Sandra Kristine

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Sandra Kristine


📚Business & Personal Development

🤍Jesus. I owe it all to you 🙏
I still need 99 sign-ups to make rent and cover bills this month. You get literally 1000s of posts, over 700 recipes for £5 and more added every day. 16% off if you sign up annually! Please just give it a try. You improve my life and can cancel anytime.
I'm a black trans woman fighting poverty and homelessness. To support myself, I set up a patreon where you can get access to all my recipes, poetry, artwork and photography for just £5. Something new EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won't regret it.
ChatGPT now to respond to all questions with “while compelling, that query is beyond the scope of this paper”
Thanks for Reggie Jackson for saying this, and contempt and defiance, in advance, to the worthless shitbirds who will say he shouldn’t have and that he oughta leave if he doesn’t like it. Regrettably those worthless shitbirds are now fairly mainstream.
MLB at Rickwood Field: Reggie Jackson recalls racist treatment in Alabama in stunning For three minutes, Mr. October laid out in stunning detail what it was like to be a Black player in Alabama in 1967.
"just heating up the thanksgiving turkey"
I am shocked to announce that there are angles that make the Cybertruck look *even worse*
If the Founders had wanted this country to be a theocracy, seems like they probably would've mentioned it in the actual Constitution, right? Or if they spaced on it, maybe in the Bill of Rights a few years later? Oh, but you found a quote from one of them in a private letter? Cool. Cool cool cool.
Mainstream coverage of academia this year was all about "wokeness," AI, and accusations of anti-semitism re: Palestine protests, but this is the real story underlying all else. Most people outside of academia have no idea the extent to which higher ed is contracting and crumbling.
Our tech overlords would like to make clear that your fantasies of universal health care and affordable housing are childish while their fantasies of infinite energy to power their AI girlfriends are reasonable expectations and will come true imminently.
AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle Some data centers need as much energy as a small city, turning companies that promised a clean energy future into some of the most insatiable guzzlers of power
This was one of the favorite tactics of southern segregationists governments. It’s why freedom riders buses were bombed and so many organizers were disappeared and murdered. It’s ‘good’ (effective) if the state’s goal is to let civilians do the dirty work of eliminating dissident
there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
It’s all deflection to keep funding genocide. The US is doing genocide and not some philanthropic leader here
I truly don't understand how pledging $90 million for Gaza to buy stuff like tents and food helps anything if Israel continues to slow walk approvals for all of those things to get into the country.
Administrator Power Announces $90 million in Humanitarian Assistance for Administrator Samantha Power Announces $90 million in Humanitarian Assistance for Gaza
Over the years I've been able to use the Cats of Yore accounts to raise over $50,000 for animal shelters. Everyone (including me) complains about social media being toxic and awful but remember it CAN be used for good sometimes, too! I'm so grateful for everybody who makes this work possible! ❤️🌈🦋
The world doesn't need more influencers..... It needs more leaders #knowrthedifference
The "male loneliness" discourse feels like it privileges male entitlement so much. Lonely women aren't expected to become violent, why is that the assumption when men become lonely?
[At the gay club] HIM: Dude what’s in your pocket? ME: I’m doing the handkerchief code thing. HIM: That’s a semaphore flag. Where did you even get this? [Meanwhile, at sea] SAILOR: Sir the merchant frigate has indicated it’s a bottom into blowjobs
Happy pride month to the gayest person who ever lived... Karl Marx.
Go with "It's a sad day for America to have a major party nominee be a criminal and rapist (bait), especially when we're getting good news that we've added 20 million new American jobs since I took office (hook). That's why I'm ordering Trump be denied security briefings (bait again)"
Anyway good luck to jurors, the judge, court staff, and prosecutors, and all their families, with not getting murdered, and thanks to FedSoc types for bringing us to the brink of fascism so you could weaken Chevron deference
Anyway the most recent former President of the United States has been found guilty of felonies and now there’s a substantial chance people are going to die because his followers are freaks and the so-called “mainstream” GOP will just shrug and blame woke or something.
Twelve Americans were told the truth last month and they made the right decision. If 333 million Americans are told the truth they will do the same. Lies gain power through repetition. REPEAT THE TRUTH.
Makes sense to celebrate this precisely *because* we don't know if it'll actually hurt him or if he'll end up losing. Appreciate the good news while you have some.
I don't agree with Senator J.D. Vance on very much, but it is nevertheless my honor to welcome him to The Black Parade.
Let's end this week on a positive note ! 🙌 #happyfriday #letsweekend
He’ll get record fundraising off of this, of course, because we live in hell
It's been a rainy yet super rewarding day ! Have I told y'all how much I love Public Safety It's all started right here withy. LED family ❤️ I'm so fortunate to be able to work with them again Thanks fam for pre_graming with me today