy for Plastics" published by @SpringerNature
Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe
climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
Annika Barber
Annika Barber
Drosophila enthusiast. Assistant Professor of Mol Bio and Biochem at Rutgers U. Runner. Uses brain to think about brains. All around curious person.
Keren Landsman
Keren Landsman
Mother of people, cats, epi curves and books.
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Charlie Stross
Charlie Stross
SFF author. Mostly on Mastodon: @[email protected]

Blog: https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/

I now block follows from suspected bot accounts. Following exactly 20 people and no posts/replies and no user icon? Get in the bot bin!
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Jessica Luther
Jessica Luther
Investigative journalist, mainly sports. Wrote a couple books. Currently writing a dissertation on the Univ of Texas women's bball team in the 1970s. Tall. Tired. She/Her. Austin, TX https://www.jessicawluther.com/
portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
direct complaints to https://golikehellmachine.com
Wool-Encased Tea Addict
Wool-Encased Tea Addict
Mostly a feminist liberal screaming leftie fangirl. No tolerance for fascism. AO3: Rhyolight She/her, cis, historically het. Probably older than you are. Tea. Can't quit the NHL. Western MA
Kate Clancy
Kate Clancy
Feminist science professor at the University of Illinois. Obsessed with the uterus, even when it's being shitty. Author of PERIOD: The Real Story of Menstruation. Writing about pregnancy loss next. 🏳️‍🌈 www.kateclancy.com
Sarah E. Bond
Sarah E. Bond
Enjoyer of reality tv, mayo, Rome

Assoc. Prof. of History at Iowa & contributor at Hyperallergic. Next Book: Strike: Labor, Unions & Resistance in the Roman Empire (YUP 2025)

Our newsletter, Pasts Imperfect, is here: https://pastsimperfect.substack.com
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
Nnedi Okorafor, PhD
*THE* Naijamerican PhD-holding, World Fantasy, multi-Hugo, Nebula, Eisner Award-winning, New York Times bestselling rudimentary cyborg writer
Annie Boustead
Annie Boustead
Associate Professor, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona. I mostly study drugs, surveillance, and privacy - sometimes separately and sometimes together.
Adam Sharp
Adam Sharp
1. Writer (https://www.adamsharp.me/)
2. Obsessed with lists
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse
Bot account of Henri Matisse, a French painter, draftsman, sculptor, and printmaker.
Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious
Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious
Science communicator, artist
She/Her 🏳️‍🌈
Views = mine

🛰️ Comms Lead at NASA
🦆 DCSWA Board Member
🎨 The Science Writer Graphics Editor
📃 Freelance work
Brian Merchant
Brian Merchant
author of Blood in the Machine, tech writer, luddite

newsletter: https://www.bloodinthemachine.com/
Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by @atlastalos.bsky.social

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)
Joseph Fink
Joseph Fink
I write things
Sean Markey
Sean Markey
publisher of death @ Psychopomp.com | TheDeadlands.com
I write about the Franklin Expedition and other parts of history heavy on the “doomed” and “ill-fated” side of things. I also have a sideline in petting cats in Victorian cemeteries.

MD-ANT. NUJ member.

Michael Hobbes
Michael Hobbes
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Amaro Tuninetti, Ph.D. 🦇
Amaro Tuninetti, Ph.D. 🦇
🦇 scientist
echolocation, bioacoustics, fútbol, photography
he/him/his 🇦🇷
Helen Branswell
Helen Branswell
I cover infectious diseases for STAT (www.statnews.com). 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. I write about H5N1 (in all species), Covid, polio, flu, Ebola, RSV, mpox, STIs.
Alana Vincent
Alana Vincent
Historian of Religion. Migrant (currently based in Sweden). Bad at gender, worse at writing bios, absolutely incapable of refraining from profanity. I do stuff involving religion and literature and genocide, usually all at once.
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Squid biologist
Science communicator
Executive Director of Skype a Scientist
Creator of the SquidMobile
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Software engineer from gaza trying to survive

