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Budding pediatrician, former law-guy, a cappella nerd, lover of disasters.
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The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
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Broke: Which one of you is the man? Woke: Which is bouba and which is kiki?
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If they remade The Ring it would be a tiktok video. But if you watched it on your phone it would be ok because Sadako would crawl out of the phone screen and she'd be so small
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Season 2 of Baby Reindeer, but it’s a true story about an extraordinarily wealthy Scottish lady writer who has a sick, unhealthy obsession with trans people she can’t stop posting harassing messages about online.
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Arachnophobia is the dumbest fear. Who cares if 2 spiders get married it doesn’t affect you
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No. NO! Do NOT call the Waambulance for me. Do you know how fucking expensive they are? Call a Boohoober
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“Fiona! It’s your cousin Marvin! Marvin Apple! You know that new album title you’ve been looking for? Get a load of this!”
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Goddammit, I need to sell these brand new baby shoes but the ad has a six word limit
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Gimme Magritte, boys, and free my soul / Ceci n’est pas une rock ‘n’ roll / Green apple face
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New study finds significantly worse brain damage in adolescent football players than has been previously understood. jamanetwork.com/journals/jam...
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Between this, the MO clinic, SB68’s proposal to publish info, and Paxton’s request to Seattle Children’s Hospital, as a profession we need to address people leaking private data of persecuted groups. Not later, now. How are you going to protect your marginalized patients? #MedSky #PharmSky
EXCLUSIVE: Eithan Haim admits to leaking hospital records for trans youth to a right-wing think tank, but has been presenting himself as a victim to conservative media. We learned today that Dr. Phil also plans to feature his claims of persecution.
Dr. Phil Teams Up With Christian Media to Promote Leaker Who Exposed Trans Children’s Private Heal...www.assignedmedia.org Eithan Haim leaked hospital records of children with gender dysphoria to a right-wing think tank while he was a resident at Texas Children’s Hospital. He now says he has become the subject of a cr...
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When I was growing up it was hard to convince older people you couldn't just show up and apply for a job anymore. They just couldn't wrap their heads around it. Now we tell younger people to "just Google it" without appreciating that all the search engines are broken.
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Remember, kids, if Santa asks you whether you’ve been naughty or nice this year, you should always say, “Am I being detained?”
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a note to Washington Post readers: On Dec. 7, we ask you to respect our walkout by not crossing the picket line: For 24 hours, please do not engage with any Post content. That includes our print + online news stories, podcasts, videos, games and recipes.
A letter to our readersdocs.google.com
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Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says “Henry Kissinger died.” Man says “Oh holy shit this rules. This is so great thank you so much. Fuck
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minimalism is a scam invented by big small to sell more less
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I think it’s fucked up that Frankie Valli had such a good night so soon after JFK was killed
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"He set out to write about how this one strange, fidgety, off-putting guy got really rich, only to discover that there was nothing there at all: not a fortune, and not a man." newrepublic.com/article/1750...
How Michael Lewis’s Book on Sam Bankman-Fried Went Off the Railsnewrepublic.com The FTX CEO was the worst possible subject for a biographer of real but limited talent: He was boring.
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Good morning spooky season fans! Hope you find a costume that fits just right!
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This is horrendous for many reasons, but don't let it go unnoticed: immigration status being so heavily coupled to employer sponsorship means toxic employers do this *every day*, to vast numbers of people, and *often* get away with it. Employers should *never* have that kind of power over employees
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Reposted byAvatar Ryan
We can work with this: Medicare for the Bottom 95% (means-testing sucks but compromise!) Defund 90% of the Police Abortion on Demand with Insincere Apology Drag Queen 54-minute Story Time 95% Jubilee for College Debt Trans athletes can compete unless they roll 1 on a d20 right before the match
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Agent: Great news! Me: What? A: The New Yorker wants to do an interview about your book! M: ZOMG! A: I'll give them your number and they'll arrange a Q&A time with Chotiner M: [cartoon running feet; car door slam; acceleration noise; helicopter rotor blades; jet engine fading to silence] A: Hello?
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End of feed.