James - No The Other One

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James - No The Other One


Too old too fast
"Years ago, he said, my aunt was babysitting and she walked in on a man molesting his son. He named the man, a prominent pastor in their church. For a moment, the only sounds were the pops and crackles of the fire. Then another man spoke up: That same pastor ... his son abused my sister."
This megachurch warned of hell. Then it concealed its own sins.www.thebaltimorebanner.com A campfire confession exposes decades of child sex abuse claims at Baltimore megachurch — and inspires a group to seek justice for alleged victims.
Prisoners in Florida are forced to work grueling jobs under threat of solitary confinement or worse — and they are not paid for the work they do. Meanwhile, they are charged $50 a day and have to pay to buy toiletries and food. They leave prison in debt. www.theguardian.com/us-news/arti...
One might wonder—where would he get such an idea? What led an off-duty security guard to deputize himself to murder a random teenager? Good rhetorical questions! Let's talk about the so-called "supreme" court, bump stocks, and other cruel luxuries. Full Essay: www.the-reframe.com/cruel-luxuri...
Cruel Luxurieswww.the-reframe.com Those who insist that we all as a society pay the cost of a serious problem they are creating, just so that they can imagine themselves to be the solution. Things we could never afford and should stop...
A tradwife used the n-word on a TikTok, as you may have heard. I dug into the story. It's what you'd suspect: She wants to be a "cancel culture" martyr. But it's getting harder to get "canceled," so the trolls are getting more extreme. An analysis. www.salon.com/2024/06/17/a...
A tradwife drops a racist slur: Why the right's trolling economy made this moment inevitablewww.salon.com Cashing in as a "cancel culture" martyr is getting harder, so attention addicts have to get more extreme
Some basic descriptive accounts of a) the role of private equity and b) the prison system cannot be described without the word “evil” coming to mind. Here, they combine to deny in person visits so they can charge families for videos meetings. www.newyorker.com/magazine/202...
My apologies to the Italians I wasn’t familiar with your game
Campaign ad that includes the correct precise numbers. Scrolling text: 60 courts rejected Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen. 900 people convicted or pled guilty to January 6 crimes. 10 Trump lawyers disbarred or facing disciplinary or criminal charges. 1/
Hey, perhaps some of the critiques of the Trump prosecution are valid. I propose we have a neutral legal expert look at them, have legal representatives from both the prosecution and the defense make their cases with evidence and testimony, and then have a group of 12 citizens render a judgment.
OK but imagine if all unions were as strong and effective as cop unions. “Criticize a plumber? We’ll orchestrate the death threats against your family.” “Any electrician who kills someone has a contractual right to a 48-hour break before talking to anyone about it.”
A friendly May Day reminder that cops aren’t workers and never have been. Their continued inclusion in our unions (and of police “unions” within the @aflcio.bsky.social) remains a stain on the entire labor movement. They’re just bosses with a license to kill www.teenvogue.com/story/what-t...
There’s No Room for Police Unions in the Labor Movementwww.teenvogue.com No other union employees are allowed to kill other human beings.
Very hard to see how any of this police response makes anyone safer. It's clearly just counter protesters with a monopoly on violence flexing.
A university president that escalates a situation calling the police on non-violent students is a university president that should be unemployed.
Somewhere around 12% of the U.S. population—virtually all of them Republicans—saw the tremendous success of the COVID vaccines and decided to become *less* supportive of mandatory MMR vaccination for children in public school.
taking a very hard line on “everyone should have to get vaccines” is, like being vocally pro Ukraine and pro Palestine, a great way to find new people to block
A stunning statement from the American Association of University Professors, Barnard and Columbia Chapters. “We have lost confidence in our president and administration, and we pledge to fight to reclaim our university.” drive.google.com/file/d/1rciM...
Good day at work. For sure.
Last week I received a letter telling me that I had violated LAPD IP with my FUCK THE LAPD design. Today my lawyer @questauthority.bsky.social responded.
I confess, my usually sunny and optimistic nature has taken a bit of a hit dealing with the security and lines at the San Francisco airport.
mojo dojo casa church ass movement
Pastor Mark Driscoll was kicked off stage at a Christian men’s conference after ranting about how a shirtless, pole-climbing, sword-swallowing acrobat brought a “Jezebel spirit” to the room. In other news, more people are ditching organized religion. www.friendlyatheist.com/p/christian-...
Christian Men's Conference descends into chaos over sword-swallowing acrobatwww.friendlyatheist.com "You’re out of line, Mark… You’re done," Mark Driscoll was told after comparing the performance to a stripper routine
You, actually, never have to ask John Bolton about anything at all.
Bidenomics = Strong economy, especially for people who work for a living. New jobs reported were MUCH higher than consensus estimates had predicted. Unemployment is down to 3.8%. Wage growth > inflation rate. TELL A FRIEND! finance.yahoo.com/news/us-econ...
US economy adds 303,000 jobs, unemployment falls to 3.8% in March as labor market continues to impressfinance.yahoo.com The latest update on the labor market showed further signs of resilience while wage growth eased.