Follow me on instagram
Jodi McAlister
Jodi McAlister
Romance author, romance scholar. Senior Lecturer in Writing, Literature & Culture at Deakin (Naarm/Melbourne). My latest rom-com, Not Here To Make Friends, is out now.
Science News Explores
Science News Explores
Science News Explores is for readers of any age, from middle school on up. https://linktr.ee/sn.explores See also @sciencenews.bsky.social🧪
KS Walker
KS Walker
Spec fic. Bikes.Books.
Words in Uncanny, F&SF, FIYAH, Apex and elsewhere
VP 2022
Mark Doyle
Mark Doyle
Historian of Britain, Ireland, empire, music, etc. Once wrote a book on the Kinks. Now working on John Cale's Paris 1919 for 33 1/3 books, plus a thing on African-descended people in Irish history. Here because I want to spend more time with my phone.
Hans Laroes
Hans Laroes
Journalist. Lid RvT Investico, researchjournalistiek. Lid bestuur Bevrijdingsfestival Overijssel. voorzitter MUG, gratis blad voor mensen die ‘t moeilijk hebben / Amsterdam. Oud-hoofdredacteur NOS. Aardiger dan op X. Woont in Zwolle en is opa
Kirsten Verdel
Kirsten Verdel
Bestuurskundige | Amerikadeskundige | Campagnestrateeg | Partner bij Publyon | Seriejunkie | Trekkie | Motorrijder | Moeder van 3 http://bit.ly/2TNvNol http://bit.ly/2Cd0zj8
Petra de Koning
Petra de Koning
Politiek verslaggever NRC & Columnist, Auteur 'Mark Rutte'
Sheila Sitalsing
Sheila Sitalsing
Simon Otjes
Simon Otjes
Political Scientist | Leiden University | Political Parties | Voting | Parliaments | Interest Groups
Dennis Knetemann
Dennis Knetemann
Just posting over alles art, design, tech, media, photography, archi, space, beers, nintendo & digital awesomeness. En Ajax. ⚽️ 👟 🕹 🍻 💫 🌵 🏳️‍🌈

👨🏼‍💻 www.epic.nl
✏️ www.kekness.nl
Marcus Lucas
Marcus Lucas
Famous political and other news and opinion. Independent but not impartial. Leftist right, centrist, progressive, social. Think tank. In Dutch and English
Julia Wouters
Julia Wouters
Auteur van De Zijkant van de Macht | Eigenaar Julia Wouters Leading Women | FD Columnist | Podcast De Spindoctors | www.juliawouters.nl |
Haagse Insider
Haagse Insider
De enige echte officiële Haagse Insider op Bluesky.

Al meer dan 20 jaar een mot dichtbij de vlam van de macht.
#VPRO | Mediaplatform voor spraakmakende, originele verhalen en ideeën die de wereld verrijken
Robert Reich
Robert Reich
Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor. Co-founder of Inequality Media. Substack: http://robertreich.substack.com | Mastodon: http://masto.ai/@rbreich | LinkTree: linktr.ee/rbreich
Tom Gauld
Tom Gauld
Cartoonist and Illustrator. My latest book of cartoons, REVENGE OF THE LIBRARIANS, is out now! www.tomgauld.com
Mitchell Epner
Mitchell Epner
Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
Daniel Nichanian. Editor in chief of @bolts.bsky.social
The Fake History Hunter
The Fake History Hunter
I hunt fake history and correct it, but also post amazing real history stuff. Rude, obscene, vulgar, racist people who can't act like grown-ups get blocked.
Adam (human animal)🍉
Adam (human animal)🍉
He/him. دمي فلسطيني

Grandson of Nakba survivors. Son of a Naksa survivor. Free Palestine 🇵🇸. Support local ⚽️.

📍Shawnee, Kaskaskia, & Ofo lands
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
If you need to contact me, DM via Twitter or use my inbox.