
Then re-issue the request as a subpoena, c'mon guys, whatchudoin
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice Roberts rejects request by Democratic senators to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy.
Ds: "Will you please come to a hearing that is structured to make you look bad?" Person: lol, no Ds: "oh well, worth a try, guess we're all out of ideas"
The subpoena should say “you will be speaking tomorrow at 9:00 am. It will be televised on Cspan. It will continue day to day until completed. It will be under oath. If you are ten seconds late there will be federal marshals and handcuffs to get you in your seat.”
"The committee is legislating on whether the supreme court ethics code is enforceable, whether it should be formalized into law, and how it or a contempt interacts with the good behavior clause, or should factor into senate rules about the relevant standard when cited against judges for impeachment"
“And also investigating whether you all remain eligible for your offices under the fourteenth amendment”
"we will consider implementing a law which automatically expands the court when existing members are found to engage in treason, to protect against corrupt votes in favor of insurrectionists by balancing them out"
perhaps there’s a university president they could invite?
I hear Claudine Gay isn’t busy.
I mean --- If an endless parade of university presidents can do it, then surely a Supreme Court justice can!
Are idiots like Durbin the least bit responsive to outreach from non-constituents? I know the general answer is "no" but it seems like people in various degrees of leadership should be.
They don’t have the votes to force the issue. It is up to the electorate to provide them the people on Congress to take action. Sad, and angering and also true.
Do something that would be wildly popular with your base? Not sure that's allowed.
but pwn don’t you know that any sort of accountability to another branch actually infringes on separation of powers??? (I wish I could be certain that I’m just making this up and it wasn’t something someone has actually said before)
i'm assuming that the response to a subpoena would also be "lol no" but i guess it's worth making them do it
Of course, but you run it as a ratchet, and it goes like this: A: Please come talk about this B: No A: Here's a subpoena B: for separation of powers reasons, no A: The committee is now legislating on Supreme Court ethics, new subpoena B: no A: we are holding you in contempt B: ok let's litigate it
A: OK, files complaint B: You're really gonna do this, huh? A: Yep. If we have to, we'll take this all the way up to the ... OH B: Yeah. ... B: We good?
Sure, but the point isn't to win that fight, it's to make it constantly in the news
If Ds aren't willing to say "this is a big deal" loudly and consistently, then why on earth would the electorate think it is a big deal?
Make it so that the median voter thinks Alito's first name is "Embattled"
Exactly! We need to get the apolitical bulk of voters wondering what the hell IS going on with those unelected SCOTUS judges?!
Also, Americans have at best, an average education on gov & civics but a common theme almost everyone knows is that the co-equal branches of government provide checks and balances for each other, so you can paint ignoring a hearing subpoena as a great deviation from norms that most folks understand.
We need to do the thing and deal with the backlash, not decide in advance that the backlash will win and back off.
Eventually you get to an executive saying loudly that SCOTUS cannot be above the law. That's part of the ratchet too. It's all pressure and eventually they either capitulate, or as says, you start taking away their keys, funding. Every step builds coalitional support to that end.
Yes. This has to position the court expansion and reform legislation by Congress.
An inborn awareness of the benefits of sportsmanship, as befits any Yale man worth his salt?
Durbin should be snarky with the corrupt John Roberts. Ask Roberts what he needs to have a meeting, luxury vacation? luxury RV motorhome? insurrection flags for his homes? Durbin should ask Roberts should he "Appeal to Heaven" for help getting a meeting?
Durbin needed to include lots of cash in his letter to Roberts. Robert's 'Pay to Play' Republican controlled Supreme Court. "...wife of Chief Justice John Roberts, made more than $10 million...matched top lawyers ... some that had cases before the Supreme Court ...",
Chief Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million As Legal Consultant, Report The Supreme Court has come under intense scrutiny lately over a series of reports suggesting potential conflicts of interest.
Great question and applies to legions of issues over the past 40 years.
I don't disagree with you, just finishing the conversation :) They absolutely should subpoena him
Yeah, you also write the letters saying openly "this SCOTUS is behaving in a way suggesting that they feel they're above the rules and if they want to dispel that impression, they show up here and explain under oath why they are not."
"If they demonstrate they have no intent to uphold all their obligations under the constitution then we are forced to expand the court to ensure that a majority of the court once again respects the constitution"
That is literally what Republicans do and it's effective.
What would be in the news is "Dems impotently flailing, Court ignoring them," surely?
I'm not dooming, I'm asking (well, I'm not *just* dooming, I'm *also* asking, but I'm not dismissing "that's not how people are going to see it" a priori)
So the media can tell us it's really BoTh SiDeS
This conversation is so frustrating. - dems need to fight - but they’ll lose in court. Dems need to win elections - how do you think they win elections? -……
"Supreme Court Dismisses Supreme Court Ethics Lawsuit 6-3" is in no way a bad headline for Dems though.
won't get that far, but it'll create a ton of noise along the way (which is the point). IOW, you're saying: The Senate will not treat grave ethics problems in its parallel branches as just an issue of squeamishness or decorum, but insists they are serious, and must be answered.
Republicans spend a solid 60-70% of their time on dumb fights that they pick to lose, usually in court, so they can rage about it to their followers. That’s practically everything DeSantis does. They get marketing.
Not enough time to make it happen before the election?
But that would open up the Senate to examinations of THEIR OWN ethics Which, yeah, as a citizen I want that. But if I was a Senator?
I'm pretty sure the NYT Pitchbot can find a way.
you can strongarm SCOTUS with legislation but not with just one chamber